"Xiaozhi, will you also participate in the Pokémon Ping Pong Competition?"

There was no time to talk about it in detail before. Only then did Xiaozhi find out the reason why Ah Zun appeared in Lilang Town. It turned out that he wanted to participate in the Pokémon Table Tennis Competition held after the Lilang Conference. He was currently keen on special training in table tennis!

"Trainers and Pokémon form a team to play table tennis?"Xiao Zhi did see the poster posted at the Pokémon Center,"It seems very interesting, I will participate with Pikachu!"

"In this case, I will also use Pachlitz to compete!"Xiaoguang also showed interest. When it comes to playing table tennis, Pikachu and Pachiriz can both use their tails as rackets!

But the most important thing now is of course the upcoming gorgeous competition, the Wave-making Conference. If Xiaoguang If you win, you will get the fifth Ribbon Medal and be qualified to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration.

And this is also related to Jianwu's fourth Ribbon Medal. This keeps Xiaoguang in the lead. As a strong enemy, he will naturally have to catch up!

"Please let your Pokémon show its charm! Let my Pokémon charm everyone! People and Pokémon will start a gorgeous contest if they want to. Let all guests wait for a long time, the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest and the Wave Conference will officially start from now on!"

Xiao Zhi held the elf egg and stood with Ah Zhi. There were also several Pokémon including Ivory Pig, which Xiao Guang was not playing. Ivory Pig still looked indifferent and kept sleeping with his eyes closed!

"Xiaozhi, what's wrong with your elf egg? Why is it so cold? Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable for you to hold me like this?"Ah Zhi looked at the egg in Xiaozhi's arms, but wondered why Xiaozhi didn't put it in the incubator and just hold it in his arms every day!

And the weird thing is, standing next to this elf egg, he actually felt There was an inexplicable coolness, not cold, but a chilly feeling!

Xiaozhi quietly stepped away and smiled,"This is the elf egg of a ghost-type Pokémon. It needs to absorb my power to hatch." If you get close to me, you may absorb energy from it. It already knows Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, so it's okay. You have to stay away!"

Hearing this, Ah Zun hurriedly backed away a little more. The ghost-type Pokémon is something he can't parry now. He can't even defeat the Yuanzhi Gym, let alone conquer the ghost-type Pokémon!

"So, are you okay?"Ah Xun looked at Xiaozhi with some worry.

"It's okay, this kid is very well-behaved!"Obviously Xiaozhi is very aware of his situation. The power absorbed by the elf egg will not have any impact on him at all.

Ah Zhi nodded and turned his attention to the gorgeous contest again. Contestant No. 1 has already appeared. It’s Musashi, the eldest sister!

Although she had planned to officially become a coordinator trainer as Musashi Lina, in the end she couldn’t let go of the Team Rocket trio.

But despite this, Musashi still gained a new understanding of stage performance and got to know each other.

This time, she borrowed Kojiro's Monini and danced a sway dance on the stage. Unexpectedly, the effect spread to the entire venue. The entire audience, including the three judges and Miss Lily, were all swaying along with it.!

"Get on with the show!"After the performances of several coordinating trainers, it was finally Jian Wu's turn to appear!

"Okay, come on, Haoli!"The one Kenwu sent out to perform this time turned out to be full of muscle power!

Although it is unique, it has won the approval of Xiaozhi, a gorgeous master. Nowadays, many coordination trainers will make the same mistakes Xiaoguang made, and mess up the moves. They are becoming more and more gorgeous, but they ignore the Pokémon itself!

In fact, the gorgeous contest is about showing Pokémon. To be more detailed, it refers to the handsomeness, beauty, cuteness, intelligence and strength of Pokémon!

Xiaoguang herself is going The cute route is also better at showing the beauty, cuteness and intelligence of Pokémon!

What Jianwu wants to show is exactly the strength of Haoli. This is the charm of Haoli!

Being able to think of this means that Jianwu has already cooperated with Xiaoyao and Xiaoyao. Guang and Xiao Wang both understand the true meaning of the gorgeous contest, and it should be said that the future is promising!

Haoli is posing in a fit posture, and you can see that the muscles all over his body are expanding. He is full of power at a glance, and seems to be emitting a dazzling light.!

Then, there was a robotic arm on the stage that brought it a huge barbell!

"Look, there is a huge barbell placed on the stage that should weigh more than three times Haoli's body weight!"Miss Bai'an's explanation was very good, and the whole audience burst into applause and cheers!

"Use your magic!"Haoli's strength exploded, and he seemed to be able to lift the huge barbell easily, and with one hand!

Such a performance was really exciting and exciting!

And Jianwu accurately demonstrated Haoli's characteristics. This performance It is an absolutely high-scoring project, and it is unique and impressive!

"Next contestant, please come out!

Finally it was Xiaoguang's turn, she couldn't wait,"Sakura Treasure, the charm is here!""

The cute little Cherry has appeared. This is a Pokémon that Xiaoguang attracted with sweetness. It has been trained for a long time. She has seen Miss Lily's Sakura's performance before, and she has been training it!

This time , it is the training report performance!

"Use the magic leaf!"The magic leaf skill is very convenient on the gorgeous stage. Following Miss Lily's presentation, Sakura Treasure's magic leaves also turned into blooming flowers. Sakura Treasure is like a flower decorated with green leaves, which looks even more cute! And! It was at this moment that Sakura Pokémon began to release the light of evolution!

After Pogaman decided to give up evolution and maintain this posture, and successfully tamed the ivory pig in its final evolved form, Xiaoguang was finally about to usher in the evolution of the third Pokémon.!

And it’s still on a gorgeous stage. This moment of evolution is very gorgeous, an absolute bonus! Xiaozhi has done this trick twice on the stage!

In the center of the magic leaf’s flower, this cherry blossom treasure The flowers will truly bloom!

"Dear viewers, let us witness the wonderful moment of Sakuraba's evolution!"Ms. Bai'an was so moved that she could actually see the evolution of Pokémon on the stage! The evolved Sakura is now in a cloudy form and looks like an eggplant, but during the evolution process it learned the sunny skill!

Xiaoguang suppressed her excitement,"Sakura, use Sunny Day!"

The stage was completely illuminated. The scene of the cherry blossoms transforming from cloudy to sunny was even more touching than evolution. It was the gesture of life!

It swayed gently among the magic leaves as the flowers bloomed. The head is so cute!

"Sakura, it's about to end, use flowers to defend!"

The bright petals spread out and complemented the magic leaves, but no one blocked the cherry blossoms. Instead, they slowly lifted the cherry blossoms from the ground and flew with the wind!

Exactly, falling flowers are not heartless things!


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