Rifleur Island, this is the name of the next island that Xiaozhi and his team arrive!

It is rich in pearl oysters, so it is also called the Island of Pearl Oysters. After seeing Xiaozhi's Menas, Xiaoyao has never forgotten it.

But she doesn't have the luck to meet an ugly fish, and even if she conquers it, she still doesn't have the ability to cultivate it into such a beautiful Menas. It would be even more impossible to conquer Menas directly!

Her current level is far from enough!

Therefore, she focused on the pearl oyster, which can evolve into a very good-looking cherry blossom fish!

She has never had a water-type Pokémon, so this time she decided to capture a pearl oyster and cultivate it into a beautiful Sakura Fish!

As her trainer level gradually increases, she also begins to actively search for and conquer more Pokémon. This is also her obvious progress from traveling with Xiaozhi until now!

"Hello, please give me some advice!"

The group of people came to the pearl oyster research institute here according to the short introduction in the travel brochure. The person in charge here was named Yi . When he learned the purpose of the group's visit, he happily took them on a tour.

"Look, it’s a pearl oyster!"This is the first time Xiao Sheng has seen a real pearl oyster!

"it's so cute!"Xiaoyao has already made up his mind to conquer one, and girls have absolutely no resistance to treasures like pearls!

"This is the pearl grown from the pearl oyster!"Mr. Isaki showed the group a picture of the pearl oyster producing pearls. A pearl will appear behind the pearl oyster body, a real pearl the size of a fist! The pearl oyster is protected by a strong shell and can only produce one pearl in its lifetime!

Legend has it that this kind of pearl is not only gorgeous, but also has a powerful ability to increase spiritual power. Previously, Xiaozhi and his friends helped a jumping pig find the pearl on its head, which actually came from pearl oysters!

"But all the pearl oysters you see here don’t have pearls yet!"Although Mr. Izaki said this, he still showed a blue pearl collected here to everyone.

"It turns out there are pearls of this color!"This kind of blue pearl is more profound and charming than the ordinary pink one. Xiaoyao was already stunned,"It's so beautiful!"

"This was discovered by accident. It is very rare because it is very rare. The process of color change is not yet understood. I have also done various research to understand that this will result in pearls of different colors!"This should be the research topic that Mr. Isaki is solving!

Pokémon is really amazing, isn't it?

Since Xiaoyao wants to conquer a pearl oyster, Xiaozhi and his team bid farewell to Mr. Isaki and set foot on the island. Today,

Xiaoyao has understood that subduing is not just about throwing the ball casually!

It is a process of communication and mutual recognition between the Pokémon and the trainer!

Therefore, she is also looking forward to the encounter with her. That pearl oyster!

"Didn’t it say that there are many pearl oysters on the island?"Searching all the way along the beach, the group couldn't find a single pearl oyster. Xiaosheng couldn't help but complain. Xiaoyao also lost his temper,"Hunt the swallowtail butterfly and get on the stage!"

She actually threw the elf ball for hunting swallowtail butterflies,"Please go find the pearl oyster!"

Searching from the air, I didn't expect that she would come up with this idea!

This is of course a good idea. Xiaozhi used to often let Pidgeots and Nighthawks look for the target Pokémon.

Now he has obtained the Wave Guide. Naturally, there is no need to be so troublesome.

The efficiency of hunting swallowtail butterflies is really high. It flew back after a while and took the group to the gravel stall on the beach. There was a pearl oyster lying there leisurely and basking in the sun.!

"Sister, look!"Xiao Sheng exclaimed again!

In the shell of the pearl oyster, there was a pearl lying next to its body!

The pearl oyster actually produced a pearl!

"Okay, let me conquer it!"Xiaoyao encouraged herself. The challenge before her now is the gravel beach in front of her!

Since it is a conquering battle, Xiaozhi will never help!

He also threw out the giant tooth shark and the mini dragon. Poke ball, let them go to the sea to bully the wild Pokémon. Who knew that these two would start fighting in the sea, turning the sea upside down! Fortunately, it was still calm on the shore, and it did not affect Xiaoyao's side. The battle of conquest!

"Sister, be careful!"

Looking at Xiaoyao walking towards the pearl shell step by step, Xiaosheng was so nervous. Xiaoyao's athletic quality is not strong. If he falls, the consequences will be disastrous!

Soon, they can no longer see Xiaoyao's body. Figure!

"It's okay, she walks very steadily!"Xiao Zhi's body is always glowing with a faint blue light, and he is always paying attention to the battle between the giant tooth shark and the mini dragon in the sea, as well as Xiao Yao's figure!

"Sister, come on!"Xiao Sheng couldn't help shouting loudly.

Xiaoyao had already summoned his two strongest trump cards. The strong chicken with fighting attributes was much stronger than her in terms of balance, and with its help , she just crossed a lot of difficult roads!

Hunting Swallowtail provided support from the air, and even wrapped worm silk around her waist as a safety rope!

"arrive!"Finally arrived in front of Pearl Shell, Xiaoyao was down to earth and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She raised the elf ball and squatted down in front of Pearl Shell.

"Pearl oyster, I want to conquer you!"

The pearl oyster that was basking in the sun suddenly closed its shell. This kind of Pokémon will use its shell to hold its prey so that the prey cannot escape. Of course, this is also an extremely powerful defense!

Xiaoyao was not very surprised, but he endured it. He said softly,"Xiao Zhi said that a pearl oyster will only give birth to one pearl in its lifetime. After that, it will be the best time to evolve. Do you want to evolve?" I can help you!"

Hearing this, this pearl oyster really opened its shell slowly!

The round body showed a lazy look, but the eyes just couldn't open, showing its cuteness and naivety.

A water column suddenly shot out from the shell, and it was sizzling again. Xiaoyao had a look on his face.

Xiaoyao smiled bitterly. She really had some backlash against the water Pokémon, but she didn't give up. She thought to herself,"Do you want to conquer the battle?""

There should be no need to conquer the battle. This pearl oyster opened its shell completely, and a smile appeared on its lazy face.

"Pearl Oyster, please give me some advice!"

Xiaoyao's heart moved, and she suddenly seemed to understand what Pearl Shell was thinking. She immediately stopped hesitating and knocked the Poké Ball on the shell. This was Xiaoyao's fifth Pokmon. Unknowingly, she was about to collect all of her own. team

"Pearl Oyster, take the stage!"She released the pearl shell again, and saw that the gorgeous pearl was pushed in front of her by the main body.

"Did you give it to me?"Xiaoyao held it up and said,"Thank you, I will cherish it!"


Many people guessed that Xiaoyao's pearl oyster would immediately evolve into a cherry blossom fish!

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