This is Ash's seventh gym badge. With only the last one left, he has qualified to participate in the Hoenn Alliance Conference!

That was the second conference championship he was determined to win!

But in comparison, Xiaozhi was even more delighted that the Flame Chicken could complete its evolution. In this way, all nine of his three royal family members had completed their final evolution!

Although the three of them, the Lizard King, are still far from being as good as the Water Arrow Turtle, each of them has great potential and is constantly getting stronger!

Departing from Green Ridge City, Xiaozhi and his party once again embarked on a sea journey. This time their destination was to go to Izabe Island to participate in the gorgeous contest!

Xiaozhi still lacks the last ribbon medal, and Xiaoyao still lacks two. They are both determined to win this gorgeous competition!


The group landed on the island on the way and found a restaurant to sit down for lunch. Unexpectedly, Kojiro came up to them.

Seeing Xiaozhi, he subconsciously exclaimed!

"Kojiro!"Xiao Zhi looked at him and smiled. From the looks of it, the trio of Team Rocket must have been working on this island for a while. This is good, and Xiao Zhi is happy to be quiet!

"Yes, Mr. Xiaozhi, what do you want to order?"Kojiro replied with a wry smile.

"Just watch it! Xiaozhi said and looked at the wind chime next to Kojiro,"This wind chime is pretty good. I can see that you love it very much!""

Speaking of Wind Chime, Kojiro suddenly became energetic,"Of course, even if I suffer a little harder, I won't let Wind Chime starve!"


The wind chime made a calming sound!

Meowth's craftsmanship is indeed good. Xiaozhi and his party were full and well-fed.

"thanks for treatment!"

After ordering some more tea, the group decided to take a break. Xiaogang asked out of curiosity,"By the way, Xiaoyao Xiaozhi, who are you going to compete with in the next gorgeous contest?"

Xiaoyao doesn't have many options, but Xiaozhi has conquered a lot of Pokémon along the way, and each one has been cultivated very well. Fortunately, Xiaozhi doesn't have any difficulty in choosing!


Lalulas hugged the candy given by Xiaozhi and acted very active.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Then let's take Lalulas for the time being!"

"UmI have been traveling at sea recently, and the Sakura Fish are in very good condition! But Bulbasaur, Strong Chicken, Hunting Papilio, and Meowth are also in good condition! It’s so nerve-wracking!"

Xiaoyao is still a little hesitant. Each of her Pokémon has been very good recently. She is also very confident in this conference. Even if she encounters the big devil Xiaozhi, she is confident to defeat it!

"The most important thing about the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest is the coordination and tacit understanding between you and the Pokémon. Your partner should be determined and make a good decision!"The group of people were chatting, and an uncle in a captain's uniform came over to chat.

Seeing this uncle, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up!

Xiaosheng opened his mouth to confirm,"Excuse me, are you Mr. Genji of the Four Heavenly Kings?"

Ever since meeting Daigo and Watari, Xiaozhi has learned about the Four Heavenly Kings and Champions in the Hoenn region, but he doesn't know that Xiaozhi has already fought against the Ice King of Hoenn and even tied.!

Hearing that Xiao Sheng recognized him, Mr. Genji also smiled and said,"So you know about me!

He looked at Xiaozhi with burning eyes,"You are Xiaozhi, right?" I heard Daigo and Bonnie talking about you. You were able to use the Thunder Beast to tie with Bonnie's ace Diya Sea Lion. You are indeed a very powerful young man!"

"Ah, brother, when did you fight against King Bonny?"Xiao Sheng's eyes widened immediately. He was obviously not far away from Xiao Zhi, but he still missed the good show?

On the contrary, Xiao Yao remembered,"Xiao Zhi, is it the aunt from the Zijin Food Court?"

Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded, looked at Genji and said with a smile,"King Bonny didn't use all his strength, but I have already used all my cards and all my means!"

Hearing this, Yuanji looked at Xiaozhi and nodded in recognition, and invited,"If you don't mind, do you want to come to my boat and play?"

Then we must go!

How can we miss such a thing?

Mr. Genji is a man known as the"Man of the Sea", and his ship is also an eye-opener for Xiaozhi and his group.

Look at the light in Xiaozhi's eyes , Yuanji smiled and said,"How about it, Xiaozhi, no matter what kind of strong winds and waves my ship encounters, there is no need to be afraid!""

"Mr. Genji, I also hope to own a big ship like yours one day!"Xiao Zhi really likes this boat, his eyes are shining!

Hearing this, Mr. Genji laughed loudly,"Yes! Xiaozhi, if you want it, you can definitely make it happen!!"

"Mr. Genji, can you let me see your Pokémon?"Xiao Sheng was very curious about what the Pokémon of the Four Heavenly Kings would look like!

"OK! Mr. Genji agreed decisively,"But just watching is too boring. Xiaozhi, are you interested in competing with me?""

Of course Xiaozhi will not refuse the invitation to fight. As his strength continues to improve, he can't really enjoy the battle with ordinary trainers!

He had regretted before that he didn't take advantage of Charizard to fight with him. One game!

"Then the game will be played in three rounds, and the first person to win two rounds will be the winner!"Mr. Genji set the rules, that is, each person has three Pokémon to decide the winner one-on-one!

In fact, Xiaozhi used this method in many gym challenges to give more Pokémon A chance for your baby to practice!

Mr. Genji’s disciple and crew member serves as the referee, and the battle begins immediately!

"Ash, I used this guy for my first Pokémon!"As a senior, Genji naturally sent out the Pokémon first,"Come out, Carapace!"

Carapaceosaurus is exactly what the quasi-god Tyrannosaurus in the Hoenn region looked like before it evolved. Under that thick carapace, cells are dividing and reorganizing in order to give birth to those blood-red dragon wings!

This is of course what Xiaozhi is determined to win. A quasi-god!

But the cultivation of a quasi-god is really energy-consuming. Mr. Genji is already this old, and he only has one ace Tyrannosaurus, followed by this crustacean.

Since it is a quasi-god, then the magic that Xiaozhi will send out There’s no need to choose the baby,"It’s up to you, mini dragon!"

Zhi has staged a quasi-god battle before, but the level of the baby dragon was too low. The mini dragon went up and killed it instantly.

But Mr. Genji's carapace dragon is obviously extraordinary!

Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless."Mini dragon, blizzard!"

This is an ice-type skill that the mini-dragon has learned a long time ago. It has an outstanding effect on the dragon-type carapace dragon!

Seeing Xiaozhi's performance, Yuanji frowned. He couldn't help but stop giving advice to the younger generation. As a dragon Pokémon trainer, he can feel the pure and noble dragon blood of the mini dragon!

"Carapace, use Dragon Breath!"


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