This battle was very fierce!

But Xiaozhi successfully subdued this shiny giant metal monster, and he finally got his wish. It is still such a powerful one.

It regards this valley as its own territory. Even though warning signs have been erected on the mountain road, the name of the shining quasi-god is like the bait of piranha, attracting trainers one after another, wanting to try to conquer this completely. A Pokémon that can become an ace!

But there is no doubt that the trainers all failed to subdue them. They were beaten so hard that they fled in panic, but they gave Metagross a lot of experience points!

It grew up like this until it became Ash's ace Pokémon!

Name: Metagross (Flash)

Attributes: Steel, Super Powers

Characteristics: Eternal Pure Body (the ability will not be reduced due to the opponent's moves or characteristics)

Traction value: 160/230

Skills: Mental Power, Comet Fist, Destroying death ray, gyro ball, arm hammer, and electromagnetic levitation. The skill structure of Metagross is very complete. Ash needs to train it by slowly increasing its bond value.

It can be seen that the compatibility between Xiaozhi and this Metagross is very high. During daily training, this compatibility will gradually improve until the bond evolution is completed!

Putting Metagross' elf ball away, Xiaozhi looked at the Flame Chicken, which had returned to its original form and was covered in bruises. Although his body was covered in injuries, his eyes were full of excitement. This battle made him very excited!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi waved his arms and smiled,"Train well and don't be too hasty to improve your strength! We have plenty of time!" The

Flame Chicken nodded. Of course it knew that Xiaozhi asked him to come to fight this battle just to let it. Know your own strength.

If Charizard or Dragonite were to play, I'm afraid they wouldn't have to fight so hard at all, and Ash wouldn't be in severe pain all over his body!

"Come back, we have to go to the Pokémon Center now!"Xiao Zhi took back the flame chicken, and Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang also got off the hot air balloon.

"Xiaozhi, are you okay?"Xiaoguang has seen Xiaozhi's exhausted look more than once, and this time it seems that his whole body is in pain!

"It's okay, I just feel pain, and it will ease after a while! Ash smiled slightly and looked at the Rocket trio,"Please send us to the town, Meow Meow, and give me three bowls of ramen!""

"Follow your orders, meow!"

Returning to the town in Team Rocket's hot air balloon, Xiaozhi quickly sent Flame Chicken and Metagross to the Pokémon Center for treatment. Meowth brought three large bowls of ramen over in a short while!

Xiaozhi sat on the ground. , share it with the Flame Chicken and Metagross!

"Hey, Metagross, what did you eat in that valley?"With just one meal, the bond between Xiaozhi and Metagross increased a lot. Seeing Metagross gobbling up the food, Xiaozhi burst out laughing!

In fact, Metagross is a very cruel predator. Or, it will use its four steel claws and its huge body to firmly hold the prey, and then use the teeth on its abdomen to bite it!

Metagross stopped thinking, put down the empty ramen bowl, and looked towards Xiaozhi, buzz a few times

"Eat what you catch? Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, but nodded with a smile,"Then try these again!""

These are the energy cubes that Xiaozhi customized for Metagross last night, and the Flame Chicken also has a share. This bowl of ramen alone can't fill their stomachs, it's just an appetizer, these energy cubes are the main meal!

Giant The golden monster was so curious that he used his telekinesis to take an energy cube and put it into his mouth. He immediately ate it and his four claws trembled wildly, like a child!

"nice! You love it!"Xiao Zhi gently patted Metagross's steel claws. This guy is 2 meters tall, and you can only photograph its steel claws!

With just one meal, the bond between Xiao Zhi and Metagross increased very quickly.!

On the next journey, Xiaozhi will of course focus part of his energy on it. As a result, when setting off again, the Pokémon around Xiaozhi have changed.

He teleported the evolved Fire Monkey back, and the Flame Chicken The fighting style of this Flame Warrior cannot be taught by the Firestorm Monkey!

Now that it has completed its evolution, Xiaozhi will ask the Flame Chicken to take the child to the Red Lotus Volcano for intensive training!

Therefore, in addition to the attribute he has always carried with him: Sora, The Pokmon around Xiaozhi now are two little scorpions, the newly tamed Metagross, the Messenger Bird, and the Luck Cat!

This Messenger Bird was tamed by Xiaozhi in order to search for Snow Boy, but it is quite capable and has good compatibility. Not bad at all. Since he has subdued Xiaozhi, he will not let him go!

As a flying master, he certainly has a way to bring out the power of the messenger bird! After embarking on the journey again, the group quickly met him again, a flying type. An opportunity for the master to show off his strength!

As soon as he saw the strong wind town in the valley, Xiaoguang was almost blown away by the sudden strong wind,"Why is this wind so strong!"

"The book says that there will be strong winds blowing through this town, so be careful!"Xiao Gang looked at the travel manual and smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhi and his party heard a voice,"Follow the wind, Mekayangma!"

Looking up, I saw Mekayangma and Long-winged Owl fighting for a ring. The scene was very intense!

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes suddenly lit up,"This is it?"

Pokémon Ring Contest!

The group of people hurried over and saw the familiar Pokémon Ring Competition."There is also a Pokémon Ring Contest in this strong wind town!"

Ash is very excited. He is carrying two flying Pokémon, Scorpio and Messenger Bird!

"What is a magic circle?"This is the first time Xiaoguang has seen such a competition!

Xiaogang explained,"The Magic Circle is a competitive event in which trainers and Pokémon team up. Xiaozhi once got it when he was in Hoenn. The winner of the competition!"

"Like that, if you fight each other in the air for the ring, and then hang the ring on the hook at the end, you win!"

Xiaogang said, Mekayangma just hung the ring up and won the victory. Such a practical exercise also made Xiaoguang understand the rules at once, and he suddenly became interested,"It seems to be fun!"

The trainer who uses Mekayangma is Kojiro. He borrowed it from Musashi to participate in the competition. He also participated in the competition in Hoenn, and Xiaozhi did not expose him. I asked him about it and learned that today is the event. The day of the ring competition!

It really comes early rather than by chance, just in time!

Xiaoguang is very interested in this competition,"Really? I really want to participate too!"

After she finished speaking, Pogaman jumped out of her arms and flapped its little wings desperately, but it couldn't fly.

Only then did Xiaoguang remember that she didn't seem to have any Pokémon that could fly!

"Isn't this simple?"Xiao Zhi casually took the elf ball from the messenger bird and said,"I'll leave this child to you. I'll use Scorpio. Let's compete together, shall we?"

"Really? Very good! Thank you Xiaozhi!"Xiaoguang was very happy holding the messenger bird's elf ball. She likes this little guy very much!


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