Xiaozhi actually recognized the two Lugias in front of him, one big and one small!

The big one is the sea god Lugia seen in the Orange Islands. It can easily solve the war between the three gods. It is true that only it has the ability to continuously bring the wind of grace to this Fenglai City, and only it can extinguish all the uncontrollable mountain fires in a flash!

This Poseidon Lugia seems to have some impression on Xiaozhi, not to mention that Xiaozhi still has the aura of Poseidon's blessing.

Lugia nodded towards Xiaozhi and called out to Xiaoyin in his arms!

The little silver in Xiaozhi's arms is the little Lugia he rescued on Oki Island, and she likes to cling to him. At that time, this little guy couldn't fly, but now he can follow behind Lugia, the god of the sea!

Seeing a flash of white light on Xiao Yin's body, Xiao Zhi suddenly received a piece of information in his mind. It turned out that after the tsunami was resolved in the Water City, the sea god Lugia noticed their mother and son!

It personally took the mother and son to the Orange Islands. Now Little Silver is training with Poseidon Lugia. At this moment, he has been transformed and his strength is extremely powerful!

Not only that, Xiaozhi also felt reluctant to leave. This little guy wanted to follow Xiaozhi!

Xiaozhi patted its neck and said,"Train well with Poseidon and come to me when you really grow up!"

This was the agreement Xiaozhi made with Xiaoyin when they were separated last time. Now Poseidon can teach him. You can't miss this opportunity!

Hearing this, Xiaoyin nodded, returned to Poseidon Lugia, and followed it away from Fenglai City!

Then, the wind of grace from Fenglai City blew again

"I didn't expect you, Xiaozhi, to have such a good relationship with Lugia!"The mayor was very shocked, and he had to refresh his evaluation of Xiaozhi again and again!

He looked at the direction where the two Lugia left, and Zeraora standing next to Xiaozhi,"This city is coming again. Saved once by Zeraora and Lugia!"

However, Xiaozhi shook his head and looked at the trainers surrounding him,"No, this time I rely on everyone's strength!"

Hearing this, the trainers cheered together!

This year's Wind Festival was successfully carried out. After dark, the mayor was making his final remarks.

"To all of you gathered here, the last day of the Wind Festival can be held like this again, thanks to the help of everyone here and the Pokémon!"

"Regarding this incident, a certain boy once said that what can't be done by one person can be done with Pokémon. The citizens, trainers, and Pokémon who participated in putting out the fire together have proved this!"

"I want to make this city a beautiful city where Pokémon can coexist harmoniously and help each other!"

At this moment, Zeraora was standing next to Xiaozhi, with Xiaomei on her back, and the hair on her head was ravaged miserably.

But she heard the mayor continue,"Now let us invite our hero, he is here He stood up in times of trouble, and his passionate soul united the whole city! He will definitely become the most powerful Pokémon master!"

Xiao Zhi didn't want to be so high-profile, but the mayor had already rushed the duck, so he had to smile bitterly and get on the stage!

Not only him, Zeraora also walked on the stage.

Xiao Zhi thought that he was really not good at it..smiled and said,"Please witness a conquering battle!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

There was thunderous applause for a moment, and the trainers asked the citizens to step back and give enough space. They were so looking forward to seeing Xiaozhi's battle with their own eyes, and they had already guessed the target to conquer!



Pikachu appears on the stage. This cat and mouse, who are both electric attributes, are going to have a real fight this time!

Blue and white arcs flow out, Zeraora's fighting spirit is already burning like crazy, and its The figure disappeared instantly, and it is said that its speed can exceed that of lightning!

In full view of everyone, Xiaozhi will not let Pikachu complete the bond evolution, but enters the transition stage, covered with lightning.

What is needed is the lightning rod characteristic of Xiaozhi Pikachu, which can not only The electric damage is ineffective and the attack can be further improved!

However, with a flash of golden lightning, Pikachu turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed forward. The volt attack hit Zeraora's plasma lightning fist hard! They were evenly matched!

But the electric type The skills have no effect on both sides at the moment!

Pikachu's attack is increased, and Zeraora is even more energetic and fighting spirit is burning!

The two Pokémon rush back, but disappear at the same time the moment they hit the ground! Ash's whole body is shining with blue Colorful light, this battle has gone beyond what ordinary trainers can understand. The naked eye cannot keep up with the speed of these two Pokémon.

Everyone present was stunned. What kind of magical operation is this!

That one How can Pikachu be so strong!

"Iron Tail!"

Pikachu seemed to be covered in lightning armor, increasing his speed to the limit. His tail shining with metallic light fell from the sky and smashed towards Zeraora. The electric arcs all over Zeraora's body were raging crazily, and the strong arms Using the enhanced punch, the cat and mouse collided again!


Ash's order was airtight. As soon as Pikachu fell to the ground after being forced back, terrifying thunder and lightning burst out from it!

But this time, it did not hit Zeraora. The electric skills would only Restore its physical strength!

Pikachu and Xiaozhi have the same mind. With just a command, it can know Xiaozhi's thoughts. It bursts out with lightning and strikes the ground under its feet!

Large swaths of bricks and stones are lifted up, and it uses electricity. The skill of the rock system was used, and the falling stone skill was used, and it was smashed towards Zeraora!

The electric arc flashed, Zeraora's figure disappeared, and countless bricks and stones were smashed into powder, and the power of the enhanced fist continued to increase. , has now reached a very terrifying height!

It has used these bricks to continuously improve its attack, and now its output is very terrifying!

"What a courage!"Xiao Zhi was still leisurely and praised,"Iron Tail! Volt attack!"

Combo skill!

Pikachu's tail shines with metallic light, and his whole body is wrapped with lightning, and his speed suddenly increases! As he runs, the dazzling lightning slowly condenses on his tail!

The strongest blow is the enhanced fist and iron After a crazy collision, Zeraora was actually knocked out!

The winner was announced, and the whole place was in a sensation!

Xiaozhi took out a high-level ball and came to Zeraora. Xiaomei and Larugo also came. ran over

"Come on, start a new journey! I believe they will take good care of the Pokémon here!"Aoshi's smile was so gentle that it was intoxicating!

Zeraora showed a smile that was similar to Ash's and lightly punched the Advanced Ball!


The second round ended successfully, thank you for your support!

Volume 3 will start tomorrow with the contents of the development area!

Guess what the Doctor's reward is?

Guess what Pokémon was the first one you captured?

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