"Trainer of mankind! You have the right heart!"

The moment he held the blue bead, he saw the mysterious crest on it flash past. A voice sounded in Xiaozhi's mind, as steady and powerful as a drum! Groudon


Xiaozhi grinned. In an arc, Groudon should still be sealed in the water fleet, but Kyogre has been released and is causing damage to the submarine!

"I need your strength! Please lend me your strength!"

Groudon's voice sounded again. This should be it asking for help from Xiaozhi through the blue bead.

Xiaozhi nodded decisively without any hesitation,"Super ancient beast, it is really an honor for me to fight alongside you!"

The blue bead was integrated into Xiaozhi's body under the helpless eyes of Chi Yansong and everyone else. The power from the super ancient beasts suddenly filled Xiaozhi's body!

This super evolution brought Xiaozhi better than Lao Jian. The feeling is even hotter, as if there are blazing flames burning all over my body!

"Pickup truck?"

Pikachu, whose bond value has reached its peak, sensed Xiaozhi's state and became worried!

No one knows Xiaozhi better than Pikachu. His current physique has been strengthened to a level comparable to that of a fighting type magic due to the bonding evolution of many Pokémon. The strength of the baby, but even so, the power of the super ancient beast is not so easy to bear!

"Damn it, how dare you!"Seeing that the blue bead he used to control Groudon was actually integrated into Xiaozhi's body, Chi Yansong almost went crazy,"Catch him!"

"Yes, come on, big wolfdog! Heiluga!"Homura suppressed his fear of Xiaozhi, and called all the Lava Team members present to throw the Poké Balls!

Dozens of Pokémon immediately surrounded Xiaozhi, and Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng behind him suddenly felt numb with fear. , hugging each other and shivering, but Xiaogang kept looking at Xiaozhi, motionless.

Pikachu suddenly stood in front of Xiaozhi, his cheeks sparkling with electricity, crackling!

Xiaozhi finally opened his eyes, and saw Those eyes were full of scarlet light, and the mysterious crest appeared on his face!

"Firefly light!"Xiao Zhi showed a cruel smile, stretched out his hand and grabbed the hind leg of the first big wolf dog that rushed over,"How dare you compete with the bright moon!"


The big wolf dog was stunned for a moment, and then was thrown with great force and hit several big wolf dogs around him, and they were all thrown away!

"It's up to you, Bangira!"

Swinging several big wolf dogs away casually, Xiaozhi threw the second Poké Ball, and the super ferocious beast Bangira appeared again!


Bangira roared, and the peerless body of more than 3 meters high stood in front of Xiaozhi like an invincible wall. With the bond value reaching its peak, it and Pikachu could also accept the super ancient power inside Xiaozhi's body. The power of the divine beast!

I saw it knocking these puppies away with one punch. They were far inferior to Xiaozhi's Black Luga and Thunder Beast. Now even the little guy Kati Dog can easily defeat them!

Even the attacks of dozens of vicious dogs could not shake Bangila's terrifying body at all!

"hateful!"Huo Cun frowned and was about to throw a new Poké Ball. Xiaozhi's strength had exceeded his imagination.

But the explosion appeared at this moment!

"Everyone, this submarine is about to sink. We need to leave quickly!"Seeing that Chiyansong and Huocun were stunned by the explosion, the red light in Xiaozhi's eyes receded and he quickly led a group of people outside!

"Come back, Bangira! The decision is yours, Gyarados!"Bringing a group of people to the deck, Xiaozhi pushed the three of them down!


The three landed smoothly on Gyarados, and quickly turned back to call Xiaozhi,"What are you going to do?"

"The three of you go to Mengsi Island first. People from the water fleet must already be on Mengsi Island. You must be careful! Du and I still have things to do!"As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, a young man wearing the uniform of Team Lava appeared behind Xiaozhi!

"Xiaozhi, be careful!"

Everyone suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and shouted loudly. However, the young man took off his hat and revealed the handsome red-haired face. It was Long Tianwangdu!

Can the Lava team not lose?

Two people appeared in the team. Spies who are not part of the organization were not discovered from the beginning to the end.

"Xiaozhi, long time no see!"Seeing Xiaozhi's current power, Du was really surprised. It was Shibie Sanri who was impressed. Xiaozhi's power has improved so fast!

This time, the two can fight together again!

"Xiaozhi, you must be careful!"Jiandu also showed up, and Xiaogang and the other two were relieved. Their next task was to sneak into Mengsi Island, find out the deployment of the water fleet and the lava fleet, and provide support for Xiaozhi and his two actions!

Look! Watching the red Gyarados go away, Du couldn't help but smile and said,"Xiao Zhi, you trained the red Gyarados very well! I look forward to the day when you challenge the Guardian Champion of Kanto!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes glowed red, and he smiled confidently,"Du, that day is not far away!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, looking at Team Lava's helicopter taking off, and at the same time threw the elf ball.

"Come out, Kuailong!"

"It's up to you, Charizard!"

The strongest trump cards of Xiaozhi and Du appeared at the same time, and the fierce dragon aura suddenly swept up. The aura of Lao Jie was not weaker than the champion's Kuailong! The fire-breathing dragon glanced at the Kuailong next to him, and suppressed his heart. The fighting spirit, now is not the time for a battle!

Du suddenly's eyes lit up,"This fire-breathing dragon is really getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the day when you come to challenge the championship is not far away!""

At this moment, a dazzling red light appeared on the sea not far away!

I saw the huge whale leaping out of the water, and the last restraints on its body were broken free. The destructive death light belonging to the super ancient beast headed towards Xiaozhi. Calling from here!

Looking from a distance, Xiaozhi has already determined that it is the Kyogre that fell asleep after the battle with Groudon in the super ancient period. Its size is so terrifying, its body length reaches 7 meters.!

This huge body, terrifying power, and attacks can directly blow the submarine into rubbish. No matter how strong Xiaozhi and Du are, they will never dare to attack!

They quickly jumped on the back of their respective flying dragons and headed towards Gai. Go in the direction of Ouka!

Where the red light shines, a blue submarine appears, it is the water fleet!

Shui Wutong, the boss of the water fleet, holds the red bead in his hand and laughs wildly,"The Red Bead" Pearl, convey my will to Kyogre and release the powerful power!"

Another blast of destruction and death. The submarine was already swallowed up by gunpowder smoke. Team Lava's helicopter took off and headed towards Mengs Island!

Seeing this scene, Shui Wutong snorted,"Team Lava is facing Gaio. Ka's power is also helpless! In this case, I will give them the final blow! Do it, Kyogre!"

His crazy ambition was greatly stimulated, and the light of the red pearl became more and more powerful!

Kyogre rushed over, overturning the submarine, and completely sank into the sea!

Fortunately, Xiaoyao and the other two were protected by Gyarados, Finally safe and sound!

Appreciating Kyogre's terrifying power, Shui Wutong laughed wildly,"Kyogre, you belong to me! Next, it’s time for the water fleet to conquer the world!"


These blue orbs and red orbs should not be indigo orbs and vermilion orbs. They are just things made by ancient humans to control them. The plot is set that the blue orb can control Groudon, and the red orb can control It is impossible for Kyogre to return them to their original state.

The picture shows the vermilion orb!

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