It is indeed the gym where the guardian champion of the Fengyuan region is located. The Liuli Gym is very luxurious.

If it weren't for Mr. Adam's leadership, Xiaozhi and his party would never believe that this place that looks like a luxurious manor is actually the Liuli Gym!

"Welcome back, sir!"When he came to the door, Mr. Adam's butler came up to him.

Mr. Adam immediately introduced to the butler,"This is the Xiaozhi that Mikri often talked about. This time he came to challenge the gym, and this is his friends"

"Hello everyone, welcome! The old butler bowed slightly,"I work as a deacon in this gym. My name is Sebastian!""

"Master Xiaozhi, we have been waiting for you for a long time. The master said that you will definitely come to challenge Liuli Gym!"Mr. Sebastian is very amiable, which makes everyone feel close to Xiaozhi."

"Yes, I am also looking forward to the battle with Mr. Adam!"Xiao Zhi replied with a smile.

"So everyone, please come inside!"

Since it is a water gym, the battle venue here is of course the water venue. This is also the most professional water venue that Xiaozhi has ever seen so far. There are also trainers' positions in the form of jumping platforms on both sides!

"This battle venue looks like a swimming pool!"Xiaoyao has seen many gyms with Xiaozhi, but the venue of each gym makes her feel fresh and shocking.

Xiaozhi and Adam stood on the trainer platform respectively, and the challenge at Liuli Gym began immediately!

"So starting now, the gym challenge between gym trainer Adam and challenger Xiaozhi will be held. The number of Pokémon used is five. Please select two Pokémon first and compete in a doubles match in the first round!"

"After the first round, the remaining Pokémon can enter the second round! The second round of the battle is a one-on-one battle. When one of the Pokémon on both sides loses all combat capabilities, the game is over!"Mr. Sebastian announced the challenge rules of the Liuli Gym.

In other words, Xiaozhi will first have a doubles match with Mr. Adam, and then a one-on-one duel! The five Pokémon in total are already close to six It will be a tough battle against all six members!

But as the last gym challenge in the Hoenn region, Xiaozhi feels that it is just what he wants!

"Trainers who aim to participate in the Hoenn League competition must be as soft as water, able to change their shape and react correctly no matter what kind of utensil they encounter. Xiaozhi, Dawu is full of praise for you, I want to see what kind of battle you can put up!"

Mr. Adam's fighting spirit was burning. He wanted to have a good fight with Xiaozhi,"Then let's begin! Go ahead, Diya sea lion! Goldfish King!"

In this water venue, the battle with fish Pokémon such as Goldfish King is more favorable, but Xiaozhi still prefers water Pokémon that can move freely on land.

When Xiaozhi was traveling in the Johto area, He also participated in the Goldfish King Fishing Competition and met the huge Goldfish King. Adam can only be said to be average in size, but his momentum is very amazing!

As for the Diya Sea Lion, Xiaozhi has already met Ms. Bonny, the Ice King of Hoenn In comparison, I think that the Diya sea lion is still better!

Even so, depending on the trainer, the focus of training of Pokémon will be different, and the strength displayed will also be different. The difference is huge, this is the fun part of Pokémon battles!

Xiaozhi didn’t hesitate at all, and directly threw two Pokémon balls,"The decision is yours, Giant Claw Crab, Iron Claw Lobster!"

The combination of shrimp, soldier and crab will appear!

In the Fengyuan area, Xiaozhi conquered a total of four water Pokémon. Since he decided to fight water against water, he also heard that five Pokémon would be used in this battle. On the way to the gym , he went to the Pokémon Center and exchanged it.

This combination of shrimp, soldier and crab will be exchanged for doubles battle!

"Sister, it’s a giant crab!"Xiao Sheng was so excited that he clapped Xiao Yao's arm next to him. This was the first time he saw a giant claw crab.

Xiaozhi's giant claw crab is now quite powerful, and it is no longer the tiny little guy it used to be. Got it!

"oh? I didn't expect that Xiaozhi, you would send out two Pokémon like this!"Adam couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. These two Pokémon have something in common. If Xiaozhi can use it properly, he will definitely be able to exert unimaginable power!

It's really worth looking forward to!

Thinking of this, Adam took the lead in launching an attack,"Diya Sea lion, use blizzard!"

It is indeed an ice skill. The ice skill of the Diya Sea Lion is very terrifying. Xiaozhi has already learned about it from Ms. Bonny.

But Xiaozhi is even more proficient in the blizzard skill,"Crab Claw Hammer!"

This is an order, but the shrimp soldiers and crab generals all started to move. They are inseparable in the backyard of Dr. Omu's research institute. They have been training together. The tacit understanding now is very scary!

Two huge pincers shined with white light, and they hit the ground at the same time. In the water, the terrifying force is not as simple as one plus one. The water stored several meters deep in the water field was smashed to the bottom of the pool under the strange force. The large amount of water flow set off waves and was frozen under the action of the blizzard. It turned into a huge ice wall!

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng on the side were already shivering, but when they saw this ice wall, their hair stood on end. This scene was really amazing! However, the ice wall was What a miraculous skill, Xiaozhi's move can deduct a lot of points from Mr. Adam in the gorgeous contest!

"It’s not over yet!"Xiao Zhi clenched his fist tightly, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals moved at the same time. They all stepped forward to the ice wall. Once again, the crab claw hammer with terrifying power smashed the entire ice wall into pieces!

Countless ones! The huge boulders smashed towards the Diya Sea Lion and the Goldfish King under the terrifying force!

"Goldfish King, use the destruction and death ray! Diya sea lion, use the ice ball!"

However, in the face of such a crisis, Mr. Adam regained his composure after a brief period of shock. This level was not enough to make him panic! The

Goldfish King's destructive death light actually shook away all the boulders in front of them, straight into the air. It headed towards the Iron Claw Lobster.

And the ice ball of the Diya Sea Lion hit the Giant Claw Crab.

In a doubles battle, it is impossible for two Pokémon to use the Destruction Death Ray at the same time. Otherwise, if they are both in a frozen state, it will not be the case. Are people being used as targets?

A skill like ice hockey becomes more powerful every time!

"Avoid it! Destroy the death ray!"However, at this time, Xiaozhi ordered the shrimp soldiers and crab soldiers to divide their forces!

Facing the powerful destructive death light, the iron claw lobster dodged away, but the giant claw crab completely ignored the first ice ball and raised its The big pliers, the orange-red light suddenly spurted out!


The Goldfish King's attack failed, and a high splash of water exploded around the Giant Claw Crab, but the Claw Crab remained motionless, and the same destructive death ray was launched brazenly, directly hitting the Diya Sea Lion!

"Diya sea lion, hold on!"

Adam remained unfazed and set up a protective barrier to block the giant claw crab's destructive death ray!

However, the next second, he noticed the smile on the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth and hurriedly looked at the Goldfish King on the other side. , it had just recovered from the stiffness that destroyed the death light!

However, it was already too late!

"Shell blade!"Xiao Zhi raised his hand and shook it hard!

The iron-clawed lobster that had just dived into the water suddenly burst out next to the Goldfish King. The huge water blade slashed hard at the Goldfish King and knocked it away!

"Great, hit!"Xiao Sheng was the first to cheer!

The offensive and defensive battle just now looked so exciting. I was so nervous that I didn't dare to relax at all. It's really hard to imagine how Xiao Zhi could be so calm and composed in such a tense battle!


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