At this moment, Xiaosheng has joined Xiaoyao and Xiaogang. Xiaogang made a nutritional soup to restore physical strength and gave it to little Lalulas to drink. Finally, she looked much better.

"No, it seems to still have a fever. It would be better to take it to the Pokémon Center and give it to Miss Joy for a look!"Xiao Gang is not at all reassured.

He has checked La Lulas's injuries. The trauma is very serious and she has drowned. Now she is very weak and has a fever. He can only replenish her strength, but if she continues like this, this will The little guy is very dangerous!

"Then come over here, Lalulas!"Xiao Sheng and Xiao Lalulas were already familiar with each other, so he put it on his back again,"Before we get to Seiros Town, let me take you there! Now I will take care of Lalulas!

Xiaozhi, who rushed back as quickly as possible, laughed when he heard this,"Very good, you have to work hard, Xiaosheng!""

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoyao cheered, her backbone is back!

Xiaozhi nodded, and the La Lulas on his shoulder teleported to Xiaosheng's back, and gently patted this sister's little head,"Don't be afraid, we will Protect yours!"

"yes, Sir! I will handle it!"Xiao Sheng has the fighting spirit!

However, Xiao Zhi looked to the other side,"Then leave quickly and never look back!

Seeing Xiaozhi's appearance, Xiaogang and Xiaoyao also had stern expressions on their faces,"Xiaosheng, go quickly!""

"Can you leave?"Three men have surrounded Xiaozhi and his group. Not far behind them, there is a Qilulian who is also covered in bruises. Looking at the Lalulas on Xiaosheng's back, he is full of worry and sadness!

It should be Xiaozhi must also rescue this little Lalulas' companion!

"Oops, big brother, something is very wrong with La Lulas!"Xiao Sheng exclaimed at this moment, and little La Lulas didn't respond!

"Hand over those two Lalulas, as well as Pokkigu, Absolu, and Desert Dragonfly, we want them all!"The three men were holding Pokmon Balls.

Just a few bangs and bangs were heard. The Cunning Tengu, Meng Ge Naia, plus three Black Luca and three Big Wolf Dogs, a total of eight Pokmon surrounded Xiaozhi and his party. Surround!

These eight Pokémon are all evil-type, and they perfectly restrained Lalulas and Qilulian. Coupled with the weapons in their hands, it is really not surprising that Qilulian was caught!

Xiaoyao feels like he is facing a formidable enemy. , but immediately realized,"Xiao Sheng, you should find an opportunity and leave as soon as possible!"

"elder sister?"

"Stop talking, aren't you responsible for taking care of La Lulas?" Xiaoyao stopped what Xiaosheng was going to say. Now everything must be prioritized to save La Lulas!

Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was already burning like crazy, but he smiled and said to Pikachu,"Pikachu, they didn't even mention your name!"


Pikachu shouted and jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders. Pi Shen was angry and the consequences were serious!

"Xiaosheng, I will open a channel for you! Xiaozhi smiled and waved his hand,"Pikachu, Volt attack!""

The galloping thunder and lightning burst out wildly, and Pikachu was wrapped in golden and blue electric currents, and rushed towards the three big wolf dogs on the edge!

"good!"Xiao Sheng also nodded fiercely, followed Pikachu across the ground to Jiao He, buried his head and rushed over, escaped from the encirclement in one fell swoop, and ran out with two Larulas on his back!

Snow Boy who had been following Xiao Zhi all the time , also followed.

After sending Xiao Sheng out, Xiao Zhi looked at the three men in front of him. Xiao Yao and Xiao Gang stood behind him and threw the elf ball with him!

"The decision is yours, Absol, Desert Dragonfly!"

"Come on, Lotte Kappa!"

"Strong chicken, take the stage!"

This is the first time that Xiaozhi and the three of them have fought side by side. Xiaoyao's progress is obvious to all. She can finally stand by Xiaozhi's side.

She clenched her fists tightly. She wanted Xiaozhi to see what she has now. How powerful!

The Pokkigu on Xiaozhi's shoulders also flew up, opened its mysterious guard, and firmly protected the three of them!

"Humph, you are so brave!"The middle-aged man sneered. Facing the three children, he didn't take them seriously at all,"You, go after that little devil!"

The man was about to turn around and chase after him, but was blocked by Pikachu. He was so frightened that he quickly called out,"Heiluga, the big wolfdog!"

This is what Team Lava sent out in a group. The level is not high, but it is not low either. But there is no way it would be Pikachu's opponent. A blast of 100,000 volts cracked it to pieces!

"Damn it, how could this happen!"The three men were immediately stunned. Where did such a strong Pikachu come from!

