The Sinnoh League Suzuran Tournament has reached the semi-finals of the top eight, and the next thing to be done is a six-on-six battle between all members!

And in this semi-final, Xiaozhi's opponent is Shinji who has decided to fight!

Among the remaining eight passers-by, Xiaozhi still paid attention to their battles. Although they were all good players with good combat effectiveness, judging from their battle performance, there was still a big gap between them and Shinji! Therefore, for Xiaozhi, after defeating Shinji, only Dakdo is left as his fateful rival!

"coming! coming! The battle between Ash and Shinji is finally here!"Ah Zun was the most excited. He saw how powerful Xiaozhi and Shinji were, and he had been looking forward to the battle between the two after their defeat!

"I really want to go and see it on site!"At the Pokémon Center, Shinji received a contact from his brother Reiji.

Shinji's attitude was different, and he was still concerned,"Don't you still have a job?"

"That’s right!"Leisi said with a smile. It was precisely because of his work that he couldn't go to the scene to watch the battle between Shinji and Ash."How about it, do you want to reconsider the formation of Pokémon? You must be at your best to fight against Xiaozhi!"

"Yes, Xiaozhi’s power is unfathomable!"Shinji has a deep understanding of Xiaozhi's power. He has fully considered this battle,"That's good!

Looking at Shinji, Leiji smiled and said,"I feel very happy!" I'm glad you met Xiaozhi. He is a true mentor and friend. There has never been a trainer who can influence and guide you like this!"

There is no need for Leiji to remind him that Shinji respects Xiaozhi from the bottom of his heart, but precisely because of this, he wants to challenge Xiaozhi with all his strength!

"The first game of the Sinnoh League Suzuran Tournament semi-finals will be a six-on-six all-member battle. This time the stage is a dirt field!"

The dirt field is an ordinary battle field, and it is the most appropriate stage for a battle between powerful rivals!

But Xiaozhi threw the Poké Ball casually,"I don't like this field, let's change it!"


The Poke Ball was opened, and the first Pokmon that appeared in front of Shinji was Lapras, who had experienced the experience of the sea and returned to Xiaozhi!

"The mood is like a duel in the middle of the day. Ash Ketchum, a player from Kanto Shinshin Town, has sent out his first Pokémon, Lapras! How should the Shinji players in Curtain City deal with it? What is the first Pokémon?

Shinji pondered what Xiaozhi just said,"Super King, prepare to come out and fight!""

Sure enough, it is the Super King. Shinji had sent it out before when he challenged Mr. Jindai. Its combat power is indeed outstanding. It should be one of the higher-level Pokémon among Shinji's! Moreover

, Fighting skills also restrained Chenglong, but everything Xiaozhi did next shattered all his strategic plans from the beginning!

Xiaozhi grinned,"Absolute Zero!"

Change the world, Ice Age!

Before Shinji could react, Laplace's Absolute Zero had been activated. This is a super sure-kill move. Once it hits, you will definitely lose your fighting ability, but the hit rate is very low!

But Xiaozhi is not only He is a Pokémon trainer, and he is a master of Pokémon magnificence. For a coordination trainer, his skills are also used in an unusual way! For a time, on the ground where there was no water, ice began to form under Chenglong. And it continues to spread out until the entire field is covered with ice!

"Ash's Lapras turns the field into an ice field. This move is really powerful!"The commentator was already exclaiming and shouting, and the audience was also cheering!

Shinji couldn't help but take a half step back, and the biting cold air hit his face!

He never expected that Xiaozhi would do this. Although Super Power King It was not directly hit, but it was still damaged by the spread of ice!

As for Xiaozhi, Laplace's movement on the ground would have been restricted, but now it is different. It is in the ice. The movement on the surface is very flexible!

"Super King, use your strength!"

Shinji didn't flinch. He had already been mentally prepared for Xiaozhi's endless terrifying tactics. The Super King also showed his courage and smashed the ice under his feet with one strike, standing firmly on the ground!

"Come back, Laplace, take a rest first!"Xiao Zhi took back the dragon and used such a super move. Even now it consumes a lot of energy!

"It's up to you, ivory pig!"On the ice field, Xiaozhi sent out the thick-fat ivory pig exchanged from Xiaoguang!

Seeing it appear on the stage, Xiaoguang immediately cheered,"Come on ivory pig, it's so handsome! so hot!"

Although the fighting skills are still very effective against Ivory Pig, Xiaozhi just wants to let them come into play here,"One hundred thousand horsepower!"

There is no need to wear ice armor. Ivory Pig directly launched a brutal collision on the ice. This was a war charge with all his strength and without reservation!

Shinji also couldn't help but take half a step back under the momentum of Xiaozhi and Ivory Pig, but He gritted his teeth and gave the order,"Stop it!"

The Super King didn't flinch. He raised his iron palm and firmly grasped the pair of ice tusks of the Ivory Pig. However, he was forced to retreat under this crazy charge!


Superpower King Jushuo's body was pushed hard and hit the ice. There was no way to retreat, but the momentum of the ivory pig was far from stopping!

"Try your best again!"

Shenji was forced to use his momentum, and white light shone on the Iron Palm of the Super Power King, and he smashed it towards the ivory pig that was pressing it firmly on the ice!

"Come on, ivory pig!"Xiao Guang's cheering sound reached the ears of the Ivory Pig, and it actually withstood the terrifying strength of the Super King, smashed the ice, and knocked the Super King away!

"How can it be!"Shinji looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. What on earth was going on with the charge of the Ivory Pigs?

Super King is his trump card, and the Ivory Pigs were just conquered by Xiaozhi in the Sinnoh region!

But how could he understand? , the ivory pig is connected to Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang!

"No time to shock you! You have to reciprocate the energy you just exerted!"Xiao Zhi is very satisfied with the performance of the ivory pig. The ivory pig has a violent personality, but its ferocity has been suppressed under Xiao Guang.

But Xiao Zhi fully exerted its fighting will. Such a hearty battle is what belongs to Its the stage!


To withstand a frontal attack and launch a charge is the fighting method of the Ivory Pig, so cooperate with the avalanche and then fight back the attack with twice the power. This is the result of Xiaozhi's training! The Ivory

Pig let out an explosive roar, and the terrifying avalanche started from The Super King's head fell down, immediately beating him to the point of losing his ability to fight!


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