In terms of talents and talents in the gorgeous competition, the messenger bird has to surpass the ivory pig!

Moreover, Messenger Bird, a flying red penguin, is very compatible with Xiaoguang. Now it is Xiaoguang who wants to continue his journey as a Pokémon coordination trainer, but Ash has no more gorgeous stage, so Messenger Bird Following Xiaoguang is a wise choice!

The Messenger Bird and Fireball Rat can quickly complete the Flame Ice combo, which also proves this point. This flame ice skill will become Xiaoguang's signature combo skill, and there will be more changes in the future!

The training of the ivory pig gave Xiaoguang a headache. One of the reasons is that the compatibility between Xiaoguang and the ivory pig is not that high. Xiaoguang is also better at taking the cute route!

Its terrifying power will be fully developed under Xiaozhi's training!

Name: Ivory Pig (♂)

Attributes: Ice, Ground

Characteristics: Thick Fat (Because it is protected by thick fat, the damage of fire and ice-type moves will be halved)

Trap value: 210/240

Skill: Slam , Boulder, Primordial Power, Awakening Power, Frozen Tusk.

In terms of skill structure, the development of Ivory Pig is very good, but Xiaozhi still has a lot to do. First of all, with the upgrade of Ivory Pig, this huge body needs to learn Earthquake skills for sure!

Then Xiaozhi also has a ground-based skill with a power of 100,000 horsepower. Not only is the power beyond the slamming, but there is no feedback damage. This is completely possible for a heavy posture like the ivory pig to learn to use!

Finally, there is the avalanche skill that Xiaozhi has given to the messenger bird. This is a battle mode that is very suitable for the ivory pig and allows for more possible moves!

After exchanging two ice-type Pokémon, Xiaozhi and his party said goodbye to Xiaosong and Xiaowang and continued to move towards Qiancong Town!

There is no doubt that there will be forests along the way, but there will always be unexpected surprises!

This time, Xiaozhi heard the familiar sound of the skill taking off and exploding into the air. When he looked up, he saw the meteor falling in the sky!

"Is that the Dragon Star Group?"Xiao Zhi was suddenly pleasantly surprised, and thought that there was indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon along the Tianguan Mountains. He had met a reclusive aerial combat master before, and this time he met a master who taught the skills of Long Xingqun! Long

Xingqun! The skill of Star Cluster cannot be understood by Pokémon on its own and must be taught by specialized skill masters. Not only the Dragon Star Cluster, but also the ultimate ultimate move of Yu Sanjia's final evolved form, Explosive Flame, Crazy Plant and Water Cannon. It's about teaching skills!

And Xiaozhi has long exchanged the teaching methods of these skills, so that many of his three masters can master powerful power!

In the large open space in front of Xiaozhi, an old woman is teaching an old lady. The Tanabata Blue Bird uses the Dragon Star Cluster skill. The Dragon Star Cluster just now was produced by the Tanabata Blue Bird, but according to Xiaozhi's eyesight, this move is far from being completed, and it still needs practice. Woolen cloth!

"Very good, Qixi Bluebird, come again!"

But I saw the dragon traitor spread its marshmallow-like wings, and the dragon energy was condensing in its body! As the energy gathered, the Qixi Bluebird raised its long neck, and a light bomb was launched into the air!

The light bomb exploded in the air and turned into dozens of energy bombs that fell like meteorites. This is the dragon type's ultimate group attack move, the Dragon Star Group!

At this time, Xiaozhi and his party happened to enter the attack range of the Dragon Star Group.!

"Fire monkey!"

Xiao Zhi threw the Poké Ball casually, and the Fire Monkey he had trained with him appeared next to him. Seeing the meteors and meteorites all over the sky, it was not timid at all. It looked up to the sky and roared, as if it was going to fight that day.!

The next second, its figure disappeared. The sonic punch shattered the meteorite that was hitting the group of people's heads. The moment it was knocked to the ground, it disappeared again!

"So fast!"

Xiaoguang exclaimed. She raised her head and looked at the sky, but she could only see that several meteorites that were hitting them in the sky were shattered one by one!

Meteorites kept falling around them, but above their heads, Being firmly protected! Standing next to Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang didn't panic at all from the beginning to the end, they just stood there without moving at all!

"well done!"Xiao Zhi led the Fire Monkey towards the old woman!

"Oops, to be able to withstand the dragon stars, this fire monkey has been trained so well! The young man seems to be someone who has a lot of experience in cultivating Pokémon!"

The old woman greatly appreciated the power of the Fierce Monkey. She is naturally the one who knows the power of the Dragon Stars best."It is really fate that we can meet each other. I am Long Granny!"

Xiao Zhi and his party quickly introduced themselves. As Xiao Zhi expected, this Dragon Granny is a skill expert. She will accept trainers to foster Pokémon and teach Long Xingqun this skill!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi frowned. Wrinkle, looking towards the direction of the forest. Not long after, a shark fin poked out from under the ground, coming towards Xiaozhi and the others like a blade!

"Dig a hole in the ground!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up. He had already sensed what kind of Pokémon it was, and immediately issued the order! The

Fierce Monkey also penetrated the ground and headed towards the Pokémon, but heard a roar from the ground, and a fierce roar. The collision broke the ground, revealing the true face of the Pokémon!

"Round land shark?"Xiao Guang was the first to exclaim. She already knew this kind of Pokémon. They had encountered a Round Shark before and was subdued by Yi Cheng.

And now, another Round Shark appeared in Xiaozhi's eyes. before!

"Round land shark, are you here again? Granny Long seemed to be very familiar with this round land shark, and introduced it to Xiaozhi and his group,"This child lives in the nearby forest. It seems that he may be interested in you guys!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also smiled and said,"I'm also very interested in it!""

"Fire monkey!"

With a call, the Fire Monkey jumped back and distanced itself from the Round Shark, just in time to avoid the Round Shark's fangs biting its fist!

Just listen to Xiaozhi's command,"Sonic Punch!"

The Fierce Fire Monkey disappeared on the spot again, used a short distance to increase its speed, and punched the Round Land Shark with an extremely fast punch!

Unexpectedly, the Round Land Shark actually opened its big mouth again, and punched the Round Land Shark with one mouthful. He was bitten by one punch!

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. The round land shark had such strong reflexes. It was obvious to all how fast the Fire Monkey's sonic punch was. It was also trained by him with a lot of effort, but the round land shark could actually do it. Bite it!

"Strengthen the punch!"

Xiao Zhi gave the order without hesitation, but when he saw the fierce fire monkey roared, he actually lifted the round land shark and smashed it to the ground!


With one punch, the Fierce Fire Monkey swung the Round Land Shark and smashed it to the ground, but the Round Land Shark still did not let go of its fangs, but instead bit it tighter! But the Fierce Fire Monkey's fist became harder due to the enhanced punch.!


With another punch, the Fire Monkey hit the ground hard again, making a big hole in the ground. However, the Yuanlu Shark still did not let go. Instead, it condensed terrifying dragon energy in its body!


The Fierce Fire Monkey punched me again, but he was also knocked away by the Yuanlu Shark's attack. The Yuanlu Shark took three punches from the Fierce Fire Monkey and seemed to be unscathed!

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up,"This is the dragon's attack. fluctuation?"


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