Xiaozhi is now more and more calm, and actually asks Xiaoguang whether he wants to tame a Fiona.

After training with Xiaozhi, and the new Pokémon is also a water type, Xiaoguang has the highest understanding of the water type. If she can get a Fiona, it will naturally further strengthen her abilities!

This is also a big test for her. As long as her level increases, she will naturally be able to slowly make the ivory pig obedient!

"By the way, have you decided who will participate in this gorgeous contest?"Walking to the beach again, Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Ivory Pig's debut battle is obviously going to be put on hold. This time it is related to the fourth ribbon medal, so Xiaoguang should not be careless!

"Of course!"Xiaoguang threw two elf balls," Juanjuaner, Pachilitz, come out!"

The little rabbit and the little squirrel are going to appear this time. Both little ones are very energetic."Listen up, for this gorgeous contest, we are going to seize the luck!"

This day was really stressful. When we came to the beach again, it was already dark. There was a sightseeing boat on the port specifically to carry tourists and trainers to the sea to find and watch Fiona!

For this annual season, the town They must have tried their best to provide good service!

Taking a sightseeing boat and diving into the bottom of the sea, the world in the sea once again appeared in front of Xiaoguang and others."Look, it's a love fish. It's so beautiful!""

In Dr. Yamanashi's lectures before, Xiaoguang has seen many types of water Pokémon. Now when he comes to the bottom of the sea, he can recognize many of them at a glance!

This love fish is also what Xiaozhi once thought of giving to Xiaozhi. I just subdued one and went back, but I didn't expect to forget it with Xiaomei. Fortunately, I met a little sawcrocodile later!

I heard that the little guy has now evolved into a blue crocodile, and the growth is very satisfying! Xiaoxia She and her sister Sakura also acquired a pair of love fish and named them Caslin and Erin respectively!

"How about it, Bad Frog, it’s fun in the sea, right?"Xiaogang's bad frog was lying in front of the glass looking at the scenery in the sea, not knowing what to think.

At this moment, the blue light on Xiaozhi's body shone gently, but it was not the perception of the power of the waveguide, but the feeling on his body. Poseidon's Blessing, as the King of the Sea, sensed Fiona's arrival,"Here he comes!"

The three Fionas who appeared in front of the window glass of Xiaozhi and his party seemed to have sensed Xiaozhi's aura of the King of the Sea, and they nodded gently in the sea.

"It's Fiona!"

Seeing Fiona, everyone in the cabin cheered, and a young couple hugged happily,"In this way, the two of us can become the happiest couple!"

Suddenly, the smallest one among the three Fionas noticed that Xiaoguang's curly ears were approaching Xiaozhi.

"This child is so cute!"Xiao Guang liked the way Fiona jumped up and down to show courtesy to Juan Juan Er!

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"That child seems to like your Juan Juan Er. This is really fate!"

After getting off the boat and returning to the shore, Xiaozhi led the two of them along the shore to a more remote corner. Three Fiona jumped out of the water one after another. It turned out that the little Fiona was chasing Curly Er. Here it comes!

The little guy jumped up and down in front of Curly Ear, and raised his hands to greet it happily.

Bogaman stepped forward to say hello to this little brother, but in fact Fiona has no gender. Yes, it just likes the little sister Curly Er!

Who knew that this little guy was quite temperamental. He actually shook off Bogaman's hand, jumped up, and used the freezing beam towards Bogaman.!

Pogaman's eyes widened immediately. Xiaoguang's training did not train reaction ability, but all of Xiaozhi's Pokémon were able to respond immediately!

Pogaman was frozen, but his ice skills The effect on it was not good, and the level of little Fiona was also lower, so it broke away the ice by itself!

The little guy was playing around with Xiaoguang, and the other two larger Fionas arrived. At Xiaozhi's feet, they were playing well with Eevee and Riolu.

One of them even jumped on Xiaozhi's shoulder and gently stroked the elf egg in his arms. It looked very well-behaved.

At this moment, Pikachu was standing next to Xiaozhi. On the other side of the light, Curly Ear was leaning against it, looking very close and dependent.

When the little Fiona saw this, her two big eyes seemed to burst out with anger, and she pointed at Pikachu and muttered!

Suddenly, The two Fionas next to Xiaozhi became anxious and wanted to get closer to start a fight, but they were hugged by Xiaozhi and Riolu,"Ah la la, this little guy actually wants to challenge Pikachu, it's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

The water-type Fiona actually wants to challenge the electric-type Pikachu. This is Ash's skin god!

"ah? Xiaoguang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked intoxicated,"This feels a bit romantic!""

But the development of the three little ones in front of them surprised the group even more. Seeing Fiona's reluctance, Pikachu had a headache. The curly-eared girl actually jumped out and gave Fiona a slap in the face!

"Xiaozhi, what's going on?"Xiao Guang looked at Juan Juan'er's expression and roughly understood what it meant, but asked Xiao Zhi for confirmation. He really couldn't believe it.

But Xiao Zhi confirmed,"Juan Juan'er proposed to have a fight with Fiona first. Battle! Xiaoguang, do you know what to do?"

Xiao Guang turned around and nodded heavily. She took a step forward and came behind Juan Juan Er, and took out the elf ball and pointed it at Fiona,"Fiona, if you want to fight, let's do a conquering battle!"

Seeing her like this, both Xiaogang and Xiaozhi laughed!

Xiaozhi often launched conquering battles like this in the past. It was obviously a wild Pokémon challenging his Pokémon, but he just stepped in and defeated that Pokémon. The first battle turned into a battle of conquest!

Using this method, Xiaozhi quickly expanded his Pokémon team in the Fangyuan area!

Unexpectedly, this Curly-eared Curl-ear was another fierce challenge, as if he had promised something It looked like Fiona really agreed, and she was very happy, jumping up and down!

"Very good, Juan Juan Er, use the stun punch!"Xiao Guang was the first to give the order, and Juan Juan's ears pricked up and he rushed over, but was avoided by little Fiona using her shadow clone!

"This little Fiona’s moves are very good!"Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang greatly praised this Fiona!

Then they saw it leaping high, opening its mouth and shouting ultrasonic waves. If this move hits, Curl Curl's ears will fall into chaos, and this battle will be lost. Got it!

"Avoid it and use the freezing ray!"Xiaoguang's battle awareness is pretty good. Juanjuan Er jumped up suddenly, avoiding the spread range of the ultrasonic wave, and hit Fiona with a freezing ray of light!

Not to be outdone, Fiona also hit with a freezing ray of light. Coming out, the collision of ice skills gradually formed a huge icicle!

"Very good, use the flying jump now!"Seeing that the icicle grew to more than one meter high, Xiao Guang changed his moves decisively. Juan Juan Er jumped over and pushed his ear hard on the icicle!

The huge icicle smashed towards Fiona, frightening her. The little guy hurriedly dodged, but was still hit by the icicle and lost his fighting ability!

"Won!"Xiao Guang ran over with Juan Juan Er in his arms, and picked up Fiona as well,"Fiona, we are all good partners. We must get along well with everyone in the future! You have to protect your curly ears, you know?"

Fiona nodded repeatedly, then jumped down from Xiaoguang's arms and came to the two Fionas beside Xiaozhi.

However, Xiaozhi also took out two poke balls,"Let's give you three a name so that you can call them easily!"

The biggest one on Xiaozhi's shoulders is called Xiao Fei, the one held by Riolu is called Xiao Ou, and the smallest one Xiaoguang has conquered is called Xiao Na. Take all three Fionas as ordered!


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