The attacks of Xiaozhi and the three finally began.

Xiaoyao faced Meng Ge Naiya. Even now, she is still angry with Harry." Strong chicken, flame vortex!"

"Meng Ge Naiya, seed machine gun!"The hunter held the gun and issued the order decisively.

The collision of the flame vortex and the seed machine gun suddenly raised a burst of gunpowder smoke over the entire battlefield!

"This kind of melee is a bit interesting!"Xiao Zhi murmured, a light flashed in his eyes,"Absolu, sword dance!"

Surrounded by the sword energy, Absol's whole body seemed to be shining with dark blue light!

Absol: 240/250

From the time he conquered to now, Absol's bond value has finally reached this level!

"Big wolfdog, shadow ball! Heiluga, spray flames! Cunning Tengu, blazing sun!"

The middle-aged uncle looked at Xiaozhi bitterly. The man he had just ordered to chase Xiaosheng had lost his Big Wolf Dog and Heiluga. Now these two people controlled five Pokémon at once, attacking. To Xiaozhi and Xiaogang!

"Xiaozhi, leave it to me! Xiaogang also stood next to Xiaozhi,"Lotte Kappa, use the water gun!""

Lotte Kappa's water gun blocked the flames of the two Black Lugas, which helped Xiaozhi share the pressure!"

"Thanks Xiaogang! Xiaozhi nodded, his eyes as bright as a torch,"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon Wave!" Absolu, the wave of evil!"

The two waveguide skills actually merged into one, turning into a giant purple dragon, easily biting the cunning tengu's solar flames, and sending the most powerful cunning tengu flying out in one go! Combination skill: Wave of the evil dragon!

However, this also gave Xiaozhi an opportunity to take advantage of it. Two large wolf dogs took the opportunity to come to Xiaozhi. They had the shadow ball in their mouths and actually smashed it towards Xiaozhi's head!

"Xiaozhi!"Xiao Gang and Xiao Yao suddenly exclaimed!

However, they forgot in their hurry that Xiao Zhi himself has the power of fighting Pokémon!


Xiao Zhi shouted violently, and his whole body was wrapped with blue light. He reached out and grabbed the necks of the two big wolf dogs. As the two big black dogs whimpered, he directly hit the two men. On your body!

"Xiaoyao, concentrate!"At this moment, only the battle between Xiaoyao and Meng Ge Naiya is left. Xiaozhi clapped his hands and looked at the two men who fell to the ground with a smile,"You are under arrest!"

Xiaoyao gritted his teeth,"The last move, strong chicken, two consecutive kicks!"

Today's strong chicken will never let Xiaoyao down. He seized the opportunity and kicked Meng Naiya away and hit the man. Then he kicked Mengg Naiya and the man with another kick. They all stepped on each other until they lost their ability to fight!

Xiaozhi defeated three hunters and rescued Qilulian. Fortunately, it was not seriously injured!

Xiaosheng finally sent Lalulas to the Pokémon Center in Seiros Town. After Thanks to Miss Joy's professional treatment, the little guy was finally fine.

Xiaozhi and his team sent Qilulian to the Pokémon Center, along with a Gardevoir.

When the two little cuties recovered to health, Gardevoir finally I found it and it was injured, but it was not serious.

"Lalu lalu!"Xiao Zhi's Lalulas cheered on his shoulder. This is its future posture!

Gardevoir came to Xiao Zhi and Xiao Sheng and bowed gently.

This also means that Xiao Sheng and Xiao Sheng, who finally became good friends, La Lulas, it’s time to separate!

"Brother, I understand!"Xiao Sheng struggled for a while and came to his senses,"La Lulas, you have to take care of yourself!"

"Lalu!" Little Lalu Lasi also showed a look of reluctance, feeling very sad. It shouted and threw itself into Xiao Sheng's arms.

"Lalulas, me too, I like you the most! I don’t want to say goodbye, but I can’t help it!"Xiao Sheng hugged little La Lulas and said with nostalgia,"La Lulas, when I become a Pokémon trainer, are you willing to travel with me?"

Hearing this, La Lulas nodded decisively!

"By that time, I promise to come and pick you up!"This is the agreement between Xiaosheng and Lalulas!

The separation at this moment is the beginning of the next reunion!

Gardevoir took Qilulian and Lalulas and teleported away, but in the breeze at this moment, they floated A childish female voice said,"It's settled, you must come and pick me up when the time comes!"

Xiao Zhi gave Xiao Sheng a slap on the head,"Xiao Sheng, you did a good job! Xiao Sheng wiped his tears,"

Yes, thank you, brother!""


Don't worry, Alureduo, there will definitely be one!

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