"Isn't it awesome?"

Pikachu, Eevee, and Xuemi fought off three big wolfhounds and came to Xiaozhi and Hanako. Pikachu and Eevee, who are about the same size as elephants and can be ridden, want to know?

"It’s great that you guys haven’t gotten any smaller!"Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and stroked Pikachu and the three of them. It really felt like a different thing.

"Haha, Xiaozhi, hurry up and catch up!"Hanako didn't know when she had jumped on Ibrahimovic's back, intending to experience the feeling of a knight. Ibrahimovic's back was furry, but it was comfortable!

Xiaozhi also jumped on Pikachu's back,"Very good, Snow Mi, you have to keep up!"

"Now you have to walk on your own!"Xuemi is not as fast as Pikachu and Eevee in this posture, but they are not in a hurry now. They can just take a good look at the world that has become bigger for them under the protection of the three of them!


Led by Pikachu, the three of them climbed up the hillside and saw the lush grassland. Under the bright sunshine, Duduli's three heads were fighting each other from time to time. Kentaro was waving his three tails and galloping wantonly on the grassland. Just now The Nidoking I had seen was showing affection with a Nidoqueen at the side!

"What a great place, this circus is not in vain!"Xiao Zhi smiled slightly. During the journey, he had experienced a lot of strange events. This dream-like scene naturally did not scare him, but he enjoyed this unique experience!

"Xiaozhi, it's getting dark. Do you know how to get out of here? Hanako smiled on Ibrahimovic's back,"If you don't go back, Caiko will be worried!""

Xiao Zhi nodded. The two of them have indeed stayed here for a long time."Pikachu, go find the natural bird. It will guide us back to the entrance!"

Going down the hillside, I saw the natural sparrow. The little guy seemed to be taking care of Xuemi's speed, jumping in front and leading the two of them forward!

But suddenly, a small ratta scurried from the side. Come out, Xuemi, the child, accidentally rolled to the side and bumped into a Spearow!

"It’s incredible!"Xuemi quickly got up from the ground, and saw the Spearow glaring at it, and also made a high-pitched cry to notify its partners.

Suddenly, a large group of Spearows surrounded Xiaozhi and the two of them, making Xuemi tremble in fear,"You’re going to be eaten!"

"What they eat is really grass seeds and something like that!"Xiao Zhi was still very calm and said to Pikachu,"Pikachu, it's the Spearow group again. We and the Spearow are really destined! They chased us until we were running away, but now, no one can let us escape again!"


Xiao Zhi jumped into the grass on Xuemi's back and lay down,"Pikachu, it's up to you, lightning flashes!"

The moment the order was issued, the attack of the group of Spearows also started. Sure enough, it was the drill-pecking skill. The beak shape of the Spearows is similar to that of a raptor, short and hooked. They used the drill-pecking skill in a group, and it was extremely powerful!

But Pikachu pulled out lightning from his feet, jumped into the air, and knocked three Spearows away!

"One hundred thousand volts!"

When Pikachu jumped straight into the air, Xiaozhi's order was issued again. Just as these Spearows were about to attack Xiaozhi and the two, they were swallowed up by the lightning in an instant and couldn't move!

Ibrahimovic didn't feel any nervousness at all, and just looked at Lieutenant. The sparrows fell from the sky one by one like dumplings, and Hanako on its back was always calm!

But at this moment, the sparrows lying on the ground glowed with evolution, and one by one evolved into a big-mouthed bird. Birds, you can see how angry they are!


Seeing the long and sharp beaks of the big-billed birds start to spin crazily, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. These big-billed birds actually learned to use the direct drill skill!

This is a ground-based skill, and it has an effect on Pikachu. Outstanding!

"Iron Tail!"

At this moment, Pikachu had just used the electric skill and was falling from the air. Xiaozhi frowned, but without any hesitation, he decisively issued the order! The supreme sharp sword unsheathed and chopped a big-billed bird from the air. , but the rest of the big-billed attacks came to Pikachu!

Pikachu was not afraid of the danger, raised the knife and struck again, three straight attacks hit the iron tail, but saw the lightning shining on the tail!

"Pickup! Pickup! Pickup!"

Pikachu's momentum continued to increase, and the metallic light and electric light blended together, forming an electric ball on its tail, which sent them flying!

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up,"Electric ball skill?"

This electric ball skill is to hit the opponent with a ball of electricity. The faster you are than the opponent, the more powerful the skill will be. With Pikachu's current terrifying speed, this move will be very powerful!"

"Okay, Pikachu, end this battle!"Xiao Zhi's momentum surged, and Pikachu became more and more courageous. He landed on the ground and jumped up again to face the group of big-billed birds! The electric ball skill he had just learned was used again, and the big-billed birds in front of him were knocked away at once. , then the supreme sharp sword was unsheathed, turned around and hacked away two Toucans.

Even without using ultimate moves such as Thunder and Volt Attack, Pikachu had already knocked down all the Toucans in the sky!

Then! , they saw the natural bird appearing next to Xiaozhi and the two of them, with its small wings spread out, emitting a dazzling white light!

When the two regained their vision again, Pikachu and three other small birds beside them had returned to their original size, and they Standing deep in the forest just now, the circus has disappeared, only the natural bird can be seen flying far away in the sky

"Xiaozhi, what a wonderful dream!"Hanako held Xuemi in her arms and smiled.

Xiaozhi also picked up Ibrahimovic,"Pikachu, electric ball!"

Pikachu immediately jumped up, condensed an electric ball on its tail, and hit the tree not far away, and saw that the small tree was interrupted at that time.This shows how powerful it is!

"So is it a dream or reality? Xiaozhi smiled slightly,"The future is created by the past!" Mom, Pikachu and I caught the future in the past!"

"well said!"Suddenly applause came from the other side, and I saw this uncle with blond hair and a warm smile,"Little brother is very insightful!"

"This is the natural bird forest. It is said that the natural bird is a Pokémon that can see through the past and the future. It is meant to make you feel the infinite future, so it reminds you of your past experiences!"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Shuanglang!"Xiao Zhi recognized it at a glance. This is Ah Xun's father, Shuang Lang!

Not long ago, he launched a championship challenge to Sirona. Although he lost miserably, Xiao Zhi had already paid attention to him, and then he discovered that He is the battle leader of the Sinnoh Battle Development Zone, the Battle Tower King!

Seeing Xiaozhi call out his name all of a sudden, Xuanlang's eyes lit up,"Are you Xiaozhi? Sirona asked me to come find you, and I didn’t expect to meet you in Shuangye Town. What a coincidence!"


Six updates!

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