Pokémon Rangers don’t use Poke Balls!

So Jack had already placed the Pokémon he brought from the Feile area to the Pokémon Center in this town!

Originally, Xiaozhi only needed to come to this Pokémon Center to collect it after the gorgeous large-scale celebration. But now that Xiaozhi has accepted his request for help, he can hand over this mission reward to Xiaozhi in person!

Now the two of them have to work together to perform the task. This way can bring them closer together, which is conducive to the next action!

So, before explaining the details of this mission, while the Guangmei family was packing their bags and preparing to leave, Xiaozhi and Jack led a group of people to the Pokémon Center in the town!

"Miss Joy"Xiaogang was about to run out when he was caught by Xiaozhi. Seeing that Jack meant to send him a Pokémon, but he didn't tell him what it was, Xiaozhi was so worried now that he couldn't have the patience. Listen to Xiaogang’s attentiveness!

What's interesting is that there are two auspicious eggs helping Miss Joy, but one of them is not wearing a nurse's hat!

"Mr. Jack, you are here, this lucky egg really helped me a lot! He also beat away a few gangsters in the town, which was really awesome!"

Listen to what Miss Joey meant, he was the one who stored this lucky egg here! And this lucky egg actually got into a fight!

Xiaozhi quickly looked at the lucky egg. Could it be that this lucky egg was given to him by the Pokémon Ranger Alliance? His reward?

As for the auspicious egg, of course Xiaozhi also wants to conquer one. Ever since he had a battle with Youwu before, he also wanted to conquer a auspicious egg to cultivate. This is a super shield plus a super priest. , even if you can't beat it, it can wear down the opponent until it loses its fighting ability!

But like Onokan, the compatibility between this kind of gentle Pokémon and Xiaozhi is too low.

Geely Egg is the most important work assistant of the Joey family And a partner, but unlike the Kati dog of the Junsha clan, the lucky eggs of the Joey clan come from a special Pokémon Nurse Academy and are allocated.

Musashi also went to the Pokémon Nurse Academy before, with a lot of Geely Egg is a classmate.

Geely Egg is a Pokémon with a gentle personality. When it sees an injured Pokémon, it will give it nutritious eggs to the other person! Their eggs are rich in nutrients and are loved by many Pokémon. Things!

Even if they are all auspicious eggs, there are still differences in personality, so the ones that Xiaozhi wants to conquer are the ones that are more consistent with him in terms of personality and other aspects.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Miss Joy, I brought the trainer here!"Of course Jack knows the status of this auspicious egg!

The auspicious egg he sent originally lived in the Feile area where Poke Balls are not used, where people and Pokmon live in harmony and have a close relationship in life. Even closer, there is no such thing as a Pokémon battle!

But not only does it have a gentle side, it also shows hatred for evil, and it is also very fierce in fights! Not only that, it also has extraordinary strange power, and can uproot weeping willows. , it’s so easy to slap the flying Pokémon in the air!

When it saw an injured Pokémon, it obviously wanted to help take care of it, but it accidentally threw the Pokémon away, causing the Pokémon to be injured even more. It was about to become depressed, so the people there sent a request to the Ranger Alliance, asking the rangers to help take care of it!

It just so happened that the Ranger Alliance thought of giving Xiaozhi a mission reward, so they asked Jack to bring it here. Let it become the companion of a trustworthy trainer. This is the best place for it!

"Born with strange powers?"After hearing Jack's description, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up!

He came to the Geely Egg and squatted down,"Geely Egg, just follow me from now on, okay? I can bring out all your gentleness and strange power!"

You can feel Xiaozhi's tenderness, and Geely Egg is also happy to start a new life with Xiaozhi. It followed Jack here and was already mentally prepared!

But it turned around and walked behind the Pokémon Center. Go, there is a battlefield!

"Is it going to have a battle of conquest?"Both Xiaoyao and Xiaogang looked at the Geely Egg's movements in disbelief!

After arriving in Kanto, this Geely Egg came into contact with Pokémon battles for the first time!

It probably understood that the humans in this place would use a kind of Pokémon. Ball props, and is also very keen on Pokémon battles! And Pokémon need to be conquered by humans in the form of conquering battles!

"Then, the battle of conquest!"Xiao Zhi raised the elf ball towards the lucky egg,"The decision is yours, Ibrahimovic!"

The Pokémon around Xiaozhi now are all evil-type, and using them to play seems a bit like bullying a little girl.

Seeing Eevee coming in front of him, Gilly Egg couldn't help but feel a little nervous. It was looking forward to the Pokémon battle, but after all, it was the third Pokémon. It was a battle, so I used the light wall skill first!

"sure!"Xiao Zhi praised,"High-speed star!"

The dazzling golden star is a must-hit skill, but it is constantly smashed under the wall of light. The physical strength of Pokémon like Geely Egg is terrifyingly thick, and its special defense is also very high, but its attack and defense are very low!

So in the battle, you must How to bring out its characteristics is what Xiaozhi has to think about! The most important thing is that Xiaozhi wants to know what the so-called natural power of this auspicious egg is!

"Bang bang break!"

So Xiaozhi used Ibrahimovic's partner skill, which is a physical attack skill. The light wall cannot resist this attack, and as the bonding value between Ibrahimovic and Xiaozhi becomes higher and higher, the power of this move becomes more and more powerful. It is also constantly improving!

In addition, the power of this general skill is doubled under the influence of adaptability. This move is not easy! A dazzling white light flashed on Ibrahimovic, and he was in front of the auspicious egg in the blink of an eye, and he hit it directly. On its body!

As expected, the Geely Egg was knocked back repeatedly, but despite such a powerful skill, it didn't seem to be damaged!

The scariest thing about it is this!

And after withstanding Ibrahimovic's attack, Geely The egg actually grabbed Eevee's tail and threw it away!

Xiaozhi's eyes flashed, the speed at which Eevee was thrown was terrifying! It can be seen that this auspicious egg really has terrible power! It is completely unsolvable With strength and strong stamina, this lucky egg was almost invincible!

But the well-trained Ibrahimovic shot a string of high-speed stars behind him to stabilize his figure!

"Very good, blazing hot!"

The defense of the auspicious egg itself is very low, and the light wall can only weaken the damage of special attacks, so Xiaozhi must use physical attacks to attack crazily! The figure of the fire elf flashed across Eevee's body, and blazing flames suddenly appeared all over his body. It turned into a huge fireball and rushed towards the lucky egg!

This move will not only cause damage, but also put the lucky egg into a burning state!

And what Xiaozhi wants is this burning state!

The lucky egg is swallowed up by flames and burned The status will continue to weaken its physical strength, but the scary thing is that the Geely Egg not only has ridiculously thick physical strength, but also has a large number of recovery skills, such as laying eggs!

As long as Xiaozhi can use it, it will become a nightmare for his opponents!

This auspicious egg, as well as the newly conquered baby dragon, may be taken on a trip to the Sinnoh region!

After withstanding this attack, the auspicious egg did not continue to attack and slowly came to Xiaozhi!

Its A new life is set sail at this moment!


The auspicious egg has arrived!

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