Just the thundering skills displayed by this thunder beast are enough to amaze Xiaozhi!

Seeing the performance of the director and Thundermon, Yusuke's Thundermon standing in the middle of the group gritted his teeth and looked fiercely.

Xiaoguang knelt down and gently stroked its hair,"So this kid can do something like that?""


Yusuke showed a look of disgust and denied indifferently,"This guy is a loser who has no way to graduate. He lost control and ran away during the training process, causing trouble to all of you, didn't he?"

"Although the director asked me to find a way to deal with it, working with water-type Pokémon is my specialty, but I was sent to a center that specializes in electric-type Pokémon! How bad!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at him as he spoke with stern expressions. However, since it was a matter for Pokémon breeders, Xiaozhi did not speak for the time being and left it to Xiaogang to handle!

Xiaogang interrupted Yusuke's complaint,"Okay. Let me take a good look at the Thunder Beast?"

Yufu nodded blankly. Xiaogang squatted down and gently stroked the head of the thunder beast, until the thunder beast didn't know why.

Seeing that Xiao Gang didn't speak, Yufu still looked like he didn't care,"right, now got it?"

"No, just like the director said, there might be some way!"Xiao Gang gave a different answer. Seeing Yusuke's disbelief, he insisted,"Just try to find a way to do it, and I will help you too!"

With that said, Xiaogang apologized to Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang,"Sorry, just let me delay a little before leaving!"

"Of course, let Xiaoguang train with you!"Of course Xiaozhi will support Xiaogang's decision, and he also thinks that this must be a good learning opportunity for Xiaoguang!

Xiaoguang also realizes this,"Pachilitz, let's work hard too!"

Xiao Gang also encouraged the Thunder Beast,"Keep it up, Thunder Beast!"

With Xiaogang's approval, the Thunder Beast became more energetic and its motivation for training increased!

So, Xiaogang started the teaching mode and brought the Thunder Beast and Yusuke back to the already empty training center. The Thunder Beast lay down firmly,"The Thunder Beast will store electricity in its body hair, so combing its hair is an indispensable step!"

In the past, when Xiaozhi was still a newbie, these tedious tasks of taking care of Pokémon, including Pikachu's grooming work, were all shouldered by Xiaogang. It was not until Xiaozhi learned more and more that he could Take good care of the Pokémon by yourself. Work such as grooming is also a daily task for Xiaozhi and the Pokémon to increase their bonding value! After

Xiaogang finished speaking, Yusuke took a brush from his backpack and said,"I want to brush the fur." right! Without saying a word

, he held up the brush and was about to say hello. But after a few brushes, he was struck by lightning and fell down, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside."It's terrible!"

Xiaogang picked up his brush and said,"You can't use metal brushes at this time!" Be sure to use a non-conductive brush!"

As I said just now, the thunder beast's electricity is stored in its hair, but Yusuke used a metal brush to do it. He really didn't care at all!

"First of all, making Pokémon feel at ease is the first priority!"Under Xiaogang's care, the Thunder Beast obviously calmed down and looked like it was enjoying itself.

"Next, trust the Pokémon, and then allow yourself to gain its trust! This is the same as when raising water Pokémon!"

Seeing that the Thunder Beast looked completely different under Xiaozhi's care, Yusuke finally thought deeply,"That's true. Maybe I have never trusted this guy!"

Seeing him reflect, Xiaozhi also nodded slightly. This is Xiaogang's way of dealing with it!

If he had taken action just now, he would have scolded Yusuke severely, or used a battle to tell him these truths. This This is the trainer's method!

So, this is a matter for Pokémon breeders, and Xiaozhi will definitely respect Xiaogang's approach!

Facts have proved that Xiaogang's method is very effective. When Yusuke completed his reflection, the next The training has begun!

Standing in front of the target by the lake, Yusuke decided to try to trust the Thunder Beast,"The training has begun, first of all, charging!"

The Thunder Beast is also willing to continue to cooperate with Yusuke. After receiving the order, his whole body sparkled with electricity!

"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

First, start practicing the control of skills with 100,000 volts, instead of using the thundering ultimate move right from the start. This is Xiaozhi's suggestion!

100,000 volts are fired in a straight line, but the next step is the focus of training!

"Use one hundred thousand volts to the left!"

Turn left, and the electricity will hit the lake. But I never thought that the electricity would twist and hit Xiaozhi and his group on the right.


Pikachu was so calm that he jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders and smashed the one hundred thousand volts into pieces with an iron tail.

"If your orders are not decisive enough, the Thunder Beast will be unable to accurately control the current due to hesitation! Let Xiaoguang show you how to do it!"

Xiao Zhi has always believed that this trainer is the only support for Pokémon in battle command. He also taught his core battle experience to Xiao Yao and Xiao Guang, and even had a profound influence on Xiao Mei.!

But Xiaoguang was so confident that he landed on Pachilitz,"Then I'll start, Pachilitz stores electricity!"

Xiao Guang has some experience in the storage of energy. Pachilitz's use of electricity was also taught by Pikachu!

He saw electric light flashing on Pachilitz's cheeks, his aura continued to increase, and gradually began to sparkle with electric sparks all over his body.!

"Great, almost done!"

Xiaoguang paid attention to the changes in Pachilitz, and was about to give an order, but as soon as he finished speaking, Pachilitz's powerIt burst out and struck in all directions!

Even Xiao Guang, who was standing behind it, was attacked, and her hair exploded again!

"ah"Xiaoguang immediately went crazy!

Xiaozhi also shook his head. He had just said that he should never hesitate in giving orders, but Xiaoguang was still talkative and negligent. This is her punishment for her recent slack!

However, with the long hair standing up on his head, Xiaoguang called for Pachilitz, whose head was burning, to stop, squatted down and comforted him,"Pachilitz, it's Baofen!"

Seeing the little guy eating it with relish, Xiaoguang said calmly,"Pachilitz, let's work hard and train with that thunder beast, so we should be able to complete our combined skills!"

She is very talented and has ideas for gorgeous performances, but she has to realize them These wild ideas require her to train repeatedly with her Pokémon!

"Well done, Patchlitz, once again accumulating electricity!"After eating Baofen, Xiaoguang regained his strength!

This time, when its momentum reached a certain height, Xiaoguang gave the order,"Now, discharge!""

Pachilitz jumped up high, and the electric light all over her body shot out at an angle, hitting the target accurately. As long as she wanted to do it, she could definitely do it!


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