The Qiancong Town where Xiaoguang is going to participate in the Gorgeous Contest is to the east of Tianguan Mountain. Since they have already arrived at Tianguan Mountain, Xiaozhi and his party re-planned their route after going down the mountain. I believe they will be there soon!

The Giratina fighter jet was driven away by Sirona. As a champion, she was very busy. She had to travel to various places in the Sinnoh region every day. This fighter jet could give her a faster pace, but before that Needs some renovation.

Team Galaxy has finally been disbanded. Xiaozhi will definitely be rewarded for such great achievements. Now that there are more rewards, Xiaozhi doesn't care anymore. Anyway, Dr. Oak is helping to keep an eye on them.

Now it's not only Dr. Oki, but Dr. Yamanashi and Dr. Jie Zilan who want to report awards to Xiaozhi. If they don't reward him properly, these respected seniors will not agree!

After coming down from Tianguan Mountain, the group walked along the mountains towards Qiancong Town, but happened to encounter the mountain villa of Kojiro's family.

Taking advantage of Kojiro's favor, the group and the Rocket trio all ate and drank in the villa and had a good rest for a day, allowing Xiaozhi to completely regain his strength.

Then everyone hurriedly escaped before Kojiro's fiancée Rumika arrived, which was very exciting!

Entering a large forest again, this is the trip Xiaozhi has been looking forward to. There must be a rich variety of rare Pokémon on Tianguan Mountain!

But there is no strange Pokémon, but an interesting person has been met!

After passing through the dense jungle, a group of people appeared in front of a stone forest with steep cliffs. There was an unpredictable wind direction, but there was a giant pincer mantis flying in the wind in this stone forest, fighting aerial battle with a wind chime!

Xiaozhi was very interested in this unique aerial battle, but he saw that the giant mantis seemed to be able to read the language of the wind and shuttled freely in the stone forest. It was obviously about to hit a stone pillar, but it could avoid it accurately every time. , and launch the most accurate attack on the wind chimes!

Ash has always been very fond of the Giant Claw Mantis, and his Giant Claw Mantis is the steel-armored warrior he relies on extremely. He is proficient in ninja tactics, is as fast as a flash, and is an extremely terrifying red flash!

Before the giant pincer mantis evolved, it was a flying mantis of the insect and flying types, and it was still able to fly. But after evolving, although it still has two pairs of translucent wings on its back, it is unable to fly because its body is too heavy.

However, the giant pincer mantis in front of us is able to fly in the wind so accurately, which shows that its trainer has very rich experience to train it so well!

At this time, the Giant Pincer Mantis knocked the wind chime away with one move and two combos, just in time to send it flying backwards towards Xiaozhi and his party!

Xiaozhi casually took the wind chime that had lost its fighting ability, handed it to Xiaogang, and threw out the elf ball,"The decision is yours, Scorpio King!"

"Fair wind!"

The Scorpion King rushed directly into the stone forest without fear. It used the tailwind skill and also had an excellent ability to read the wind direction! The

Giant Pincer Mantis landed on the stone pillar, feeling the momentum of the Scorpion King, and it was full of fighting spirit.!

"war!"Xiao Zhi looked up at the hot air balloon approaching from above. The trainer of the Giant Claw Mantis was there!

When they got close enough, Xiao Zhi immediately launched an attack,"Cross Scissors!"

Sure enough, the Scorpio King's menacing attack was avoided by the giant pincer mantis in the wind. Xiaozhi smiled slightly and stopped giving orders. The Scorpio King chased towards the giant pincer mantis! The wind in the stone forest was indeed terrifying. At this moment The strong wind that the two Pokémon rode on actually took them straight towards the stone pillar in front of them, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

"Xiaozhi, danger!"

However, seeing that the Scorpion King was about to hit him, Xiaozhi had no intention of giving an order!

But from the time he conquered the Scorpion King to the present, Xiaozhi has never let down the Scorpion King. In the moment of crisis, he saw the Giant Pincer Mantis in front of him nimbly avoiding it. The stone pillar, the Scorpion King suddenly folded its wings, gave up riding the wind, rotated his body to avoid the stone pillar, and took the opportunity to dive to further increase his speed, and suddenly caught up with the Giant Pincer Mantis! The

Scorpion King: 250/255

"Crisis is a turning point!"Xiao Zhi gently reminded Xiao Guang, and suddenly issued an order,"Sky Fist!"

Facing such a fierce attack from Xiaozhi, the trainer on the opposite side really started to get serious,"Alloy Claw!"

The pincers of the Scorpion King and the Giant Pincer Mantis separated in the air, and they were evenly matched!

At this time, a strong wind came from the sides of the two Pokémon. They quickly adjusted their postures and took advantage of the wind!

"It's been a long time since I've seen a young man so good at aerial combat. He's really awesome!"On that hot air balloon, an old man on crutches kept nodding his head while watching Scorpio King's performance, and greatly appreciated Xiaozhi's abilities!

"You can actually be indistinguishable from your grandfather in an aerial battle?"Beside the old grandfather, the young girl looked at the Scorpio King in shock. She knew the power of her grandfather, the air combat master, best, and she never expected that there would be such a person! The retired air combat master lived here leisurely. , so many trainers came here to ask for advice, but they were all rejected by the old man.

Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi could compete with his Giant Claw Mantis in an air battle today!

Scorpio King: 255/255

"Giant pincer mantis, alloy claws!"The old man on the opposite side found the opportunity to attack. The giant mantis adjusted its posture in the wind, accelerated further, and rushed towards the Scorpio King!

However, the next second, he found that a cloud of wind and sand had gathered around the Scorpio King, and there was no such thing. It was blown away by the strong wind, and the figure of the Scorpion King could no longer be seen!

The white light flashed past in the wind and sand, and a pair of increasingly ferocious pliers shot out from the wind and sand. The cross scissors were used to cut the giant pliers. The mantis's alloy claws resisted!

Then, the cross scissors tore away the wind and sand on its body, and the increasingly huge and ferocious Scorpio King appeared in front of the giant pincer mantis!

The front of the pair of bat wings turned into a terrifying bright red, just like the The vampire earl's cloak has become stronger, and a pair of pincers have become larger and sharper. The most terrifying change is the scorpion tail! The scorpion tail, which was originally just a pair of thorns, has grown into a pair of hooks, and its claws have become more powerful. There are also sharp barbs on it. You can imagine what kind of damage it would be to be caught by such a scorpion tail!

Name: Xiaozhi·Scorpion King (♂)

Attributes: Ground, flying characteristics: Sand Hidden (dodge during sandstorms) The rate will increase) Poison treatment (in the poisoned state, physical strength will not decrease, but will increase)

Skills: guillotine, flame fang, tailwind, steel wing, sandstorm, cross scissors, sky punch, ultimate impact

Z move: super extreme Explosive bomb, super spiral combo

"In aerial combat, wind is not everything, old man!"Xiao Zhi reminded the old man on the hot air balloon and gave the order.

"The ultimate impact!"


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