Gun Pillar, or Gun Pillar!

Legend has it that Arceus created the three mythical Pokémon here, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

In Sinnoh lore, the Sinnoh region was created here.

In fact, Xiaozhi already knew the location of the spear pillar that Team Galaxy had been looking for before. He had the mark of the three mythical dragons and could summon them to help. Later, he received the power of Arceus and lodged it in his body..

He naturally senses the location of the gun pillar, and that is where Xiaozhi must go!

It is precisely because of this that there is no need for Zhenxing to go back. Xiaozhi directly arrested him and handed him over to the Junsha ladies who had already arrived!

As for Hunter J, she wanted to escape, but the two divine birds cast Heavenly Punishment and Forbidden Sky, and Miss Yinfuyi controlled a fighter jet in front of her and stared at them with eager eyes. How could she dare to move?

The Pokémon hunter she had finally recruited was going to be killed in one fell swoop. This time she had no way to escape from Ash's hands. After fighting so many times, she was finally willing to give in and be captured by Ash!

After finishing everything here, Xiaozhi led a group of people and Sirona back to the fighter jet,"Infuyi, on the top of Tianguan Mountain, I think you should be able to check the changes in the force field there!"

"Yes, Master Xiaozhi!"Infui herself was set up to observe the situation in the reverse world and Giratina, and this fighter jet is home to Giratina's power. Of course she can do something about the spear pillar that has been discovered. Sensing!

This is also the basis for Yinfui to serve as the navigator on Xiaozhi's ship!

This ferocious fighter is good at everything, and it is very fast, but the cab is too crowded. Yoshi and Amrido were each killed by Xiaozhi. Gang and Xiaoguang were hugging each other, Aknom was lying on Xiaozhi's hat obediently, and Sirona stood beside Xiaozhi without saying a word.

Except for Xiaozhi, the other three looked very serious, and no one could Complaining that the space is too crowded!


It was really fast. It arrived at its destination in a short time. The ferocious fighter jet destroyed Team Galaxy's helicopter just by landing.

Xiaozhi pulled Sirona out of the cab and completely ignored the gun. Chiri, Sui Xing and Pluto, who were waiting in front of the pillar door, smiled and said,"How about it, my fighter is pretty good, right? You can take it and drive it first?""

"sure! Sirona accepted it with a smile,"I will contact Mr. Yaxida and have it modified!""

Well, they can at most give you a house and a car, but Xiaozhi just gives you a fighter jet!"

"Xiaozhi"Seeing Xiaozhi's posture and the three Pokémon in the lake following them, Chiri was so angry that he was shaking all over and his face was gloomy!

Seeing that Xiaozhi ignored him, Chiri started the speech mode again,"Xiaozhi, look at your fighter, fighting, hatred, jealousy... Those are the ugliest things created by the heart, which lead to disputes in the form of emotional impulses. , there is no way for human beings to progress in this way! I want to create a new world and abandon this world full of struggle in order to create an ideal world!"

"A mere ant really knows how to talk!"No matter how impassioned he spoke, Xiaozhi remained unmoved at all and just threw the Rubik's Cube casually!

The Rubik's Cube changed form in the air and turned into the gun key again. After opening the door of the gun pillar, it transformed back into the Rubik's Cube. Back to Xiaozhi!

"Chiri, the door of Qianzhu has been opened for you!"Xiaozhi and Sirona looked at Chiri with a smile. Now that the three gods of the lake are on their side, how can Chiri achieve his goal?

But they saw the door of the gun pillar open, and when they looked in, it was pitch black. , but the light ball at the door floated in, and you saw white stairs extending downwards!

"Get out of the way!"Xiao Zhi pushed Chi Ri away at will, and led a group of people and Sirona down.

When passing by Chi Ri, Sirona, who originally had a gentle smile, glanced at Chi Ri, and the pressure from the champion suddenly swept over Chi Ri. The whole body of the sun made him take a step back!

But he still refused to give up, and ordered Suixing, Pluto and the men of Team Galaxy to follow Xiaozhi and his group with red chains, white jade orbs, and diamond orbs!

Watching from behind The three gods in the lake, Chiri gnashed his teeth!

"Chiri, don’t worry! I said, the existence you tried so hard to see can be summoned by me!"Xiao Zhi didn't look back and warned casually,"I'll show you how childish your so-called great plan is in my opinion!"

Soon, Xiaozhi led everyone to the gun pillar. In that dark space, on the ground surrounded by tall stone pillars, there were patterns that were exactly the same as those found in the gods and ruins!

Xiaozhi led the three gods in the lake to stand there. In the center of the triangle, blue light gradually bloomed from the body,"Dialga, Palkia!"

With such a simple call, there was no response from the entire gun column. A space channel opened in the sky, and the two gods of time and space appeared in front of everyone!

"How can it be?"

Chiri was really frightened now. He had never believed what Xiaozhi said before, but now he saw it with his own eyes. Xiaozhi could actually summon these two people, and it was so casual!

He was a researcher After reading many ancient books and mastering a large amount of information, he found a way to use a spear pillar, two orbs and a red chain to borrow the power of the three gods in the lake to summon the two gods of time and space. For this reason, he worked hard to create Team Galaxy. It took more than ten years of hard work!

"I will never agree!"Chiri gritted his teeth, pushed Team Galaxy's men away, and actually fired a red chain towards the two gods of time and space!

But he saw the red chain connected by the red crystal stones, connecting Dialga and Palucci. After Ya was trapped, he turned into a red Qianzhou wrist, trapping the two of them in place!


Dialga and Palkia immediately let out roars of pain. The energy released from the red Qianzhou wrist caused them great pain! Not to mention struggling and accidentally touching Qianzhou's wrist, It was so painful that they roared repeatedly

"Xiaozhi?"Sirona looked at Xiaozhi, only to see that he had always looked calm. It was obvious that Xiaozhi still had a stronger trump card! However, she saw

Chiri opening his palms, and there was also a red inlaid in the palm of his glove. Crystal Stone,"This red chain has the power of the God of Creation! Xiaozhi, take a good look at the power of God!"

"Is it just the remaining divine power contained in the meteorite?"Xiao Zhi shook his head, and his momentum suddenly exploded, and a holy golden light shone on the chest of the moon."Mere human beings, after being exposed to some miracles, try to surpass the existence of God!"

I saw a golden light flash from Xiaozhi's body, raised his hands and grasped them in the air, crushing the two red Qianzhou wrists to pieces!

"How can it be?" Chiri was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he backed away. Then there was a burning sensation from the red crystal on his hand. He was so frightened that he quickly took off his gloves and threw them on the ground!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Palkia and Dialga were released from their restraints, and then they let out explosive roars, and launched their strongest attacks together, Archon Crack and Time Roar!

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, it was their exclusive attack. The strongest attack did not hit Chiri who attacked them, but instead collided with Xiaozhi!

This scene immediately made the hearts of everyone in front of them sink!

"Xiaozhi!"Xiaoguang suddenly exclaimed and wanted to rush over, but was held tightly by Sirona!

But Akonom and the other three in the lake landed on the corresponding positions of the triangular formation on the ground, each using their own abilities. Power!

Time and space, the power of God collided fiercely on Xiaozhi. The power from Arceus residing in his body was shining crazily, flowing from the mouth of the moon to the whole body, and then returned to the chest of the moon and fell silent, again Transformed into the Thousand Universe Wrist!

When Xiaozhi walked out of the ripples of time and space, the golden light all over his body slowly dissipated.

After the power of the waveguide, the power of radiance, and the power of Poseidon, Xiaozhi once again mastered New ability, the sanctioning power from the creator god Arceus!


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