The ivory pig's training was not going well. He turned around and ran into the forest. The big guy lost his temper.

Xiaoguang hurriedly chased after him, leaving Pogaman behind. Xiaozhi also caught the messenger bird and taught him a lesson,"You two, how can you laugh at the ivory pig who is practicing hard?"

Both little penguins were ashamed and humbled. Headed.

As a result, Xiaozhi no longer had the time to train, and let the two of them reflect on their own, while he helped Xiaogang quickly prepare dinner, and they can eat it when Xiaoguang comes back!

Unexpectedly, Xiaoguang didn't come back after waiting for a long time, and the two couldn't help but worry.

After chasing her into the forest, Xiaoguang quickly found the huge ivory pig. The ivory pig was initially unwilling to pay attention to her, but soon showed a vigilant look and looked deep into the forest on the other side!

"Is there anyone over there?"Xiaoguang also became serious. She didn't bring the elf ball, Bogaman was not here, and only the ivory pig was left with her!

Soon, Xiaoguang noticed a giant vine moving quickly from the treetop, coming. When he got close, he used the absorbing skill without saying a word. Fortunately, the ivory pig was on full alert and avoided the attack!

Seeing this, the giant vine fell from the tree and stood in front of the ivory pig. It was equally tall. , not much smaller than the Ivory Pig!

The Ivory Pig lowered the Ice Ivory and made a gesture of challenge. Xiaoguang beside him quickly tried to dissuade him,"Ivory Pig, you can't fight!"

But this one is coming for you, and you can't do it without fighting!

The Ivory Pig used the boulders regardless, but was blocked by the seed machine gun used by the giant vine. It was obviously restraining its own skills, but the giant vine was blocking it. It didn't give in at all!

It took the opportunity to jump up the tree again, and used the freely extendable vines to swing from the tree to the top of the ivory pig, and stabbed it hard on the head with a poisonous blow!

"Ivory pig, don't give in, use your raw power!"Xiao Guang quickly provided support and knocked the giant vine down from the tree.

But just as the ivory pig was about to launch a brutal charge, it was hit by the giant vine's special absorbing move, and fell to the ground softly.

One move hit, but it was gone. Thinking that the giant vine was approaching again, Xiaoguang left a tree fruit to replenish his physical strength in his guarded eyes, and then turned and left!

Xiaoguang picked up the tree fruit,"This, I remember it is a pomelo fruit! what's up?"

Probably because he smelled the aroma of the fruit, the Ivory Pig's nose twitched, he opened his mouth and bit it, and Xiao Guang's hand was about to bite in. Xiao Guang was so frightened that he quickly pulled out. After eating the pomelo fruit, the Ivory Pig immediately regained his energy. He also let out an angry roar, seemingly trying to settle a score with the giant vine.

"Ivory Pig, you'd better go back, everyone is worried! Unable to defeat the ivory pig, Xiaoguang had no choice but to follow the ivory pig to find the giant vine, but he was dissuaded all the way,"The other party is a wild Pokémon, and I don't know where it has gone!""

But the ivory pig has a tough temper. He still shakes his head and refuses. His nose is still twitching, looking for the scent of the giant vine.

"You are such a disobedient child. Didn’t I tell you to give up?"Xiaoguang forgot how much effort she put into making the ivory pig willing to listen to her. The ivory pig is very competitive, and of course it is not willing to let it go after suffering such a loss. Moreover, it can feel the giant vine. There must be some reason to attack it.

So, Xiaoguang is still too young now!

At this moment, Xiaoguang heard Xiaozhi's voice,"Xiaoguang, what's going on?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang came over. It was almost dark now, and it was very dangerous for Xiaoguang to be alone in the forest. The forest was not big, but the ivory pig was a big target, and the messenger bird found it quickly.

As soon as you hear the name of a Pokemon like Messenger Bird, you can tell that it is very good at finding targets. After all, it is a"messenger"!

"Well, we were attacked by a giant vine. After absorbing the energy of the ivory pig, we left a pomelo fruit and ran away!"Xiaoguang explained the current situation concisely!

After the words fell, the ivory pig's nose twitched, as if he had made a discovery, and rushed out immediately!

"It seems that it has been discovered, keep up!"Xiao Zhi quickly led the two of them to catch up, and said to Xiao Guang,"The giant vine will leave a pomelo fruit, which means it has no malicious intent. Then there must be another reason for it to do this. Maybe it needs Our help!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang finally understood,"So that's it, I didn't even notice it."

"It doesn't matter, you don't have enough experience! Some things are beyond your current abilities. If you encounter such a situation in the future, you must remember to act within your ability and never overdo it! Xiaozhi smiled at Xiaoguang.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoguang shouted back,"I don't want to listen to your lesson, Xiaozhi!" You should act according to your ability and never try to overdo it, you know? Hearing this

, Xiaozhi laughed loudly,"Okay!""

After the words fell, Ivory Pig stopped, and what stood in front of everyone were four Pokémon: Trumpet Bud, Acorn Fruit, Mushroom and Sakura.

"Does it mean you are not allowed to pass in front? Xiaoguang exclaimed. The ivory pig was about to charge forward, but was stopped by Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi slowly stepped forward and squatted down gently,"Don't be afraid, what's going on ahead?" Can we help?"

Xiao Gang also sent some Pokémon food, but the four grass Pokémon didn't eat it. They just looked at Xiao Zhi for a while, then turned around and led the group of people inside. After passing through the trees, a huge tree appeared in front of the group. There is a tree hole under the thousand-year-old tree, and the giant vine is there. Four grass-type Pokémon rushed to its side, and it turned out that they were companions! When the ivory pig saw the giant vine, it raised its legs and stomped on the ground. The fighting spirit was fierce, but Xiaozhi stopped it, and the blue light on his body gradually faded,"Giant vine, what's wrong with this tree?"

Under Xiaozhi's perception, this giant tree should indeed be more than a thousand years old, and its roots are spread all over the depths of the entire forest. This reminded Xiaozhi of the giant tree that the Lizard King desperately saved.

That was Even Xiaozhi had no choice but to save the giant tree in front of him!

According to his perception, there was a huge gap in the trunk behind the tree, which should have been split by lightning.. Although it will not cause the entire tree to die, the state of this tree affects the entire forest. If left unchecked, half of the forest will soon wither!

Seeing the giant vines, they use their growth skills to grow The power absorbed from other Pokémon was injected into the ancient tree, and Xiaoguang quickly understood what they were doing. Xiaozhi stepped forward and stood next to the giant vine and said with a smile,"Thank you for your hard work!""

After the words fell, the GS ball around Xiaozhi's neck began to shine brightly, and Celebi, who had grown a lot, jumped out of it. Its power quickly restored the ancient tree, and the entire forest suddenly began to exude vitality!

"Thank you!"Xiao Zhi gently touched Celebi's head, and it hugged Xiao Zhi gently and returned to the GS ball.

"This is the patron saint of the forest, Celebi!"Xiaoguang murmured, feeling very moved in his heart!


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