"Now begins the tag team battle between Ash Ketchum and Dr. Kodama!"Xiao Gang serves as the referee, and is surrounded by the trainers who just asked for help from the Pokémon Center.

After the device was turned off, their Pokémon have returned to their original state, and they are all excited to see a battle!

Solve the problem of Pokémon not getting along well. Problem, because of different identities, different ideas will arise. Dr. Kodama will think of inventing a strange device to solve the problem of Magnemite and Swamp King!

Now, Dr. Kodama is willing to try and see, Xiaozhi as The trainer’s solution,"Magneto and Swamp King must get along well with each other!"

Originally, he had no hope, but after standing on the battlefield, these two Pokémon really stood side by side, waiting for Xiaozhi to send out their opponents!

"The decision is made by you, Prince Bo and Luck Cat!"

Seeing the two Pokémon sent by Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang immediately cheered,"They are also water and electric Pokémon!"

The whole audience was in an uproar and were looking forward to this battle!

"Doctor, try attacking and see!

Dr. Kodama nodded,"Thank you so much, young man!" The Swamp King uses turbid current, and the little magnet uses lightning!"

After all, he is a Pokémon doctor and has little fighting experience, so he will adopt such an elf method without specifying their respective goals!

Unexpectedly, the king of the swamp, Luck Cat, sprayed out turbid water. The Magnemite was wrapped with electric current and rushed towards Prince Bo!

The fighting awareness of these two was very good, and the tacit understanding shown in their movements was very high!

But such a simple cooperation could not give Xiaozhi a headache,"Alloy claw!"

That was the order, but Luck Cat took a step back and hid behind Prince Bo! Prince Bo showed his heavy sword and swung it hard in the turbid current, hitting the turbid water that was rushing towards him. On the little magnet!

"Oh no!"Dr. Kodama yelled,"It's bad. King Ng and Magneto don't get along well. They always fight. Now King Ng's turbid current hit Magneto, and they started fighting immediately!

But what happened next? What happened was beyond Dr. Kodama's expectation!

The little Magnemite shook the muddy water on his body, and released the electric light, and was about to attack Prince Bo again, but the Luck cat suddenly jumped out from behind Prince Bo and slapped him. Fan it out!

At this time, the Swamp King moved over and caught the little Magnemite firmly!

Dr. Kodama was shocked,"The two of them have such a good understanding, and I don't know anything!"

Xiaozhi smiled slightly and launched a general attack,"Peck the diamond!" Bite into pieces!"

Prince Bo raised his two swords and used the same combination technique that Kenwu used when he defeated Xiaoguang. He combined the drill pecking and alloy claws to form a huge drill!

Beside it, Luck Cat They also began to charge in the muddy water all over the ground. The evil power gathered into ferocious fangs. The skills of both sides hit the Magnemite and the Swamp King, beating them out of their ability to fight!

This battle There was no suspense at first. How could an old doctor defeat Xiaozhi in a battle!

But he had clearly realized the fact that Xiaozhi wanted to tell him. It was not that his two Pokémon, Magnemite and Swamp King, could not get along well with each other. , on the contrary, they are very harmonious and cooperate tacitly!

They just like to fight, but the owner is a Pokémon doctor who devotes himself to research, so he can only play with each other every day, practice fighting, and vent his excess energy!

"So that’s it, I understand! Dr. Kodama looked at Magnemite and Swamp King. They were very happy after this battle."I will take time to take you to play every day from now on!""

As he said this, he looked at Miss Joy and the trainers around,"You are welcome to come to my research institute to play, and you can also play with the little Magnemite and Swamp King! Under the cheers of the trainers around him, Dr. Kodama looked at Xiaozhi," You can tell the status of Magnemite and Swamp King at once, and even have a battle so that they can display their skills. Young man, you are very powerful."!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Doctor, when you are concentrating on research, you should also take good care of your Pokémon!"

As soon as the words fell, the audience burst into applause!

After successfully solving this incident, the group came to Yuanzhi Town, which they had visited before, to rest for a while in order to go to Binhai City!

"Wow, Yuanzhi Town is still so full of flowers!"Xiaoguang hugged Sakura and cheered. It was here in the flower field of the garden that she conquered the Sakura Treasure, and then evolved into Sakura!

"The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest has set a new schedule, which is the Qiancong Conference to be held in Qiancong Town in the east of Tianguan Mountain. This competition will adopt a long-awaited double performance method!"In the Pokémon Center of the Garden, Xiaoguang finally got the news about the next gorgeous contest!

"As for Qiancong Town, you will pass by it on the way to Binhai City!"Xiao Gang checked the map and found that he was on his way!

"How are you, Xiaoguang?"Xiao Zhi looked at Xiaoguang and smiled.

Xiaoguang looked high-spirited,"Of course it is, the next one to participate in is the Asparagus Conference! I've always wanted to try another two-person show! Just because you have failed before, it is more meaningful to challenge!"

This also means that Xiaoguang will challenge the double performance again. At the Yuanzhi Conference, Xiaoguang's double performance failed to pass the first review, but after that, she has never encountered the gorgeous double performance. Contest!

Now, this Ashwagandha Conference is just an opportunity for Xiaoguang. Wherever she falls, she has to stand up. Double performance and double battle are a level she must overcome!

Xiaozhi also takes her along the way. After a lot of doubles battles, she is no longer the cute little girl she was before!

"This is the momentum!"Xiao Zhi is really happy for Xiaoguang. She is in very good condition!

With this feeling, the group continues on the road from Yuanzhi Town. Before heading to Binhai City, there is Xiaoguang's gorgeous competition!

But just walked out of Yuanzhi Town Town, a group of people found Meowth lying on the ground on the roadside. After checking, it was covered with bruises!

After Xiaogang treated its wounds, it finally woke up,"Oh no, Musashi and Kojiro"

"Who could beat you like this? Say it quickly!"Xiao Zhi frowned. The trio of Team Rocket are cute and charming villains. To be beaten like this, they must be real villains!

"It’s a person who dresses in a fashionable style, meow!"This is how the trio of Team Rocket have always called the people of Team Galaxy,"We followed you and met their Helicopter Meow when we were wandering in the forest looking for food!"

"The place we chased should be their base. When we entered it, we saw that the person serving as the international police officer was in danger!"

"We are going to sell him a favor, which should be helpful to our plan to annihilate Team Galaxy. But they were very powerful, nya, and we fought hard, but Musashi and Kojiro were both captured, and I was the only one who was beaten away, nya!"


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