The competition between strength and speed is about to take place right now!

Xiaozhi's Mahuola was once the leader of his tribe. He has a lot of fighting experience and is already very powerful. Now he is learning ninjutsu tactics to become Xiaozhi's strongest assassin!

Its eyes became sharper and sharper. While staring at the long-haired pig, it tapped its claws gently. This is the claw sharpening skill. It sharpens the claws and improves its own attack and hit rate!

And in a battle, such a harsh sound can enhance one's own momentum and make the opponent panic!

Xiao Song could tell at a glance that this Ma Xuan La was extraordinary. It was infinitely stronger than her own Xuan La. Its sharp arrogance seemed to be able to cut a long-haired pig in half!

She couldn't hold it back any longer,"Long-haired Pig, use earthquake!"

The entire battlefield trembled as soon as it came up, but as soon as the tremor started, Mahuola had already disappeared from the spot!

Xiaozhi's order was finally issued at this moment, but it only let Xiao Song know the skill Ma Xunla was using,"Secret attack on the key point!"

Ma Xunla seized the momentary gap when the long-haired pig launched its attack, and jumped up suddenly Get over it!

The moment Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Xiao Siong saw two rays of light falling from the sky and slashing the long-haired pig!

The earthquake stopped, but Ma Xuanla swayed and landed on the icicles in the ice field!

The long-haired pig has not lost its fighting ability, but the claw marks of two sharp claws appeared on the long-haired fur."Long-haired pig, come on, use avalanche!"

This skill made Xiaozhi's face change, because the avalanche skill is When attacked by an opponent's move, it can give the opponent twice the power of the attack skill!

The secret attack just now did a lot of damage to the long-haired pig and was very powerful. Doubling it would surpass the power of the special move!

The long-haired pig roared, and a snow cloud appeared above Ma Xuan La's head. The snow mass like an avalanche fell on Ma Xuan La's head. The power was really terrifying!

There was no way to avoid this move, and Ma Xunla was immediately buried in the avalanche. If the ice skills were not effective, Ma Xunla would have lost her fighting ability!

After escaping from the avalanche, Ma Xuanla's eyes became sharper and sharper, and then she disappeared again!

"The long-haired pig uses sharp rocks to attack!"Xiao Song's momentum increased crazily, and he actually used the rock-type ultimate move! Sharp stone pillars rose from the ground, and as expected, Ma Xuanla's attack was blocked, and he had to retreat to avoid it!

"Sure enough, there is a set!"Seeing that Ma Huola was injured again, Xiaozhi nodded,"But it should be the limit!"

Sure enough, the long-haired pig could no longer move. The severe injuries and the continuous use of powerful skills had reached its limit. Ma Huo pulled an evil wave and beat it out of combat ability!

Xiaozhi looked at Ma Huo. Xuanla smiled and said,"It seems that I haven't adapted to the action mode of ninja warfare. I have to practice hard when I go back!"

Maxula nodded and was taken back by Xiaozhi. Now there is only the last battle left. Battle of Aces!

"Use your momentum to win, Blizzard King!"Xiao Song didn't say anything, and directly sent out the Blizzard King whom he had met before. Just from the tacit understanding they showed at that time, it can be seen that their bond is very deep!

Their movements are almost completely synchronized!

"The collaboration between Senior Sister and Blizzard King is invincible!"This is how Xiao Wang rated Xiao Song's Blizzard King!

Xiao Zhi also nodded,"The decision is yours, Ice Ghost Protector!"

For a moment, white mist began to fill the already cold ice field, and the temperature seemed to be getting colder. Xiaoguang couldn't help but wrap up in winter clothes,"It turns out that Xiaozhi is also protected by an ice ghost!"

"Yes, his ice ghost guard is very strong!"Xiao Gang had seen Xiao Zhi use the Ice Ghost Guard to fight Xia Bo. The power of the ice skull shocked him!

After this period of training, its strength must have become more terrifying!

"Blizzard King, Blizzard!"Xiao Siong demonstrated the true power of the blizzard to Xiaoguang and Bogaman, but Xiaozhi and Ice Ghost Guard seemed to turn a blind eye. The ice head floating in the air actually faced the blizzard and rushed towards the Blizzard King!

Ice skills are very effective against ice. The ghost protection was not very effective. Its skin was covered with ice. As it got closer, it turned into a big snowball!

But this momentum made Xiao Siong couldn't help but take half a step back. She seemed to be able to imagine that terrible scene!

Sure enough, as he got closer, the Ice Demon Guard began to spin at high speed. The snow on his body blocked the Blizzard King's sight, but the gyro ball, which had an outstanding effect on him, hit it solidly!

"Blizzard King!"Xiao Siong's momentum was immediately hit and she lost her armor. Xiaozhi's battle clearly used his momentum to suppress her momentum.

Except for the avalanche of the long-haired pig just now that made her regain the game, her momentum was He was hit by Xiaozhi repeatedly!

And this is Xiaozhi's current ability. His control of the battle situation has become more and more meticulous, and he can even control the strength of his opponent's momentum!

"Xiaozhi's battle is getting more and more terrifying!"Xiao Gang murmured to himself, admiring Xiao Zhi even more!

"Blizzard King, show your momentum!"Xiao Siong tightly tightened the sleeves of the coat around her waist,"Use the mallet!"

This is the grass-type ultimate move. It is the signature skill of Xiaozhi's Alola Coconut Tree. It is also the signature skill of this Blizzard King!

Its whole body is shining with green light, and a pattern appears on its strong arms. A thick wooden stake rushed over with such force that it hit the Ice Demon Guard hard!

At this moment, the eyes of Xiaozhi and the Ice Ghost Guard released light, and between the black sharp corners of the Ice Ghost Guard, began to A terrifying cold light was condensed!

As the biting cold wind began to blow throughout the ice field, Xiao Song's expression finally changed,"Blizzard King, stop it quickly!"

But it's too late. The Blizzard King and Ice Ghost Guard are only two steps apart. With such a close distance, can this move still miss?"

"absolute! Zero degrees!"

The moment Xiaozhi's momentum reached the limit, the blizzard was instantly frozen, and the terrifying ice continued to spread until a huge iceberg was formed on the ice field with the Blizzard King as the core! This scene is not only spectacular , and it was quite gorgeous. Everyone in the audience was so shocked that they were speechless!

It was not until Xiaozhi stretched out his hand and used telekinesis to crush part of the iceberg and dig out the Blizzard King who had lost his fighting ability that everyone came back to their senses. Come!

"Blizzard King!"Xiao Siong hurriedly took back Blizzard King's Poke Ball. The battle with Xiaozhi convinced her as an ice Pokémon trainer. This move of Absolute Zero refreshed her knowledge of ice Pokémon! Please ask the teacher to train the

Pokémon Sent to the Pokémon Center, Xiao Siong gave Xiaozhi a badge,"This is proof of victory in the Chi Feng Gym, the Glacier Badge!"

This is Xiaozhi's seventh badge!


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