On Ganga Island, although Xiaozhi missed this gorgeous competition, he had a good battle with Yan Qingshui and others. Their strength was indeed very good, and Xiaozhi earned a lot of exchange points.

Xiaozhi still prefers battles between trainers. Although gorgeous battles are also fun, they always feel like they can't have enough fun.

Without Xiaozhi as the big devil, Xiaoyao lived up to expectations and won this gorgeous competition. This is her third ribbon medal, and she is only two medals away from getting the opportunity to participate in a gorgeous large-scale celebration!

But next, it’s Ash’s Green Ridge Gym challenge!

Before boarding the ship, Xiaozhi's multifunctional navigator unexpectedly received a contact. The contact person turned out to be the Pokémon investigator, the Dragon King of Kanto!

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, who knew this detail, couldn't help but look stern, knowing that another incident must have happened!

After hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi and his party decisively gave up taking the boat, turned around and returned to the Pokémon Center. Xiaozhi once again replaced all five Pokémon on his body except Pikachu!

This time, it is a joint operation of two Pokémon investigators, which of course requires more powerful help!

You can never be too cautious!

In addition, Xiaozhi also gently touched the eighth Poké Ball stored in his waist, which was its strongest boost.

Dragon God!

During this period of night, in the dead of night, he would summon Rayquaza and ride it high into the sky.

In the training night after night, the power of Rayquaza from the divine beast is constantly awakening and strengthening, and their bonding value is getting higher and higher!

"The decision is yours, Gyarados!"

The blood-red demon god Gyarados is one of the strongest trump cards that Xiaozhi has planned, but now it has a lot to go before it can reach the level of Lao Pang and Lao Ban.

"Is this one of Ash's strongest Pokémon?"Xiaoyao looked at the Gyarados in front of her and couldn't help but froze. The blood-red demon-like posture was like a dream to her!

She had already met Lao Fan and Lao Ban, but This flashing Gyarados is really amazing!

"Are you ready? Do you two really want to go on an adventure with me?"Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng.

Even he himself didn't know the extent of the crisis this time. Xiao Gang was calm enough to at least protect himself, but if something unexpected happened to them, how would he explain it to Mr. Qianli? ?

"Of course we have to go together, I am also a Pokémon trainer! I can definitely help you, we are companions!"Xiaoyao was the first to jump on the back of Gyarados,"Gyarados, I am Xiaoyao, please give me your advice!"

Gyarados looked ferocious, but he smiled kindly at her. This was the companion of his master who he regarded as everything.

"Haha, the Xiaoyao expedition team will follow the investigator Xiaozhi this time to perform a special mission! What will be waiting in front of the Xiaoyao expedition team?"

Xiaoyao pretended to be relaxed. Although she was scared, she is very strong now!

According to the information Du gave during the contact, Xiaozhi and his party headed to the direction of Mengs Island, but they encountered a ship on the way. The red submarine slowly surfaced!


Xiaoyao, who had been looking relaxed just now, suddenly exclaimed. The mission target suddenly appeared in front of them! Since it is red, it should be Team Lava's submarine!

"Gyarados, dive down!"Xiao Zhi and his group had already put on their diving equipment, holding on to the scales of Gyarados, and slowly dived into the water. Now that the submarine began to sail on the water, the group simply boarded it and followed it all the way. Arrive at Team Lava's sea base!

"Report, the third action team, the patrol mission has been completed!"The people on the submarine reported to a red-haired uncle in the base.

Then, the uncle noticed Xiaozhi and his party who had nowhere to hide. They had a clear view here. From his position, he could take in everything in the entire space.!

But the first step of the mission of Xiaozhi and his team has been completed. They have discovered the base location of the Lava Team or the Water Fleet!

Now that it was discovered, Xiaozhi simply walked out with a group of people and faced the red-haired uncle.

"It's you!"When he saw Xiaozhi, Huocun exclaimed, and his face hurt for a while!

Xiaozhi ignored him at all, but looked at the red-haired uncle and smiled calmly,"Are you the boss of the Lava Team, Chi Yansong?"

Amidst the ferocious postures of several big wolf dogs, Xiaozhi can still remain calm and composed. These big black dogs alone are not enough to beat Pikachu alone.

"I didn’t expect you to have heard of my name!"Chi Yansong actually didn't take Xiaozhi seriously at all. He had a very high vision, focusing on the grand plan of expanding the earth, and his goal was the super ancient Pokémon Groudon! No matter how strong Xiaozhi is, He seems to be just a young trainer, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? Can he resist the power of nature?

But in Xiaozhi's opinion, this Red Flame Pine is just a coward with high ambitions and low hands!

"I heard Huo Cun say that you have interrupted their mission several times, but now we are very busy. Before the end of this battle plan, please behave on this ship!"

Chi Yansong's attention was also attracted by Xiaozhi and his team. The entire Lava team didn't notice that a young lady wearing their team uniform took the opportunity to jump out of the submarine and went deep into the base.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Chi Yansong."

Huocun also wanted to remind Chi Yansong of Xiaozhi's strength, but in fact he had already reported these, but Chi Yansong never took it to heart, and instead interrupted,"It doesn't matter, it's about the movement of the water fleet." ?"

"yes!"Huo Cun quickly suppressed his anxiety and replied,"I think they should be sneaking around here. At this point in time, there is no way to confirm the offshore waters of Mengsi Island!"

"Really"Chi Yansong's eyes shone. In his opinion, those in the water fleet must be the ones to pay attention to!

He didn't expect that at this moment, the young lady wearing the uniform of the Lava Team had already arrived in the secret room deep in the base, knocked out the guard in two or three blows, and then revealed her true face!

She is none other than the water fleet operations captain, Izumi!

Opening the door, Izumi finally saw the ultra-ancient Pokémon that their organization had dreamed of, Kyogre!

Moreover, the size of this Kyogre is a bit terrifying, more than twice the size described in the illustrations by Pokémon researchers such as Dr. Oak!

This is the sleeping super-ancient Kyogre that they finally awakened after searching countless ruins!

"Kyogre, let you go free now!"


The previous bug regarding Latios' participation in the conference has also been fixed. Thank you all!

The war is about to begin! Please support! Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

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