"Emperor Nabob is coming!"

Jian Wu invited Xiaozhi to play. The game was a one-on-one game. Facing the round land shark sent by Xiaozhi, he sent the ace Emperor Nabo!

Just now they watched Xiaozhi and Emperor Nabo compete with Ah You should be able to learn a lot from Miss Mi's battle, and now that she is sent to fight again, you can use it!

Xiaozhi doesn't know that Kengo has invited Xiaoguang to travel as a companion, and he also uses the outcome of this battle As a consideration, he had long wanted to teach Jianwu a lesson.

In fact, how could Jianwu defeat Xiaozhi? This was how he expressed his sincerity to Xiaoguang. But just like Ami said to Xiaoguang, The only one who can decide Xiaoguang's future journey is herself!

"Jianwu, just attack first!"Xiao Zhi greeted with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite!"Of course Jian Wu understands Xiaozhi's strength, and he also wants to raise his fighting spirit to the extreme, and uses his ultimate move,"Emperor Nabo, go ahead and use the cannon!"

The steel-type special attack skills also exposed the weakness of Emperor Nabo on Kenwu's side. It cannot use ice-type skills!

Water-type Pokémon can always learn some ice-type skills. As the king of the sea, Xiaozhi has water-type magic monsters under his command. There are a lot of babies, and most of them can use one or two ice-type skills to fight against grass-type Pokémon, which makes the battle more possible!

Of course, Kengo is a coordination trainer after all, and his perspective is the same as that of Xiaozhi. It will be different!

But this also makes Jianwu's hands and feet tied directly when facing Xiaozhi. The water and steel skills have only average effect on the round land shark!

No orders from Xiaozhi are needed. Yuanlu Shark dug himself into the ground and avoided the attack of this cannon!

"The power of the earth!"

Xiao Zhi gave the order at this moment, and the power of the earth surged directly from the ground and rushed to the feet of Emperor Nabo. The ground-based skills had an extraordinary effect on Emperor Nabo, causing him to be seriously injured!

"Emperor Nabo, don't be afraid, use the alloy claws and pecking diamonds!"

It was this combination of skills that defeated Xiaoguang and Bogaman, allowing Kenwu to win his fourth ribbon medal. Xiaozhi often used this move.

But now, Xiaozhi also has many things to deal with this move. Method!

"Quicksand hell!"

This is what Yuanlu Shark realized on his own during the training process. The overwhelming sandstorm immediately trapped Emperor Nabo, and the ground-type damage that was extremely effective immediately stopped his drilling and pressed him to the ground. , keep sinking into the ground!

"How can it be?"Jianwu suddenly exclaimed. He actually had no ability to resist in Xiaozhi's hands!

But when Jianwu was stunned, Xiaozhi's attack was merciless. He had already planned to teach him a lesson."Dragon Wave!"

If Kengo had been given some more time, he would have been able to think of a way to escape from the quicksand hell, but Xiaozhi did not give him this chance and directly used dragon skills to beat Emperor Nabo out of his ability to fight!

We won, The round land shark jumped up from the ground and gnawed on Xiaozhi's head!

Without saying a word, Kenwu took back Emperor Nabo and came to Xiaoguang beside him,"I will wait for you in front of the ice cream shop at the port. , if you are willing to travel with me, come to me, goodbye!"

If Xiaozhi noticed what Kenwu said, he must have black lines all over his head. How could he invite a girl to travel together like this?

Why are you pretending to be cool?

After returning to the Pokémon Center to rest for the night, the group said goodbye to Miss Ami and boarded the passenger ship to Suzuran Island.

In the ice cream shop, Miss Ami handed Xiaoguang's message to Jianwu. After a night of thinking, Xiaoguang made his decision!

"As for the future, I want to wait until I watch Xiaozhi’s league game before I think about it carefully. I plan to find that answer on my own!"

"But the only thing I can say for sure is that my dream is to be a top coordination trainer, and I will continue to move towards the path of becoming a coordination trainer in the future!"

"Jianwu, as long as we hold the same dream, we will definitely be able to meet again, just like yesterday!"

The meaning of this message is actually very clear. Xiaoguang declined Kenwu's invitation to travel together, and has made plans to travel alone in the future!

"Very good, it’s finally time to arrive at the Sinnoh Alliance Suzuran Tournament!"Xiao Zhi can't wait!

On the boat, Xiao Zhi and his party also met another treasure hunter named Michael. He is the younger brother of the Four Heavenly Kings Daye, but he is not a Pokémon trainer.

Michael took this boat The ferry was intended to go to Dandelion Island, which he passed along the way, to search for treasures. He was based on a treasure map that he got occasionally, and there were some Pokémon patterns on it, so he invited Xiaozhi and his team to help search for the treasures.

Like this A romantic trip is irresistible to Xiaozhi and his friends!

Dandelion Island has a mountainous terrain and is covered in forests. There is a small town in the south of the island. Ships usually stop there to restock, and Xiaozhi and the others just took this opportunity to board. Explore the island!

There are indeed many Pokémon guarding the treasures on the island, such as naughty bombs, hazelnut balls, and Overlord Flowers and Rumble Stones that do not appear on the map. There are even telepathic clay dolls among the ruins on the island, serving as treasures.

These traps are nothing to Xiaozhi. Michael's performance is also very good, and he can subdue the telepathic clay puppet as the guardian! And the treasure finally found is ancient pottery, which is very important to Xiaozhi. It was of little value to the group, but to Michael, it was a real treasure. His dream was to become a doctor of archeology!

Before saying goodbye, Michael took out a rather familiar card from his backpack. Navigation chart,"Xiaozhi, thank you. I have seen your ability during this treasure hunting trip on the island. Why don't I leave this to you!""

Xiao Zhi did not rush forward. Instead, he pulled out a nautical chart from his backpack, which immediately made Michael's eyes go straight!

This ancient nautical chart is from the treasure hunter Xiao Zhi and his party met in the EMI Forest. A gift from Miss Mi. But this time they saw another one in the hands of treasure hunter Michael!

At this time, both Xiaozhi and Michael were pleasantly surprised. They could tell at a glance that the two nautical charts were clearly the same. Yes, after putting it together, I found that the most crucial one was still missing!

Michael shook his head,"Xiao Zhi, since you have collected two of them, I leave them to you!""

The group of people parted ways with Michael on Dandelion Island. He was going to transfer to the Cruel Mountains to find the treasures in the mountains, and Xiaozhi was finally going to start preparing for the Sinnoh Alliance Conference that he had been waiting for!


Starting tomorrow is the final alliance meeting!

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