Xiaoguang once again missed the fifth ribbon medal, but she was still in very good condition and was not as confused as before!

"Sure enough, it would be better to send Pogaman and the others to appear, right?"Qinyin would say this, but it can only be said that she is still too young.

In contrast, Xiaoguang, who has followed Xiaozhi until now, seems much more mature. She looked at Qinyin and smiled and said,"Maybe that's right. , but you won’t know a lot of things until you officially go on stage!"

As she said this, she looked at Xiaozhi, whom she admired most,"Xiaozhi, today's stage allows me to see the challenges that Ivory Pig and I will face next, and I want to ask you to be my training opponent again!"

"I am glad to! Xiaozhi smiled and nodded,"This defeat will be good for both you and Ivory Pig!" It is best if such problems are revealed and resolved as soon as possible!"

At this time, the finals on the field were over. Sure enough, Kojiro won the championship and got the third ribbon medal for Musashi!

Next, the group will focus on training the naughty ivory pig, so there is a person in Waterlily Town What a great place!

The Waterlily Arena has become a ruin, and the auditorium made of stone slabs is full of cracks, but it is a holy place in the hearts of trainers! It is said that all the champions of the Sinnoh region have been here. place, with their Pokémon, to practice their minds and tricks

"Then if I fight here too, maybe I can get the third badge!"Standing here, Kotone, as a trainer, felt an exciting emotion.

This was also the last day that she and Issei could stay in the Sinnoh area. She would soon return to the Johto area and launch her attack on the third gym. challenge!

"The last day in the Sinnoh region seems to be a good memory!"Issei was also very touched. He is no longer as shy as when he first came here, and is now starting to gain confidence. This is the change that travel brings to people!

The encounter between Pokémon and trainers is what comes out of it!

"We don’t have much time, right? Let’s start the doubles battle right away, right?"Kotone can't wait to compete here!

The Johto team composed of Kotone and Issei will challenge the combination of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang!

"Xiaoguang, use the ivory pig!"Xiao Zhi made a point and threw the elf ball casually,"The decision is yours, messenger bird!"

The ice element combination, the other attributes are flying and ground, is really clever!

Faced with such an attribute combination, Yichen was very decisive. The round land shark was defeated by the ice element, so of course he sent out the water element Little Crocodile came to challenge, but ice-type skills were not effective against it!

Kotone sent out chrysanthemum leaves with unfavorable attributes, which seemed to be a plan!

But playing with reverse attributes in front of Xiaozhi, isn't it a bit of a trick?

"Because Jucaoye is very courageous, and I also have my own plan!"Qin Yin looked at Issei and said,"Issei, after seeing Xiaozhi's Geranium and Crocodile, aren't you touched?"

"Of course, I also want to grow the little crocodile to be as powerful as Xiaozhi's crocodile!"Issei and Qinyin will both target Xiaozhi's three royal families in Johto and continue their journey!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi is also very happy that the Pokémon he cultivated has been recognized,"Then let's start, Blizzard!"

As soon as he came up, Xiaozhi swept it with a blizzard, and in the raging blizzard, Xiaoguang ordered the ivory pig to use the slamming skill and hit the opposite side! The ivory pig's characteristic is thick fat, which is very effective against ice elements. The resistance is very strong. Standing next to Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang can attack unscrupulously.

Therefore, she can exert more powerful aggression than usual, allowing the ivory pig to rush towards the opposite side in the snowstorm!

"It’s amazing, the combination of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang is so perfect! Yicheng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly gave the order to the little sawcrocodile,"Little sawcrocodile, use brute force!""

"Chrysanthemum grass leaves, use the wall of light!"Qinyin asked Jucaoye to help defend behind the little sawcrocodile. If the light wall is set up, the damage to them from the snowstorm will be reduced!

The purpose of sending Jucaoye seems to be for this light wall trick, but the ivory pig in front of her is He's very good at physical attacks!

The little crocodile stepped forward, and huge power burst out from his little body. He actually went up and hugged the ivory pig's tusks. He was pushed back by it, but he forcefully pushed the ivory pig back. Blocked by the fierce collision!

Not only that, after using the wall of light, Jucaoye also continued to use flying blades, fighting and grass-type skills, all of which were extremely effective against the ivory pig!

"Not bad!"Xiao Zhi nodded slightly. Along the way, Yi Cheng has grown much faster than Qin Yin. He is very talented. Not only did he learn a lot of knowledge about breeders from Xiao Gang, but he also gradually became more mature under the influence of Xiao Zhi and Yuanlu Shark. Strong and brave, now reliable!

"Peck the diamond!"The messenger bird appeared behind the ivory pig at some point. It came close under the cover of the ivory pig and beat the exhausted little crocodile away!

"Oops, little crocodile!"Issei exclaimed, watching the little crocodile fall to the ground and not getting up for a long time!

And now, Xiaozhi's ivory pig and messenger bird are in front of Qinyin's chrysanthemum leaves, and the crisis is just in the blink of an eye. Suddenly came to Qinyin, what effect would it have on playing a trick with a bare wall in front of Xiaozhi?

This battle had already ended the moment the ivory pig rushed over.

But the next thing is the highlight, Xiaozhi Looking at Xiao Guang beside him,"Xiao Guang, come on!"

"good!"Xiaoguang watched Xiaozhi walk to the opposite side. The ice battle between the messenger bird and the ivory pig began immediately. This was the purpose of their coming here! The ivory pig consumed a lot of energy in the battle just now. But facing Xiaozhi, its fighting spirit became even stronger!

"Ivory pig, use boulders!"Xiaoguang knew very well that Xiaozhi just wanted to train herself and the ivory pig, so she had to use the Ice Hero as soon as she started!

But how could Xiaozhi let her get her wish?"A flash of lightning!"

The messenger bird's skill inherited from the ice elf was used, and its speed suddenly increased. It rushed over and smashed the boulder, allowing the ivory pig to bite the dust again!

Seeing that the ivory pig was getting angry again, Xiaoguang hurriedly said,"Ivory pig , calm down and use your primitive power!"

Probably knowing that he lost the game because of his anger, the Ivory Pig was obedient and used his primitive power this time. The rock-type skills had a significant effect on the messenger bird, but the Ivory Pig's attack was easily avoided by it.!

"Ivory pig, don't be discouraged, use your awakening power!"

The light ball of energy shrouded the messenger bird, but Xiaozhi smiled slightly,"You can use this trick, freeze drying!"

The messenger bird was surrounded by the awakening power, but it stretched its body in mid-air, and the cold wind swept past. This freeze-drying is to freeze the opponent quickly, and even the water Pokémon is very effective! So just now the messenger bird If you use this freeze-drying skill to attack the crocodile and the chrysanthemum leaf, I am afraid that they will lose their fighting ability.

But now, the energy balls of the awakened power have been frozen, shattered one after another, and turned into ice blue fireworks. , blooming all over the messenger bird!

"What a nice view!"Xiaoguang stopped moving and looked up into the sky. Under the icy blue light, the messenger bird looked so gorgeous and holy!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi smiled and said,"He is obviously a boy, but he really likes gorgeous battles.!"


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