I don’t know if it was an intentional arrangement by the show crew, but the battle between Xiaoyao and Wakana was the final decisive battle!

Xiaoyao's fighting spirit began to burn. She looked at the audience and whispered softly,"Xiaoshun, keep your eyes open and watch, I will definitely win!"

As she said that, she looked at Wakana in front of her," Wakana, we all have to give our best fighting performance!"

Xiaoyao uses a strong chicken, but Wakana's Pokémon is a supersonic larva, which is the posture of the desert dragonfly before it evolves. In terms of attributes, Said, Xiaoyao and Li Zhuangji are in a bad situation

"Go ahead, strong chicken, use Lightning Flash!"The strong chicken rushed over, but was caught off guard by the noise made by the ultrasonic larvae's frantically vibrating wings. He covered his ears and was unable to move.

It only took one move for Xiaozhi and Xiao Shun to see through. The key point of this ultrasonic larvae's performance is Wakana has put a lot of effort into showing the flapping of her wings!

"Strengthen the chicken and stop its sound!"Xiaoyao's order was accurately transmitted to Li Zhuangji amidst the noise,"Use the flame vortex!"

The strong chicken suddenly raised its head, and a flame enveloped the ultrasonic larvae, interrupting the noise attack. However, the fire-based skills were not effective against the ground and dragon-type ultrasonic larvae!

"Ultrasonic Larva, use Dragon Breath!"Wakana is not afraid in the face of danger. It is hard to imagine that she has not received the Ribbon Medal. Its dragon element pushed back the flame vortex and suppressed the strong chicken!

"Quicksand hell!

Wakana's attacks came one after another, and the strong chicken's feet were trapped in the quicksand. It kept struggling but could not get out!

"Strong chicken, use Sky Fist quickly!"Xiaoyao wanted to help Li Zhuangji escape, but Li Zhuangji, who was good at kicking, couldn't jump up, and naturally he couldn't use the Sky Fist!

Seeing the panic of Li Zhuangji constantly struggling, Xiaoyao was always calm! She She learned how to fight from Xiaozhi, and her fighting style is very similar to Xiaozhi!

She deeply understands the bond between trainers and Pokémon, and what kind of power they can exert in the battle!

"Strong Chicken, you have to remember that your strength is more than just this!"

"Strong chicken!"

With that call, the strong chicken's panic disappeared, and its eyes seemed to be radiating flames. The three forked feathers on its head actually emitted white light, and the quicksand under its feet was also radiant!

This is exactly what Pokémon and humans are like. The moment when my emotions merged into one!

A new trick was about to be awakened!

But I saw a strong chicken raising its head to the sky and crowing loudly. The pair of chicken legs were suddenly pulled out of the quicksand with a shining white light. Xiaoyao recognized this at once A new skill!

That's a megaton kick!

Although it's a general skill, its power is very terrifying. This is also Xiaozhi's signature knight kick! There's only half a minute left at this moment, and the two of them are The scores are almost the same, but Wakana still has more!

"Strong chicken, use sky punch!"Xiaoyao's fighting spirit was burning at this moment, and the strong chicken performed extremely well. It jumped high to avoid another dragon's breath from the ultrasonic larvae, but this punch was also avoided by the flying ultrasonic larvae!

Xiaoyao Clenching his fists tightly,"Strong Chicken, I believe in you, a million-ton kick!""

This kick was a true copy of Xiaozhi's Savarang Knight's kick. It was a kick that fell hard from above. In the last few seconds, the ultrasonic larva was kicked to the ground, and it actually lost its ability to fight! Well done.!

What a good fight!

Xiaoyao fully absorbed the reasons for the previous defeat. Even if the strong chicken is in crisis, she still believes in its ability. This is her initial Pokémon, and the bond value is also the highest!

It is because of this Fetters, Xiaoyao won the ribbon medal of this gorgeous competition!

"Xiaozhi, I won!"After coming off the stage, Xiaoyao came to Xiaozhi to show off his battle results, as if he was showing off his test results to his teacher!

Xiaozhi gave her a slap on the head, then looked at Xiaoshun and said,"Do you want to have a practice match with me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Shun, who had relaxed his mind and was in a state of itch, his eyes widened suddenly, but he pulled his hair and said,"Since you ask for it like this!"

