After a month of high-intensity and high-density battles, even Xiaozhi's physique could not withstand it, so after boarding the ferry, he rarely took a nap.

After getting up, he met Xiaoguang and found Xiaogang who was in a daze on the deck."What's wrong with you, Xiaogang?"

Xiaogang came back to his senses,"It's nothing, I just want to breathe some fresh air! Xiaozhi, please refresh yourself." Already? We can’t work so hard in the future!"

"Battle itself is something that Pokémon and I like to do. This opportunity is what I have been waiting for for a long time. Even if it is bitter, I am happy with it. I am a man who wants to become a Pokémon master!"Xiao Zhi stepped forward and patted Xiao Gang on the shoulder,"You seem a little confused?"

"I am indeed thinking about something. Let me think about it myself first. I will go to you if necessary!"The bond and friendship between Xiaogang and Xiaozhi, they can understand each other's thoughts without saying anything!

Xiaozhi nodded,"When you can't figure something out, go and communicate with the Pokémon! What you can do by yourself can be done with Pokémon. This is Pokémon power!"

Hearing this, Xiaogang's frown relaxed a lot,"It's really like what a Pokémon master would say!"

He didn't know that the power of Pokémon that Xiaozhi mentioned had actually saved a city!

"What’s next for you two?"Xiaoguang asked about returning to the port of Futaba Town, where you can board the ferry back to Kanto!

Xiaozhi shrugged,"There are a lot of things to do, first go back to Zhenxin Town, and then I have to go see Looking at the construction of Wanli Sunshine Island, the completion of the battle park requires the layout of different environments, which should take a lot of time. The ship should be almost ready. My requirement is that it should at least be a ship first, and it will be no problem to go to sea!"

The reason why I'm so anxious is because Xiaozhi wants to take Hanako on a boat trip to the sea. This is something I've thought about before.

"As for me, I decided to go back to Nibi City first to see my family whom I haven’t seen for a long time!"Xiao Gang's family is now very happy. His parents are loving and his brothers are harmonious. Jiro is also making great progress. He should be able to be a real trainer of Nibi Gym soon!

"Where is Xiaoguang?"

"me too! I want to feast on my mother's cooking first and then think about other things!"Of course Xiaoguang also wants to go home, so this means that the three of them will be separated after arriving at the port!

"Someone come quickly! Please, come and help!"The sudden cry for help made Xiaozhi and Xiaogang run over following the sound. Only then did Xiaoguang react, recovered from the sadness of parting, and quickly followed!

"What happened?"Xiaozhi and Xiaogang arrived as quickly as possible, only to see several Pokémon lying on the ground, including Pichu, Baobaoding, Bearbaby, and Mizuba.

They are all young Pokémon, and the person asking for help is a little girl,"Hello, my name is Nobuko, and I am an intern nanny at the Pokémon nursery. These children just ran out while I wasn't paying attention, and accidentally slipped into the sea. It also alarmed a group of onyx jellyfish. Although a nearby trainer helped to rescue them, I found that they were all poisoned!"

Xiao Gang was already treating several little guys,"The poison in Pichu is The most serious thing is that this child probably used his electric skills to desperately protect his companions!"

"That should be right!"Xiao Zhi also agreed with Xiao Gang's judgment.

But the problem is that there is no medical equipment on this ship, and Pokémon cannot be exchanged. Otherwise, Xiao Zhi would have to exchange Xuemi and Happy Egg!

Look at these little guys. He looked like he couldn't hold on until Miss Joy arrived!

"Leave it to us!"Xiao Zhi patted Xiao Gang on the shoulder. I'm afraid the only one I can rely on now is Xiao Gang!

Xiao Gang also nodded solemnly,"How many sweet peaches do we have left?"

"Enough for you!"Xiao Zhi casually threw a bunch of things to Xiao Gang, but there was no sweet peach.

"Angry Manju, Kamayan Senbei, Mori no YokanPlaying in the Battle Zone not only counts the winning streak, but also points after winning. The points can be exchanged for things. Before I left, I thought not to waste it, so I exchanged a bunch of points for returning home!"

The few things Xiaozhi took out are not only delicious to humans and Pokémon, but also have magical effects on Pokémon. As long as they are used properly, they can cure Pokémon's abnormal conditions. Of course, Including poisoning!

Xiaogang was not dazed at all, and quickly started to act. Because several Pokémon are children, these delicacies must be processed. Mix some delicious foods with water and beat them into juice. No matter how you look at it, it is dark. Cooking, but it must be useful for Pokémon!

In the process, Xiaogang's good-luck eggs even evolved into auspicious eggs, and he learned the skill of laying eggs. Although it cannot detoxify, it can restore the physical strength of Pokémon!

After a long time , Miss Joy, who had been contacted long ago, finally arrived and checked the Pokémon immediately, only to find that they had all been cured!

"Mr. Xiaogang, Mr. Xiaozhi, thank you very much!"Miss Nobuko bowed deeply to the two of them and expressed her gratitude.

Miss Joy also said,"Xiao Gang should be able to become an excellent Pokémon doctor!"

"Pokémon doctor?"Xiao Gang was stunned for a moment, but this thought was like a little light in the darkness, but it kept shining in his heart and gradually expanded!

"It turns out there is still this way to go!"When he thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiaogang's mouth!

Xiaozhi came to him, and the two brothers came to the deck and looked at the sea,"You seem to have awakened!"

"Yes, Xiaozhi, I have witnessed your growth all the way, but just because of this, I am thinking, should I also grow?"Xiao Gang finally said frankly.

He accompanied Xiao Zhi from a little cute little boy to three consecutive league championships. He also conquered a large number of Pokémon and became more and more like a Pokémon master.

But Xiao Gang started Reflecting on himself, although he aims to be a top Pokémon breeder, he is still growing day by day. The many Pokémon that Xiaozhi has conquered have also allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience as a breeder!

"Xiaozhi, as you said, I have decided to use the experience I have accumulated so far to become a Pokémon doctor!"

As he said that, Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi, his eyes revealing firmness and determination,"If you want to be a Pokémon doctor, you must study hard. In that case, you won't be able to travel like before for the time being! I want to be a doctor and help all the Pokémon in the world!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly patted Xiao Gang's shoulder,"Come on, Xiao Gang, the position of the ship's doctor on my ship is reserved for you!"

"Brothers, wait for the day when we meet again!"

———————————————— congratulations! congratulations!

This is the end of the Sinnoh Scroll!

How will Xiaozhi's travels change without Xiaogang by his side?

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