"So now I will announce to you the list of matching groups for the third round of competition!"

The 16 people were divided into eight groups to compete. Xiaozhi saw his opponent at first sight, which was Kaoping who he met in Dr. Yamanashi's lecture course.

And A-kun finally got his wish and faced Shinji.

"Kaoping is very cunning, Xiaozhi, you must be careful!"Everyone knows Kaoping's personality and style very well. He has also learned the tactics that Xiaozhi has used in previous alliance conferences. It can be said that the battle with Kaoping is, in a sense, the battle between Xiaozhi and himself in the past.!

How much stronger has he become during his travels in the Sinnoh region? This battle with Kaoping should be a perfect answer!

"Let's go, we have to check Kaoping's information. His Pokémon are very special, and his use of Pokémon and skills is also unusual!"In order to do well in this test, of course Xiaozhi must go all out!

Just as the group was about to go to the information room in the contestant village, they saw Ah Xun coming towards him again.

Xiaozhi stopped him casually,"A Xun, Where are you going in such a panic?"

"I want to go to Shinji's side!"After learning that Shinji's opponent is Shinji in the next round, I'm afraid this kid must be extremely excited and can't wait to share the news with Shinji!

"Shinji, I should look up your information in the reference room. We are about to go there too, let's come together!"Xiao Zhi went directly with Ah Xun, and sure enough he found Shinji in the data room.

Ah Zhi ran directly in front of Shinji, saw his own information in front of his computer screen, and suddenly became excited,"Sure enough, it's a hero. Hero, Shinji, you really moved me! But Shinji, no matter how much information you investigate about me, it will be useless. I am evolving every day, every minute, and every second. The meaning of the past is meaningless!"

Shinji stood up, bowed slightly to Xiaozhi, and then said coldly to Ah Zhi," If you believe in your own strength too much, you will be negligent! I will look forward to the previous battle with you!"

As he said that, he walked out. Ah Zhi wanted to catch up and argue, but was stopped by Xiaozhi! He took the time to investigate Kaoping's information, and it was actually commented that he was a master of all-changing Pokémon who could not deal with common sense. Meaning. It means that his tactics are ever-changing and elusive!

Looking at the Pokémon he uses, the ace's Slow King is very good, and he showed excellent field control ability in the doubles match with Xiaoguang!

There is also Boss Cordora , Heracross and other Pokémon, especially his Heracross, with every move of revenge and every move of feint, Xiaozhi was deeply impressed!

"In this case, I can also use surprise troops. This kind of battle should be very interesting!"Xiao Zhi quickly completed the team for the next game. He must give himself a satisfactory answer!

"Starting from the third round of the Pokémon League Suzuran Tournament, battles will be held in this main arena, and the battle venues will be randomly changed in each game!"As soon as the explanation fell, the battle site in the main arena changed, with high and low rockery groups appearing on it!

"The first game of the third round has been determined to be a rocky venue. The two players competing here are Shinji and Ayu. This will be a fierce battle!"

Although he can probably guess the outcome, Xiaozhi is still looking forward to the performance of these two people. According to this progress, I am afraid that the winner among them will have to face Xiaozhi next!

"let's go! let's go! Ah Zun got the first strike, and he couldn't wait to send out his first Pokémon,"Armor Bird, come on!""

Sure enough, his Pokémon team has been predicted by Shinji. Sure enough, the one sent by Shinji is the duck-billed flame dragon that restrains the armored bird! The armored bird has only two weaknesses, which are fire and electricity, but it has many attributes. Attacks are not effective against it, and poison and ground-based skills are even more ineffective against it.

But Shinji specially prepared the duck-billed flame dragon as an opponent for it!

"Armored bird, use Saling!"

Sa Ling's skill is a skill that causes damage to the Pokmon that is replaced on the field, but it cannot cause damage to the Duck-billed Flame Dragon on the field. Moreover, it has no idea to use such a skill when it comes on the field. The challenge is to restrain it. The fire-type Pokémon, Ah Shun immediately lost the opportunity!

Shinji is not a trainer who cares about the damage effect,"Duck-billed Flame Dragon, spray flames!"

The pillar of fire with outstanding effect exploded directly on the armored bird. In the smoke, it slammed down from the air and fell on the rocky field!

"The armored bird loses its fighting ability, and the duck-billed flaming dragon wins!"Poor little iron bird came out just to spread some nails!

Xiaozhi nodded slightly. Although the effect was outstanding, it was able to kill Ah Zun's armored bird with one blow. It can be seen that there is a level gap between the two. Shinji will The duck-billed flame dragon is extremely well bred!

"Thanks, Armored Bird, you have fully completed your mission!"Ah Shun's words really made Xiaozhi's head full of doubts. Do you really think that you and Shinji are at the same level?

Tactics are only useful for opponents of similar levels. At first, Xiaozhi was not strong enough, so he When fighting against Xiao Mao, he tried his best to make various tactical arrangements, but now, even in the King of Heaven Challenge, he no longer needs to think about any tactics.

Ah Shun took back the armored bird and threw another elf ball ,"The fire element must be dealt with by the water element. It's about to be dealt with, Emperor Nabo!""

"Use the water cannon!"As soon as he appeared on the stage, Ah Zun asked Emperor Nabo to use his water-based ultimate move, severely injuring the Duck-billed Flame Dragon."Moreover, as long as the Pokémon is replaced, the next Pokémon will be damaged!"

Ah Zun thought that his tactics were successful, but he didn't notice that the armored bird was instantly killed by the flames just now. Emperor Nabo's water cannon, such a big move could only seriously injure the duck-billed flame dragon!

Shinji With a cold snort, he took back the duck-billed flame dragon,"Circle Bear, get ready to come out and fight!"

The ring bear that I conquered with Xiaozhi in the psychedelic forest is highly valued by Shinji, and it also has the characteristic of perseverance and is very ferocious in combat! As soon as it appeared, a series of explosions erupted from its feet, causing it to be damaged!

"In this case, I will also replace the Pokémon!"Ah Yun also exchanged Pokémon and sent out Savarang, who could restrain the Ring Bear!

He also investigated Shinji's Pokémon very clearly, and added fighting Pokémon to the team of three!

But the problem is, Ah Yun's Pokmon level is far inferior to Shinji's. Even if its attributes are restrained, how much advantage can it have?

And Xiaozhi knows very well that Shinji basically cultivated Circle Bear as a fighting type Pokémon. It is very difficult to deal with fighting type. Even though he was experienced, he still used his bodybuilding skills after his appearance to further improve his attack and defense. His aura alone was enough to overwhelm Ah Yun!


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