Tonight is the night of the full moon!

"I think our poisonous pink moths must also want to migrate together! Daiki looked at Musashi and said,"So can we meet again tonight?""

The big tree came to this lake specifically to allow the poisonous pink moth to complete its love and migration. Now that I see that the shining poisonous pink moth has found the person he likes, I am really happy for it!

After agreeing to meet Musashi in the evening, Dashu left with the Glitter Poison Moth, but Musashi's Poison Moth showed reluctance to leave. When he returned to Musashi, he was so unhappy that he lost all energy!

"Poisonous pink moth, do you like that poisonous pink moth just now?"Musashi sat down with the poisonous pink moth. After asking this question, the poisonous pink moth flapped its wings and landed next to Musashi.

Musashi smiled and pushed it away. It landed on the stone beach by the lake and became shy. At this point, Musashi smiled and said,"It's time for the Poison Moth to fall in love!"

As she spoke, she showed an expression of nostalgia and recollection,"Actually, I have had such an experience before!"

Seeing her like this, Xiaozhi originally wanted to take Riolu and the other three Pokémon away, but he was afraid that moving would attract Musashi's attention, and he was also a little curious!

Musashi told the poisonous pink moth about his In the past, it turned out that Musashi had put in a lot of effort for her dream of performing arts when she was young, and had to undergo rigorous training courses every day! At that time, she had a boy with whom she had a great relationship, and was about to embark on a journey to coordinate a trainer,"If possible If so, do you want to come with me? I think we can definitely succeed! She still clearly remembers the invitation, but her answer at the time was,"No, I decided to participate in the audition. If I pass, I can debut and become an idol!""

"Then let’s work hard towards our respective goals!"This was the boy's encouragement to her before he left. For her dream, Musashi bid farewell to the boy and participated in the selection with high hopes!

But contrary to expectations, Musashi's companions were all selected, but she, who usually performed best, was She brushed it off.

She began to regret it, and she feels regretful until now. If she had agreed to the boy's invitation, maybe she would have a different life now!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but shake his head. This is dream and reality!

Feeling Musashi In such a mood, the poisonous pink moths were flying back and forth around it. Seeing it like this, Musashi smiled and said,"There are no second chances, right?"

Unconsciously, the sky turned dark, shrouded in dark clouds, and thunderclouds rolled in!

Suddenly, Poisonous Pink Moth pushed Musashi away, and saw a bolt of lightning hitting the dead tree next to her. Fortunately, Poisonous Pink Moth React quickly enough, otherwise the fallen tree trunks and flying debris could seriously injure Musashi!

Not only that, this lightning strike also destroyed the natural dam made of large rocks next to the small lake, causing a large amount of water to flow out of the lake. The water level is decreasing rapidly!

Xiaozhi frowned. There are still many water Pokémon living in the lake. If a large amount of water in the lake is lost, these Pokémon will lose their homes!

Moreover, the big tree just said that the poisonous pink moth Affected by the light of the full moon in the lake, they came to gather on the lake. If there is less water in the lake, the gathering and migration of poisonous pink moths may be affected!

Xiaozhi hurriedly showed up with Shavarang and other three Pokémon. But she found that Musashi had passed out, and the poisonous pink moth looked at her worriedly!

"Sister, wake up!"Xiao Zhi checked. This eldest sister is usually very strong. She didn't suffer any injuries this time and she woke up immediately!

"Little devil?"

"Don’t ask any questions, come and help!"Xiao Zhi quickly pulled Musashi into action to fill the gap created by the thunder,"The decision is yours, Scorpio! You go find Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, they need Curl's ear's freezing light!"

The Pokémon around Xiaozhi now do not have ice-type skills. There must still be gaps in this gap just by building stones, which cannot really prevent the loss of water, but ice-type skills can play a role! At this moment, a strong wind and rain are coming, and the wind direction is messy. It was unbearable, but Scorpio nodded vigorously, flapped his wings and flew towards the Pokémon Center!

The two people at the Pokémon Center also heard about the migration of poisonous pink moths, and the version explained by Miss Joy became even more beautiful!

"Once a year on a full moon night like this, the poisonous pink moth creates a golden rainbow over the lake and over the Tianguan Mountain! It is said that poisonous pink moths who fall in love will breed offspring in the garden on the other side of Tianguan Mountain!"

Of course Xiaogang and Xiaoguang can't miss such a romantic thing, but seeing the coming storm, they are more worried about Xiaozhi who is training by the lake!

