After the battle with Daye, the Four Heavenly Kings, Xiaozhi worked non-stop to complete the gym competition and obtain the qualification to participate in the Sinnoh League Conference!

Facing Mr. Denji's Roentgen cat, Xiaozhi sent out the Lurk cat he was training intensively to let it see the world!

Although I don't have much hope that it can defeat Roentgen Cat, Denji's strength should not be much inferior to Daye. Facing the ace Pokémon of veteran trainers, the training time of these Pokémon conquered by Sinnoh is too short after all!

But now Xiaozhi has such confidence that even if he gives up a spot, he can defeat Denji with two veteran Pokémon!

"Oh~, Luck Cat! Daye, Xiaogang and Xiaoguang were watching the battle,"Xiaozhi has really conquered a lot of strange Pokémon!""

"Yes, and each one is bred to be very powerful!"Xiao Gang is very proud. Now Xiao Zhi is doing everything very well!

"Come on, lightning!"Xiao Zhi took the lead in launching the attack. The two attributes in this battle are basic elemental attributes. He is already quite accomplished!

Luck Cat was not timid at all in the face of his evolved form. His whole body shone with electric light and he headed towards Roentgen Cat. He rushed over like crazy!

Denci's lost enthusiasm was activated by the passionate battle between Xiaozhi and Daye. He was very hot at the moment,"We also use lightning!""

The Roentgen Cat showed no mercy. It's easy to compare the same skills. Its electric skill was so powerful that it knocked the Luck Cat away without mercy! The difference in power was indeed huge, but the Luck Cat didn't flinch. , stabilizing his body in the air, landing firmly on all fours, with electric light still hovering around his body!

"Thunder fang!"

The thunder and lightning fang skills that have been cultivated through hard work exploded completely. Luck Cat raised its momentum to the limit. The fangs wrapped with thunder and lightning gnawed towards Roentgen Cat, but was repulsed by a move of iron tail!

"We also use Thunder Fangs!"Denji's battle is really strong, and his attack frequency is very scary. He is a trainer who is very good at quick attacks like Xiaozhi. His battle style is very fast, but he is also very steady and calm!

So this battle must be very interesting!

Xiaozhi Zhi's reaction was very terrifying. He immediately ordered Luck Cat to use his iron tail to receive the blow, but was blown away by the explosion!


"One hundred thousand volts!"

Having the upper hand, Denji's attacks became more and more terrifying. Roentgen Cat's body was covered with thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning collided with Luck Cat's one hundred thousand volts, and another explosion occurred on the field!

"The Luck cat loses the ability to fight and the Roentgen cat wins!"The robot announced the withdrawal of Luck Cat, and Xiaozhi took it back with a smile, and then sent out Pokémon to knock out Roentgen Cat on the spot!

"It’s up to you, Electric Shock Monster!"The three Pokémon that Ash wants to send out are clear. The third one must be Pikachu to challenge Denji's Raichu!

This is a fateful battle, and it is also Pikachu's interest!

Ash's Electric Monster is the one he attracts. It is proud that it has been carefully cultivated from the form of the electric monster, and it has evolved with the power amplifier produced by the system, but it has extremely terrifying power!

Coupled with the electric engine characteristics of the electric monster, electric attacks are not only ineffective against it, On the contrary, it will increase its speed! Against it, the electric attacks that Denji is good at will have no effect!

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Old rule, first use special attack skills to say hello. The ferocity of the electric monster completely exploded at this moment. It beat the chest of the moon like a gorilla and made a roaring sound. The thunder and lightning rushed towards Roentgen Cat like a giant dragon. And go!

Compared to the Luck Cat who appeared before, the power suddenly increased so much that the Roentgen Cat almost didn't react, but it still avoided the blow with its agility!

But at this moment, the Electric Shock Monster spun wildly Holding his arms, he launched a charge towards the Roentgen Cat, intending to force a close combat with the Roentgen Cat!

"Then fight, Iron Tail!"

Of course Denji could clearly see Xiaozhi's plan, and he would not give in at all. He immediately asked Roentgen Cat to use its iron tail and hit the electric monster!

"Don’t think that I only have fighting Pokémon that have learned fighting skills!"Xiao Zhi smiled coldly. He had cultivated the electric monster into a real thunder monster! He saw that the electric monster easily avoided the attack of the meteor hammer, came to the side of the Roentgen cat, and hit the Roentgen cat with a splitting blow. On the ground!

This majestic big cat was beaten so hard that it meowed and lay on the ground, losing its ability to fight!

"It’s really awesome!"Denji didn't care. It was one-on-one now, and each of them lost a Pokémon. And the guy he was preparing to face Xiaozhi's challenge was also the guy,"Please, Denki Monster!""

This electric monster is also Denci's trump card. It is also very excited to feel Denci's recovery energy!

"In a battle with the same Pokémon, I'm afraid none of us can be Xiaozhi's opponent! Daye looked at the two electric monsters that Xiaozhi and Denci were charging at,"How did Xiaozhi cultivate Pokémon?""

"Thunder fist!"

The same lightning fists collided fiercely at that moment. Under the flash of lightning, the two electric monsters retreated at the same time!

Xiaozhi's electric monster took one step back, and Denci's electric monster took three steps back. The contrast in strength came out..Denji

’s electric monster was suppressed!

"Iron Tail!"

As long as Ash's electric Pokémon has a tail, he must practice the Iron Tail move, and the two long cable-like tails of the Electric Monster have been trained to the extreme by Ash! No matter how fast

Denci's attack speed is, , even though he was at a disadvantage, he was still being suppressed. His thick arm was grabbed, and he was suddenly pulled over by Xiaozhi's electric monster!

"Split tiles!"

Xiao Zhi's Electric Shock Monster used his hand knife and hit the head of the Electric Shock Monster hard, smashing it to the ground!

"Electric shock monster!"Denji exclaimed, how did Xiaozhi's Pokmon train, how could it have such sharp combos, and hit people without the ability to fight back!

"Ash's Pokémon all have fighting skills beyond our imagination. Even if they are of similar levels, few Pokémon can parry their moves!"

This is Daye's deepest experience after the battle with Xiaozhi, the terrifying actions of Xiaozhi's Flame Chicken and other Pokémon!

"Fire fist!"Denji, like Daye, will never flinch in a fight!

His electric monster suddenly bounced off the ground, and his fist wrapped in flames slammed towards Xiaozhi's electric monster, but was gently knocked down by it. It dodges in a flash!

Then, it was knocked to the ground by another split tile. You must know that the power of this move will spread to the whole body. The split tile move just now has already affected its movements!

Now it is even more direct Lost the ability to fight!

This gym battle has quickly come to an end. According to what was promised, the next battle will be Denji's Raichu against Ash's partner Pikachu!


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