Under Donggua's release, War Hammer Dragon avoided the jet flames and stood up with support.

But now it has begun to pant, and the continuous attacks have exhausted it. The mental hammer is the ultimate move of the head hammer type skill, but it has been using it continuously!

"Dad, you are really strong!"Laotai knew that he had lost in terms of momentum, and it would be difficult to reverse if he continued to fight!

Hearing this, Mr. Donggua encouraged,"Laotai, just give it a try and attack your father with all your strength. , I will bear it all!"

As the referee, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly. Mr. Donggua, this protective dragon, is actually both offensive and defensive, and can turn strong defense into attack. If you ignore the defense at this point, Laita will lose a lot!

Now, Donggua was helping Hyota regain his momentum,"Is this all your attack? If you want to defeat me, you have to attack me completely and walk over my body!"

After the words fell, Hyota's momentum burned crazily,"War Hammer Dragon, jump up and use the double-edged hammer!"

Obviously, this is the last blow. All the power must be poured into this blow. If you don't succeed, you will be successful! The

War Hammer Dragon also roared and used its full strength, and its whole body was shrouded in sharp light. This rock-type element The ultimate move is to exert the strongest attack at the expense of feedback damage!

But the final collision is also the best opportunity for Donggua to turn defense into attack. When War Hammer Dragon launches an attack from the air, he also takes advantage of it. The order was given,"Now, use the iron head!"

The powerful skill among the steel skills made the shield-like face shine with the light of metal, facing the double-edged hammer of War Hammer Dragon! In the final momentum competition, Xiaozhi had already seen the result!

After he slowed down The moment he slowly closed his eyes, the attacks of the two Pokémon were evenly matched. After they separated, War Hammer Dragon received the feedback damage and fell to the ground! The winner had already been announced!

Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes and concentrated on The momentum of the fierce collision in the air was completely shattered,"The War Hammer Dragon lost its fighting ability, and the War Hammer Dragon won, so the winner is the Water Vein Gym trainer, Mr. Donggua!""

The fighting spirit of both sides dropped like an ebbing tide. Mr. Donggua laughed loudly, retracted his hammer, and the dragon came over and patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder,"Okay, your name is Xiaozhi, right? I like you very much!"

As he said that, he asked the young man on the side to send the two Poke Balls to the Pokémon Center for recovery as soon as possible,"Haha, come with me, I will let you take a good look at my collection! After feeling his son's strength and progress, Mr. Donggua was in a good mood and was willing to show everyone the fossils he had excavated and collected,"Look, these are my collections!""

This is an exhibition room deep in the gym, and it is also the most valuable place here. The shelves on both sides are filled with fossils of various Pokémon, more than what I have seen in the Tankeng Museum before!

"this is!"Hideta exclaimed and saw the largest display cabinet directly opposite the door. Only the fossil was preserved in a display cabinet made of glass!

"There are such huge ancient feather insects!"Xiao Zhi can understand Hyota's exclamation. The ancient feather insect fossil in front of him is so huge!

This is Donggua's most proud collection."As long as it is successfully restored, it will be three times the size of the ordinary ancient feather insect! So what, you lost?"

This time, Mrs. Laotai didn't push back. Instead, she said with sincere admiration,"That's right, Dad! This is the first time I have seen such a spectacular ancient feather insect fossil!"

"However, when it comes to Pokémon resurrected from fossils, my Hammer Dragon is the best!"Following him, he still pushed back. It seemed that the useless dispute between the two fathers and sons was about to start again!

Sure enough, Donggua said rudely,"Then you are still wrong. Speaking of Pokémon resurrected from fossils, they are indeed my protectors. Dragon is better!"

Seeing that the two of them were arguing again, Xiaozhi hurried forward. After we leave, you can argue as you like.

"By the way, Mr. Donggua and Mr. Hyota, have you ever seen fossils like this?"Xiao Zhi exported the picture of the fossil bird he had obtained before from the navigator.

According to Xiao Mao's research conclusion, the genetic information of this fossil bird is incomplete. If it is to be resurrected, another fossil with incomplete information is needed. Complete.

Now that two senior fossil experts from the Sinnoh region were in front of him, of course Xiaozhi wanted to ask.

But both father and son looked at the photos in front of them in surprise, but they shook their heads, saying that they had never seen anything so special. The two of them were still clamoring to take a look, but the fossil bird was not in Xiao Zhi's hands!

The three of them sighed, but Xiao Zhi thought about it. After all, the fossil was accidentally obtained by Xia Bo when he was young. I have had this piece for my whole life, and now I want to find another piece. Naturally, it will not be so smooth!

But I didn’t expect that these two fossil experts have never even seen it, which shows the specialness of this fossil!

Watching the two father and son start to argue again Getting up, Xiaozhi shook his head, a blue light flashed on his body, and he came to the display case of the ancient feather insect in confusion,"What is this?"

With a blue light shining in his eyes, he found a box from the cabinet on the side of the display cabinet. The perception of the power of the waveguide is very powerful, and naturally the things hidden here cannot escape his detection!

"that is!"Seeing that Xiaozhi actually took out this box, Donggua became anxious! When he opened it, he found that it was a fossil of an ancient plant seed. This was also the fossil that Hyota discovered for the first time when he was a child. At that time, he took it. I gave it to Donggua, but I didn’t expect that Donggua has been preserved to this day and is still stored next to the most precious giant fossil!

Of course Xiaozhi found out what it was. In this collection room, all the fossils were displayed on the shelves. Only this one was put in a box and kept in a drawer!

It can be seen that this fossil, which looks very ordinary, is of great significance to Dong Gua!

Dong Gua is very satisfied with Laotai's current growth. He held the fossil and looked at Hyota,"This is my most precious fossil!"

"In fact, Dad has always attached great importance to us family members!"Laotai has always misunderstood Donggua, thinking that he abandoned their family and came to Shuimai City to be a gym trainer, so he always wanted to prove his abilities to Donggua!

And Mr. Donggua was also happy to see it. As a result, Hyota's strength was stimulated and became stronger and stronger.

Now the two father and son seemed to be a bit competitive!

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"I heard that Mr. Donggua was originally the gym trainer of the Steel Gym, and later joined the Alliance Invited, he came to Shuimai City to serve as a gym trainer. I think Mr. Donggua is making room for you, otherwise you will only be a trainee gym trainer. Only when he leaves can you truly start to act on your own!"


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