Going out with them, there are also people who are resting in the Pokémon Center and waiting for the night The descending tree happened to meet the stumbling Scorpio after going out, and hurriedly followed it to Xiaozhi!

Scorpio was blown crookedly by the wind, but still fell in front of Xiaozhi, was fixed by his telekinesis, and took back the Poké Ball!

Not only Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, but also Xiaojiro and Meowth came. Seeing a large amount of lake water pouring out, they all realized the seriousness of the matter!

Xiaozhi had already brought the fighting Pokémon and Musashi, using The stones rebuilt the gap made by the lightning. Seeing Xiaoguang coming, Xiaozhi nodded,"Good job, pour water on these stones and freeze them again!""

After receiving the order, Xiaoguang immediately threw the elf ball,"Bogaman, use Tide Whirl! Juanjuer, use the freezing ray!"

The two Pokémon cooperated tacitly, and the stones that Xiaozhi had built up were frozen, and the lake water never flowed again. This is a simple measure, which can at least delay the night! When daybreak, it can be repaired properly!

"Success, the water stopped flowing!"The big tree exclaimed, admiring Xiaozhi's ability to act! Because of his timely handling, the lake water did not lose much, but the current water level still has no way to reflect the light of the full moon!

"If this water can be returned to its original place"Musashi looked at the accumulated lake water downstream, and couldn't help but have a whim, wanting to overturn the water and collect it again!

But this can really be done with the power of Pokémon. Dashu's eyes lit up,"Use the telekinesis of my Poisonous Pink Moth to make the water float into the air!""

"If I use my poisonous pink moth's whirlwind to transport it back to the lake,"Musashi and Dashu agreed on the plan and immediately put it into action,"We're going, Poison Moth!" The

Flash Poison Moth used telekinesis to raise the water in the downstream lake to form a high water column, and Musashi's Poison Moth followed closely. He used a whirlwind to drop the water column into the lake upstream.

The water in the lake blocked by the temporary dam suddenly rose and quickly returned to its original water level!

Not only that, the storm soon stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the setting sun dyed the entire lake a beautiful golden color! The group of people looked at the lake in front of them quietly, feeling very satisfied!

Soon, the sun sets and the moon rises, the light of the full moon is reflected on the lake, and pairs of love-loving poisonous pink moths have gathered here!

It was finally time for Musashi and the poisonous pink moths to say goodbye. She pointed at the flashing poisonous pink moths without any words of farewell and said,"Okay, you go!" The two poisonous pink moths were flying and trying to catch up with the large army. , Musashi's Poisonous Pink Moth suddenly turned around and returned to her. They had a deep bond and relationship before, but if they suddenly had to separate, how could they let it go, and how could Musashi let it go!

Musashi said with a hateful look,"You like that poisonous pink moth, right? Then hurry up and get there!" The poisonous pink moth reluctantly flew over and hugged Musashi, but she pushed him away,"You don't have to at all. Mind my business!"

Looking at Poison Moth's expression, Musashi recalled the scene when she and the boy parted ways. He boarded the bus and set off for a trip. Musashi chased the car far away until he fell to the ground!

She would never allow Poisonous Pink Moth to miss out on love,"You must leave now, and you must live a happy life with the one you love!"

For this reason, she did not hesitate to forcibly cut off the bond with Poisonous Pink Moth," Do you know what this is? This is your elf ball!"

As she spoke, she threw the elf ball on the ground, with tears in her eyes, her eyes closed, and with a cruel heart, she stepped on it and crushed it to pieces."Now, it's already There is no Poké Ball to bring you back. If you understand, just leave as soon as possible!"

Unable to bear watching Musashi cry, the Poison Pink Moth flew around Musashi for the last time, then turned around and followed the Flash Poison Pink Moth away.

It was really touching to watch the many poisonous pink moths flying and their scales turn into a golden rainbow, extending towards Tianguan Mountain!

This touching scene made Musashi burst into tears and laugh,"I want you to fall in love with me and make yourself happy!"

"This reminds me of when I released the bad butterfly!"Xiao Zhi smiled at Xiao Gang beside him,"You also gave me a good child, Xiao Zi!"

When there is an encounter, there will naturally be separation. Letting go and fulfilling the Pokémon love relationship is exactly what a trainer and a Pokémon can achieve if they have a deep relationship!

Xiaozhi looked at Musashi and said,"Come on, Sister Musashi, be happy. The day will surely come to you too!"


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