The trainers in the Hoenn area don't know yet, but there is actually a further evolution of the Night Giant, which requires an evolution carrying tool called the Spirit World Cloth to complete.

The evolved night demon will suck the souls that have nowhere to go into its body and take them to the spiritual world!

Not to mention anything else, it would take a lot of effort for the trainer to obtain this evolutionary carrying item that is obviously linked to the spiritual world.

But Xiaozhi doesn’t need to worry about this, he can be redeemed from the system mall, and it is definitely a top-notch good thing!

"Okay, what will contestant Masamune bring out for his second Pokémon?"The commentator knows Xiaozhi's strength and knows that he is the favorite to win, so he is very much looking forward to their next battle.

Seeing Xiaozhi knocking his Kirinqi to the ground without mercy, Masamune was so shocked that he couldn't help but After taking back the Kirinqi who had lost the ability to fight, he still couldn't make up his mind to challenge Xiaozhi!

He closed his eyes and did not move, nor did he send out the next Pokémon.

"Masamune player,Take out the Pokémon!"The referee began to urge. According to the rules of the competition, if the player still fails to send out Pokmon after a certain time, he will be judged to have lost the will to fight and will automatically admit defeat. Xiaozhi will automatically enter the third round of the 8-to-4 competition!

"Player Masamune has been slow to make any move. If he fails to come up with the next Pokémon, he will be deemed to have forfeited. Player Ash will win the game!"This is the second urging from the commentator!

After the words fell, Masamune still made no move!

When the timer ended, the referee said loudly,"Masamune has lost his will to fight, so"

"Please wait!"Xiao Zhi interrupted the referee. He looked at Masamune,"Masamune, you finally participated in the conference, is it over if you lose like this?"

"I know, I don’t want you to be nagging!"Masamune gritted his teeth and threw out the second Poké Ball!

This time he sent out a Kati dog, which was only a little smaller than Xiaozhi's, but judging from his performance in the preliminaries, he was still very courageous, just like Same as Masamune.

The game could finally continue, and Xiaozhi launched an attack without mercy,"Night Giant, Shadow Fist!"

The Night Giant can learn many boxing skills, and Xiaozhi also used this ability to the extreme. The Night Giant made a fist with one hand, swayed to the side of the dog, and punched it with one punch!

"Katie dog, get out of the way!"

Masamune finally gave the first order, but there was no way to avoid the shadow fist. Kati Dog was hit and was hit on the icicle!

Looking at Kati Dog's miserable appearance, Masamune was finally moved!

However, Xiaozhi's attack did not stop at all, he did not show any mercy, and he moved with all his heart,"Night Giant, Shadow Fist!"

It's still Shadow Fist!"

"Xiaozhi's momentum is so terrifying!"Xiaoyao looked at Xiaozhi's posture and couldn't help but murmured. She thought of how Xiaozhi had trained the ape before!

There were obviously no unnecessary words, but the ape understood Xiaozhi's heart. It didn't have any reason for it. Instead of being resentful for being beaten, he truly realized his mistakes!

Xiao Sheng looked at the shadow fist and said in a daze,"Sister, that's the iron fist of love!" Whatever big brother wants to say, it’s all in that fist! Hearing this

, Xiaomei, who was sitting in Hanako's arms, covered her mouth and giggled happily,"It seems you understand!""

"Kati Dog, lost the ability to fight, the Night Giant wins!"After the third shadow punch, Kadi lost his ability to fight and fell to the ground!

Xiaozhi didn't say anything else, just stared at Masamune with the Night Giant's scarlet eye.

"ah~~~~~I'm a big fool~~~~"

Masamune who took back the Kati Dog suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted, and then said,"Okay, I want you to see my true courage!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded, but turned around and took back the Night Giant.

"Great, it looks like Masamune is fine!"Seeing Masamune's condition, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big Brother’s Iron Fist of Love is so powerful!"Xiao Sheng covered his head and laughed. This is how he was taught by Xiao Zhi every punch.

Xiao Mao snorted, somewhat recognizing Masamune, but always paying attention to Xiao Zhi's battle.

"Okay, come on, Swampert!"Masamune regrouped and sent out his three-family Pokémon. Obviously this is one of his strongest trump cards, and it is also very advantageous in this ice field.

Xiaozhi already knew the composition of Masamune's team, so he The monster has prepared a gift!

"It's up to you, Lizard King!"

Since it is a battle between powerful rivals, the battle between the three Yu families is of course inevitable. At the beginning, Xiaozhi used Bulbasaur to forcefully drag Xiaomao's Water Arrow Turtle and seriously injured him, and finally let the two Water Arrow Turtles end this fateful fight. A battle of powerful enemies!

The giant swamp monster with ground and water attributes has only one attribute weakness, and that is the grass attribute!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mao and Zhe also laughed,"Xiao Zhi is really merciless!"

The most shocking one is Tetsuya. The initial Pokémon he got was Mu Shou Gong, and now he has cultivated it into the ace Lizard King.

But comparing the two, you can see the fierce aura of Xiaozhi, the Lizard King. He It’s hard to tell, but it’s actually the sword spirit of the swordsman!

"Swampert, use Chi Fist!"

When I saw this skill, Xiaozhi really couldn't complain. Although this skill is designed to be very strong, it can be easily interrupted. Masamune's fighting style is to rely on strength to fight, and he only knows how to pursue relatively powerful skills. , and doesn’t care about the skill ratio!

Xiaozhi will not coddle him,"Ye Blade!"

The leaf blade on the right arm of the Lizard King poked out, and the Lizard King's aura became more and more terrifying!

Facing the Swampert's shining fist, the Lizard King held a knife in one hand but closed his eyes. It was trained by the Giant Pincer Mantis. Already understood how to maximize the power of this slash! Just when the giant swamp monster came closer, the Lizard King suddenly opened his eyes, a ray of light flashed, and the Lizard King turned and walked back towards Xiaozhi! And the giant swamp monster suddenly opened his eyes.

The Swamp Monster seemed to freeze at that moment, and then lost the ability to fight and fell on the ice!

"There was an explosion, and Ash's Lizard King used a leaf blade move to defeat Swampert!"The commentator was a little stunned. He just watched the slow-motion replay and finally saw all the moves of the Lizard King!

At this time, Masamune had lost three Pokémon and the game entered the intermission.

However, while waiting on the court, Masamune Came to Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, I'm here to apologize to you!"

"In the past, I always thought that fighting would be fun as long as it was fun, and I would be unhappy if I lost. But I think it would be good if I had fun with Pokémon!"

"However, after winning a few games in my first tournament, I unconsciously wanted to win the next one as well. But since I determined that you were my opponent, I didn’t know what to do."

"Xiaozhi, I understand, the more times like this, the more you can let go and fight, this is a true good friend!"

Masamune has finally made up his mind as a trainer, and he wants to have a battle with Ash that he won't regret!


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