Xiaozhi challenged the second battle of the Water Vein Gym and sent Prince Bo to face Mr. Donggua’s Big Steel Snake!

"Then let me attack first!"Xiao Zhi smiled softly, but his momentum burned crazily. Then, Prince Bo used his alloy claws and tapped lightly, making a sonorous sound of gold and iron clashing!

"What a fierce momentum!"Hyota looked at the Pokmon and wondered how Xiaozhi cultivated these Pokémon. The courage of each one was so amazing!

"Tidal wave!"Xiao Zhi took the lead in launching the attack, but saw the white light shining on the prince's body. He actually used an amazing vortex on the rocky site, almost covering the entire site and trapping the big steel snake! The water-based skills were very effective against the big steel snake. The snake's effect was outstanding, but Donggua didn't look nervous at all,"Big steel snake, make noise!""

After being controlled by the vortex, there was still a way to launch an attack. The big steel snake poked its head out, and a harsh noise roared out from its ferocious mouth, which immediately suppressed Prince Bo and made him unable to move!

In the steel gym before, the one from Hyota Big Rock Snake will also use such tactics!

In such noise, how much momentum will be lost, but such tactics are not worth mentioning to Xiaozhi, not to mention that Big Steel Snake is now trapped in the whirlpool. Many methods cannot be used!

"Use Tide Twister again!"

This time, Prince Bo's tidal wave crossed in front of it, blocking the noise!

​​Seeing this, Lady Lao couldn't help but applaud. Such a response was really a stroke of genius. Even Donggua couldn't bear it. I can’t help but pat my thighs directly!

"The battle has officially begun!"Xiao Zhi's momentum rekindled, and Prince Bo jumped into the whirlpool in front of him, using the power of the water flow to pounce towards the big steel snake!

"Bubble light!"

At this moment, Prince Bo flew into the air, opened his mouth and shot out a series of bubbles, hitting the big steel snake hard on the head!

"The big steel snake used its iron tail to break out of the whirlpool!"Donggua was finally about to launch a counterattack. The tail of the big steel snake shone with metallic light. He pulled it out from the whirlpool, dispersed the whirlpool with one tail, and then whipped it towards Prince Bo!

"Alloy claw!"

Prince Bo finally had the opportunity to pull out the heavy sword he had practiced so hard. Looking at the huge snake tail with metallic light, Prince Bo did not panic at all. With the momentum of falling from the sky, the two swords collided with the iron tail!


Gold. The sound of iron clashing made people's ears hurt. Who could have imagined that two Pokémon with such a big difference in stature would be evenly matched when they collided!

Of course, this is also because the iron tail of the big steel snake has gone through many obstacles.!

"It's my turn, the big steel snake, use the binding attack!"Donggua took the lead in launching the attack this time. After his tail landed on the ground, his whole body stretched out and wrapped around Prince Bo!

Snake Pokémon have this attack mode. Once entangled by them, it will be dangerous!


Flying attacks are not effective against Big Steel Snake, but Prince Bo's beak grew longer in an instant, and he also unleashed Xiaoguang Pogaman's spear-like attack!

But this move was not actually intended to attack Big Steel. The snake was used to make Prince Bo move. Prince Bo tapped the snake's tail lightly, but he avoided the binding attack!

After being trained by the Giant Pincer Mantis, Prince Bo's skills became even more powerful!

Wait until Prince Bo's level is reached again With some improvement, you can evolve this peck attack into the diamond peck skill. This is the real killer move!

Avoiding the binding attack, Ash changed his move again,"Bubble Light!"

In this battle, the momentum competition between the two sides gradually became anxious, but the big steel snake has withstood many water-based skill attacks!

This last foam light finally knocked down the big steel snake!

"The big steel snake loses its fighting ability, and Prince Bo wins!"Hyota hurriedly announced Xiaozhi's victory. Prince Bo fell back to the ground, and his physical strength had reached its limit!

"Thank you for your hard work, Prince Bo!"Xiao Zhi took back Prince Bo and looked at Dong Gua opposite with a smile. The next step was naturally the protective dragon!

"Xiaozhi, you are indeed amazing! But you definitely can't defeat my protective dragon, go ahead!"Donggua roared again and threw the elf ball, and the ace protective dragon appeared!

"I also think that you will never be able to defeat my steel ace, so the decision will be yours, Boss Cordora!"Xiao Zhi threw the Poké Ball, and saw that the white light continued to grow bigger, until it turned into a huge thing, and hit the rock field hard, and the ground of the entire field also sunk into two big pits!

Xiao Zhi carefully The cultivated heavy metal boss Cordora appears again. After this period of training, its size has become more and more terrifying, almost comparable to the strongest ace, Laoban!

Its strength is very terrifying, and it can be used as a member of Xiaozhi's second team. , that is, the strongest ace candidate!

After Boss Cordora appeared on the stage, Donggua and Hyota's eyes lit up, and they thought that the cultivation of Boss Cordora was really amazing. How did they cultivate such a terrifying existence?!


An angry roar broke out, and the momentum of Xiaozhi and Boss Cordora increased to the limit in an instant,"Mr. Donggua, is there any way for the city protection dragon to take one of my moves?"

"Big impact!"

Heavy Metal Boss Cordora's signature skill, this move is more powerful the heavier it is than the opponent. Even if there is a protective dragon in front of it, it can use this move with double its weight to exert terrifying power.!

Donggua was also startled by the momentum of Xiaozhi and Boss Cordora, but immediately gave the order,"Use the iron wall!""

The huge steel shield flashed out. Let Xiaozhi witness the powerful defensive power of the city dragon!

Boss Cordora's whole body was shining with the light of metal, and every step could leave deep footprints, completely ignoring it. The iron wall of the city guard dragon hit the shield hard!

The terrifying weight exerted a powerful impact, pushing the city guard dragon back violently, and all the rocks on the rock field were smashed!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Boscodora roared repeatedly, and his momentum increased crazily. Hyota and Donggua were shocked. This is Xiaozhi's trump card!

Xiaozhi burst out his power and was so powerful!

"Alloy claw!"

The power of the heavy collision was finally exhausted, but the protective dragon was suppressed and could not move. Xiaozhi's attack followed immediately. Boss Cordora's armor-covered arm was slammed down, and the armored arm was knocked down hard. The shield of the shield dragon smashed into the rocky field!

Boss Cordora appeared, and Donggua's ace shield dragon didn't even have the slightest power to fight back!

"The guardian dragon lost its fighting ability and Boss Cordora won, so the winner is the challenger Xiaozhi!"Hidea was stunned for a moment, and then announced Xiaozhi's victory, but his eyes were fixed on Boscodora!

This peerless power is really amazing!

"You can break my perfect defense with one punch. Xiaozhi, your momentum is admirable and makes me convinced! This mine badge is given to you!"Donggua handed the Water Vein Gym badge to Xiaozhi!

This is also Xiaozhi's sixth gym badge!


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