In the past few days, Xiaozhi and his team stayed at Xiaoguang's house. While training Pokémon, they also helped Miss Ayako, who serves as a committee member, to prepare for the Futaba Festival!

This is also a rare opportunity for Xiaozhi to participate in the preparations for a festival. In the past, they just happened to encounter the ongoing celebration and joined in to participate in the event!

"This way the schedule will be no problem!"Miss Caiko finally confirmed the process of the festival,"The Futaba Festival is finally about to open, and the first event is Dr. Ohki's Pokémon lecture!"

The lecture given by the highly respected Dr. Ohgi is indeed a suitable opening ceremony for the festival!"

"Bogaman, you can meet him in person!"Xiao Guang is very much looking forward to meeting the mentor that Xiao Zhi has always mentioned!

At this time, Xiao Zhi came over with a coat,"Then change your clothes and come with me to pick them up. Their car should be here soon!"

"Yeah? Great, I finally get to meet Xiaozhi’s mother!"Xiao Guang quickly put down her housework and began to worry about what clothes to wear and what kind of hair style to wear!

After struggling a lot, she still put on the pink skirt she had always worn, but she also put on a more dignified and steady ponytail."Let's go, Bogaman!"

The port where Dr. Oki and Hanako disembarked was the same as when Xiaozhi came to the Sinnoh region, so they all knew that there was only one way from the port to Futaba Town!

This road has beautiful scenery, and A large swamp, which is the paradise of Pokémon!

Xiaozhi was very strange. He had contacted him and would be there immediately, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see Hanako and Dr. Ohmu, so he decided to go look for it, fearing that it was Ohmu. When the doctor saw the paradise where Pokémon lived, he couldn't help but feel so happy!

Just as he expected, the car rented by Hanako and Dr. Ohki broke down next to the swamp!

"I'm really sorry, Dr. Oki, Ms. Hanako, I'll put new tires on them right away! Please wait a moment, both of you!"The rental car driver apologized profusely and was in a hurry to carry out maintenance work!

But Dr. Oki and Hanako were not in a hurry.

Seeing Dr. Oki going to the swamp by himself, Hanako followed him with Xuemi in his arms." Wow, Xuemijiang, what a beautiful swamp!"

"Be careful!"Xuemi also likes it here very much, but he knows very well that the swamp is very dangerous, especially with his small body!

"There must be rare Pokémon living in it!"Dr. Oak showed an expression that was very similar to Xiaozhi's, but Xiaozhi was there to conquer, while Dr. Oak was there to observe and research!

"It is not good? If we find a strange Pokémon, we will help Xiaozhi capture it, Xuemi-chan, what do you think?"

"You're going to be eaten!"Xue Mi doesn't like the swamp.

As soon as the two walked into the swamp, a group of people arrived, and they saw Dr. Oki and Hanako from a distance.

"Ah la la, as expected!"Xiao Zhi covered his forehead, knowing that something like this would happen!

"No, Xiaozhi! It is said that there are many bottomless swamps in this swamp!"Xiaoguang expressed that he was very worried, but Xiaozhi was still very calm!

Look at the time, there is still plenty of time before the lecture, just hurry up when you drive later,"Anxin, Dr. Oak's outdoor exploration ability is better than mine. Quite a few! My mother is also very good at it! Come on, let's catch up!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Dr. Omu and Hanako being lifted up by something from a distance, and ran away quickly into the depths of the swamp!

"Oops, I was taken away as expected!"This is still as expected by Xiaozhi!

Xiaoguang was almost frightened,"Xiaozhi, does it really not matter?"

"fine! But that little guy Xuemi is probably going to be scared! Xiaozhi was not worried at all,"Let's go, catch up and take a look and you will know!""As he said that, Xiaozhi led a group of people and quickly chased in the direction where Dr. Omu and Hanako left. The swamps inside were invisible to Xiaozhi's perception, and they also sent out a group of people who were already living in the swamps. The environmental bad frogs and the Pincer-tailed Scorpion came out to explore the way, and soon found the cave where Dr. Oki and Hanako were brought!

Before setting off, they saw a Bullfrog and four Swamp Kings walking out of the cave. Looking around as if he was looking for something.

Xiaozhi led everyone forward and came to Mr. Bullfrog,"Come on, take me to have a look!""

Bullfrog looked at Xiaozhi for a while and nodded slightly.

Entering the cave, he saw Dr. Ohki and Hanako. Dr. Ohki was making faces at a lotus leaf child sitting in the corner, and Hanako was holding Xuemi and smiling beside him.

"Xiaozhi! Seeing Xiaozhi, Xuemi was the first to throw herself into his arms,"I miss you so much, right?" I almost got eaten again!"

"They are asking us for help, and they don’t want to eat you! Xiaozhi comforted with a smile and looked at Hanako,"Mom, you had a hard time on the road!""

"It's not hard, mom has prepared snacks for you, eat them later! Hanako smiled and touched Xiaozhi's face, then patted Pikachu and Ievee,"Pikachu, Ievee, how are you?""



"Xiaozhi, what on earth is going on?"Xiaoguang is already confused, why do Xiaozhi and Dr. Omu seem to know everything, and Aunt Hanako has always been calm!

"Still can’t understand?"Xiao Zhi looked at the child in the lotus hat sitting in the corner,"Bullfrog and the others will bring the doctor and mother here just for this child in the lotus hat!"

Ash has already encountered a lot of Pokémon taking people away. There has also been a case where a cunning tengu broke into the Pokémon Center, took Miss Joy away, and asked for treatment for her companions! The lotus hat kid is like this It is very unusual for a Pokémon to sit in a corner like this. This is a Pokémon that is very cheerful and likes to play pranks!

"But why can Xiaozhi and Dr. Oak understand it all at once?"Xiaoguang looked at Xiaozhi and Dr. Omu, feeling very impressed and curious!

"As long as you have a mental connection with Pokémon, you probably know what they are thinking! Xiaozhi smiled and said,"This is what I admire most about Dr. Oak!""

As he said that, Xiaozhi looked at Mr. Bullfrog,"I'm afraid Mr. Bullfrog noticed that Dr. Oak was wearing something like that, right?

Dr. Omu laughed loudly,"Xiao Zhi, your progress is much faster than Xiao Mao!""

As he spoke, he took out a water stone from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Bullfrog. This was something he had specially prepared for today's lecture."This Mr. Bullfrog seems to be the leader of this neighborhood. The Lotus Hat Kid evolved and brought us here!"

Bullfrog came to the lotus-hatted boy holding the water stone. After evolving into Lotte Kappa, it immediately became cheerful and pulled Bullfrog to dance. Everyone was very happy!

Successfully brought Dr. Ohki back, Futaba The festival can finally start smoothly!



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