Xiaozhi was taken away by Deoxys, and the entire cave has returned to calm!

Hinata quickly took Xiaogang and the three of them back to the Pokémon Center and contacted the Ranger Alliance. After receiving Xiaozhi's tip, the rangers finally came to a conclusion about the geomagnetic disorder here!

She quickly found Xiaogang and the other three,"Everyone, following the directions given by Xiaozhi, I tried to inquire at the ranger base, and I just received a reply!"

"Miss Hinata, what exactly is the solar storm that big brother is talking about?"Xiao Sheng looked curious about the baby. Every move Xiao Zhi made just now made him admire and admire him so much!

"That is a high-speed plasma flow blown from the surface of the sun, and it will blow to our planet!"Hinata and the three of them set off from the Pokémon Center again and returned to the cave to look for meteorites!

"According to the information from the ranger base, now is the period when sunspots are at their maximum. When the sunspot area becomes larger, the solar storm blown out will become stronger!"

After comparison, Hinata has confirmed that the geomagnetic anomalies nearby are related to the solar storm. To be precise, the meteorite that fell here was affected by the solar storm! After observation, the center point of the geomagnetic anomaly was found , exactly where the meteorite is! So the key to solving all the mysteries is there!

And Xiaozhi has been there from the beginning!

Opening his eyes again, Xiaozhi found that the scene in front of him was very interesting!

White In a space with a light blue background, he, Gardevoir, Pikachu and Eevee are suspended in the air, surrounded by suspended objects similar to candies and donuts, which adds a lot of fun to this space!

Pikachu and Eevee Bu has already started playing. They each found a donut and jumped up and down in the air. The laughter resounded throughout the space!

Xiaozhi and Gardevoir stood side by side, and they probably understood that this area belonged to Deoxys. Why is the space like this? It still looks a little childish. It is obvious that this Deoxys is already at a very high level.

The environment here is obviously different from the lonely and dark universe. It can make Deoxys feel more comfortable!

At this time, Deoxys came to Xiaozhi. Although he could not understand what it was saying, the conversation between the trainer and the Pokémon could transcend language!

The DNA of the cosmic virus attached to the meteorite experienced The sudden mutation created Deoxys! Therefore, for Deoxys, the meteorite was its cradle, the hotbed of birth!

As the meteorite wandered aimlessly in the universe, it brought Deoxys There was only endless torture in Heath. It was cold, narrow, and there was no sound!

Xiaozhi could clearly feel the feelings conveyed by Deoxys, but with that huge sound, the meteorite fell!

It Falling into the cave, it was like a frog at the bottom of a well, thinking that the cave was the whole world, but it was still alone!

Xiaozhi, who finally understood Deoxys, stepped forward and smiled,"Welcome, I represent The entire Pokémon world welcomes you!"

It is this way of communication that allows Xiaozhi and Deoxys to continuously improve their compatibility and bonding values. In this space, the impact of geomagnetic disorder on them can be smaller.

But there will still be an impact, just in the case of geomagnetic disorder When it became violent, Deoxys shrank into a ball in pain!

"Deoxys, you have powerful regeneration abilities! Use self-regeneration, it should make you feel better!"Although he always treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, Xiaozhi knows how to make Deoxys feel better.

The earthy light shines, and Deoxys really feels better. It opens the channel of space again, allowing Xiaozhi and Pokémon to They returned to the cave and happened to meet up with Hinata, Xiaogang and the others!

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoyao was the first to rush up, looked Xiaozhi up and down, and only felt relieved after confirming that he was fine.

"Miss Hinata, do you have any conclusion?"Xiao Zhi gave Xiao Yao a slap on the head and asked quickly.

"Yes, as you said, geomagnetic anomalies should be related to solar storms"Before Hinata finished speaking, the meteorite under Ash's feet suddenly flashed an astonishing arc of electricity!

Gardevoir reacted the fastest and immediately teleported Xiaozhi away from the meteorite and returned to the crowd,"Could it be that meteorite that caused the problem?"

"It seems that’s right!" Hinata confirmed while holding the hunting cursor,"The stronger solar storm caused the meteorite to react, connecting the dots to cause geomagnetic anomalies!"

Just when Hinata confirmed the conclusion of this investigation mission, the electric arc on the meteorite turned out to be even more terrifying!

Ash and Hinata's expressions suddenly changed,"Everyone, run away, it's very dangerous here!"

The rioting arc indeed caused an explosion. When an explosion occurred in such a cave, even Xiaozhi could not withstand the impact of being gathered together, and was pushed out of the cave with everyone!

Fortunately, there were Gardevoir and Fossil Pterosaur. His defense kept everyone safe!

The hole above the meteorite was emitting a white light. Hinata gritted her teeth and said,"The energy of the meteorite is out of control now!""

"Fossil pterosaur!"

Xiao Zhi called out and fluttered his wings on the fossil pterosaur,"Hinata, your mission has been completed, leave the next step to me!"

Watching Xiaozhi take off, Hinata also fully understood the situation of Deoxys,"The influence of solar wind and geomagnetic anomalies were transmitted to Deoxys through meteorites, causing it to cause an abnormal state!"

So, now the meteorite has an abnormal energy runaway, and Deoxys even sent Xiaozhi out! The meteorite that was supposed to be the cradle has caused Deoxys pain!

Now Xiaozhi All we have to do is to get rid of that meteorite!

Suddenly, dark clouds cover, lightning flashes and thunder, and the originally sunny mountainous area seems to have people passing by.People are here to survive the tribulation! Amidst the thunder, Xiaoyao was so frightened that he covered his ears!

"Fossil pterosaur, fly low!"Ash had to make the fossil pterosaur lower its flying height!

"Xiaozhi, after the meteorite got out of control, the geomagnetism also became seriously disordered, and the air pressure was affected and dropped. If this continues, the meteorite may explode!"Hinata then realized that his mission was not that simple. If the meteorite exploded, it would definitely endanger many Pokémon in the nearby mountains! After the words fell, Deoxys appeared in a defensive form, shining with the light of self-regeneration. Next to Xiaozhi!

Immediately, a purple light flashed through its core, and a terrifying aura pressed towards Xiaozhi. A strong mental thought came and violently pushed the fossil pterosaur back!

As the meteorite lost control, the generation Ochisis also went berserk. It had lost its mind. The power of the legendary Pokémon was about to be released and destroy everything around it!

It used up its last sanity to come to Xiaozhi and seek his help. help!


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