Seeing that Xiao Shun wanted to have a practice battle with Xiao Zhi, Wakana immediately ignored the previous defeat, cheered quickly, and followed the group to the beach!

Of course she knew Xiao Zhi, although she knew that Xiao Zhi was a top coordination trainee. However, she is Xiao Shun’s fan and cannot be shaken.

The sun is shining brightly at the beach at this moment. Seeing Xiaozhi and Xiao Shun playing a practice match, Miss Lilian actually took a break from her busy schedule and came to serve as the referee!

"Listen up, let’s start the gorgeous battle practice match between Xiaozhi and Shun! There is no time limit, I will keep score. Once a Pokémon on one side loses its fighting ability, or all points on one side are deducted, the game is over!"

Lillian announced the rules of the two-person battle. They are the same as the gorgeous contest, but there is no time limit.

In fact, the time limit has two benefits. One is to make the game more tense, especially when the game time is over. It touches people's hearts!

In addition, it is convenient to control the rhythm of the game. One game takes 5 minutes, which is just right!

But now is the practice match. Xiaozhi and Xiao Shun are both excellent coordination trainers. Of course, they must fight all the way to the end to be perfect. Lilian also I am looking forward to it. If these two teenagers can fight to the end, what a shocking performance it will be!

"It’s up to you, Badahu!"

As the training progresses, Xiaozhi's purple flashing butterfly fights more and more fiercely, and its bond value and compatibility are getting higher and higher, reaching 235!

Its bond evolution is right in front of you!

"Go ahead, Rainwing Moth!"Although Xiao Shun said that he would use the newly conquered Pokémon in the Kanto region to participate in the gorgeous contest, but against Xiaozhi, he had to take out the general Rainwing Moth from the gorgeous contest in the Hoenn region.

Butterfly and Moth The battle is staged again!

"Rainwing Moth, use bubbles!"

Xiao Shun's compatibility with Rainwing Moth is very high, and Rainwing Moth's bubble skill has been used by him several times to perform. After this period of time, its power has been improved!

But for Xiaozhi, this is His skills are too slow and he has too many ways to counterattack

"Mind power!"

Bada Butterfly's red-golden compound eyes shined brightly, and when his telekinesis skills were activated, he controlled all the bubbles and surrounded them as if ten thousand swords had returned to their clan. The momentum was magnificent, and how gorgeous it was!

"Ash's Bad Butterfly used telekinesis to control the foam of Rainwing Moth!"Miss Lillian did not forget to provide commentary during such a practice match. She was really dedicated.

Xiao Shun was stunned by the scene in front of him. He had never seen Bada Huo with such exquisite telepathy.

He had to admit in his heart , Xiaozhi's purple flashing butterfly may be better in every aspect than the Rainwing Moth he spent all his efforts to cultivate!

Xiaozhi's attack was launched at this moment!

Use the opponent's skills to reverse Attack, this is the power of a top coordination trainer. The little girl Bada Huo used her mind power to knock back these bubbles.

But these bubbles did not hit the Rainwing Moth directly, but hit the beach at its feet. On the top, a huge butterfly outline is formed, how majestic!

"Amazing!"Wakana and Xiaoyao both exclaimed, such a battle is beyond their imagination!

"Rainwing Moth, use freezing light!"Xiao Shun reacted quickly and looked at Xiao Zhi with admiration. He knew that his score might have been greatly reduced for the move just now!

Xiao Zhi waved his hand,"Phantom light!"

Bada Butterfly was able to use phantom light to push back Qi Lulian when he was subdued. How powerful is Rainwing Moth's freezing light?

In a head-to-head confrontation, Xiao Shun was attacked again, and his score should have been exhausted. Not much!

"Xiaoyao, let’s take a look at Bada Huo’s latest skills!"Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted, he wanted to end this gorgeous battle in this way.

In his call, Xiao Yao's attention was all focused on Bada Butterfly!

"Pollen balls!"

As the Bada Butterfly flapped its wings, a cloud of powder flew over the stage and fell in all directions. However, a soft banging sound was heard. The powder actually exploded. For a moment, the entire beach seemed to be filled with a large number of small fireworks. Shrouded, this scene is so gorgeous!

Bada Huo doesn't have any unnecessary movements, every move is so elegant and beautiful, but extremely effective.

Even Xiao Shun looks at the scene in front of him with admiration!

This battle, Ash didn't attack Rainwing Moth, but he won very beautifully!


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