The morning sun illuminates the city on the shore, Duskwater Town!

Xiaozhi and his team finally arrived here to participate in the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, Dusk Water Conference, held here today!

There is no time. The coordination trainers are busy adjusting themselves and their Pokémon, and they are unable to respond to Xiaozhi’s challenge. This is the last gorgeous competition before the gorgeous large-scale celebration. The coordination trainers who came to participate in the conference Much.

Xiaozhi felt a little regretful, feeling like he had missed out on hundreds of millions!

Moreover, those who will participate in the Twilight Water Conference are obviously short of the last ribbon medal. Everyone is thinking of burning the boat. You can think of it, this time it must be a tough battle for Xiaoyao!

"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting! Gorgeous Contest The Twilight Water Conference is finally about to begin. This conference is the last gorgeous competition before the large-scale celebration. You can imagine how fierce the battle in this conference will be!"

Miss Vivian announced the start of the game. This time Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaosheng sat together and cheered for Xiaoyao! Without Xiaozhi by her side, Xiaoyao needs to rely entirely on herself!

She will be fine, Xiaozhi believes in her

"So now the first review begins! First up is the entry number one, Musashi Shiki!"

As soon as Xiaozhi heard this name, he knew that Musashi's eldest sister came to join in the fun again.

This is the last gorgeous competition. Musashi doesn't have any ribbon medals yet. Even if he won here, he wouldn't How to participate in the gorgeous conference.

This is not a joke! And the entry number is still No. 1, it seems that she came here to register early in the morning. As soon as

Miss Vivian finished speaking, white mist floated down from the stage, Musashi and Meowth actually fell from the sky, this way of debut is really amazing.

This time Musashi will compete with Meowth, Xiaozhi is still looking forward to it!

"Everyone, please enjoy Musashi's ice art!"I saw a large ice brick falling from the stage.

Such props are still allowed to be used in the gorgeous competition, just like Xiaoyao will play ball with Xiangwei Miao, and some trainers will play Frisbee with the big wolf dog.

"The first theme is, the boss in my heart!"

Miao Miao actually used the crazy grabbing skills on the ice brick, and saw that the ice brick was carved into shape at an astonishing speed. During this period, the ice shards flew everywhere, which was very gorgeous! In just one minute, The ice brick turned into Sakaki, holding a wine glass, and there was a cat boss standing next to him. It was really lifelike!

Meowth is actually very talented. Not only it, but Musashi and Kojiro are also geniuses. I just can't figure out how to be a member of Team Rocket.

"I can’t believe that Meow Meow used his crazy clawing skills to create an ice sculpture. This is a veritable art!"Vivian was full of praise for this, and the three judges including Miss Joy also nodded continuously!

"cool!"Xiao Sheng had stars in his eyes!

Xiao Gang also nodded and said,"It's very powerful, but why does that ice sculpture figure look so familiar?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also smiled. Even if Musashi is disguised and you can't recognize him, you should definitely recognize this Meow Meow!

"The next topic is Meow Meow’s backbone!"

Meow Meow stepped forward again and changed the cat boss's ice sculpture to look like his own. It was really"ambitious"!

But this performance received high marks. Such ice sculptures are indeed art!

Xiaozhi looked at it Musashi, although this eldest sister failed to collect five ribbon medals this time and missed the gorgeous large-scale celebration, if she can persist, she may become Xiaoyao's powerful enemy!

"Kuruga, use shadow balls and high-speed stars!"

"Sister Mizui, use blizzard and illusion techniques!"

These are two coordination trainers that Xiaozhi noticed are of high level and high scores. Their performance styles are very similar, and the order of playing is also one after another. They should know each other.

Moreover, the Pokémon of these two people , one ice, one fire, one evil and one super, it’s a perfect match.

Not surprisingly, these two boys and girls named Toshiki and Jiang Lizi should be Xiaoyao’s strongest opponents in this gorgeous competition!

These two Not long after everyone stepped down, it was finally Xiaoyao's turn to appear, and she indeed sent Xiangwei Meow to compete!

"Xiangwei Meow, use help!"

He actually used help right from the start. This kind of skill that he didn't know what he would use could greatly raise the audience's expectations!

And this time, Xiangwei Miao used Bulbasaur's Flying Blade.!

"Flying leaf blade?"Xiaoyao murmured and ordered decisively,"Xiangwei Miao, use Blizzard and a series of slaps!"

Her performance really made Xiaozhi's eyes shine. This means that Xiaoyao intends to borrow a skill from the Pokémon and then use Xiangwei Meow's other skills to echo the performance!

If you don't have enough experience , and reaction ability, such a performance can easily overturn!

I have to say that Xiaoyao's talent in the gorgeous competition has been fully utilized now!

The snowstorm froze the flying blades into ice crystals, and then a series of slaps turned these The ice crystals shattered and turned into crystal shards of ice falling down. It was very beautiful!

"These are three coordinated tricks of flying blades, blizzards and serial slaps. Player Xiaoyao's Xiangwei Miao showed off her acting skills that amazed everyone!"When Vivian finished speaking, the audience also cheered!

Xiaozhi nodded, Xiaoyao's performance level was very high, and there was no problem in the first review!

"The above first round of review has come to an end!"A moment later, Miss Vivian announced the four contestants who entered the second round of review!

As Xiaozhi expected, it was Musashi, Xiaoyao, Toshiki, and Eriko! Now it's just a short distance from Xiaoyao to participate in the gorgeous large-scale competition. In the celebration, there are only two gorgeous battles left!

And Xiaoyao's opponent in the second round of review is none other than Kuruga's trainer, Toshiki!

But the first thing to happen in the semi-finals is Musashi and the fan. The battle between Lip sister's trainer, Jiang Lizi!

Musashi and Meow Meow are also funny. They even installed a mechanism on Meow Meow, allowing it to transform into different Pokémon with the help of disguise.

How could such a trick fool Xiaozhi? His old tricks They did it again, and secretly used telekinesis to crush the mechanism on Meow Meow, and they were disqualified from the competition. Just when Musashi was about to lose her temper, Xiaozhi used telekinesis to restrain her and took her outside the venue.

"Musashi, Kojiro, Meowth, my trip in the Hoenn region is coming to an end, what are your plans?"Xiao Zhi asked as he looked at the three people who had torn off their disguises.

But now, it was obvious that they had no idea and just looked at each other.

"By the way, the Lava Fleet and the Water Fleet have been disintegrated. You can report this credit to Sakaki. I believe he can reuse you to some extent! By the way, help me investigate the whereabouts of those members after these two mysterious organizations were disbanded!"Xiao Zhi must take the responsibility of catching those bad guys.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Xiaozhi!"When the trio heard that, they were delighted and agreed wholeheartedly!


Please support! Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

I'm asking about"It's You" and"Our Story". The timelines and plots of these two theatrical versions are separate. Corrections will be made here. After Hoenn, go to Windlai City to find Zerao first. La, it’s you who decidesThe love has reached the later stage, against the Phoenix King!

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