Pokemon Trainer Aaron

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Arrived in Sunshine Town, Sunflower Monster Festival?

"Well, I can do it, but I still ask them myself." Aaron replied. In fact, Aaron was about to say that. He didn't expect Ji Ke to mention it first, so Aaron would save it.

"Hehe, he really is an excellent young man, he knows how to take into account the feelings of Pokémon, and let Pokémon choose it himself. No wonder Xiaojing can get along with Pokémon so well at the age of 11. It's edified." Ji Ke laughed.

   "What is my influence?" Aaron was surprised, in Aaron's opinion, this was justified.

"It seems that you still don't understand the reality." Ji Ke sighed after hearing the words. "Although people and Pokémon are advocated for peace and friendship, there are still very few trainers who can really do it. Most people don't have one. Understand the true meaning of this sentence. Even many breeders just verbally say that even if they can take good care of Pokémon, they don’t give Pokémon autonomy at all. Once Pokémon does not follow their own words Doing so will be regarded as disobedient, and even dealt with by the betrayal trainer. No matter what kind of creature, including humans, there is no way to do everything right, even if it is simple, it is impossible, so be obedient Pokémon, there will always be their so-called "disobedience", which is common sense, but unknowingly, this common sense has also become an unforgivable thing. Now why the frequency of Pokémon escape incidents has increased There is also this reason. Maybe because you are a league champion and most of the trainers you meet are elites, you will take this for granted. Of course, this is indeed a matter of course, but in the eyes of everyone, this is'a matter of course' 'It has also changed the taste. So, in fact, there are really not many trainers who can get along with wild Pokémon at once like Xiaojing." Ji Ke sighed, "Oh, sorry. A lot of strange things have been said, let's go over." After that, step forward immediately.

   "That's it... Ah..." After listening to it, Aaron felt deeply moved.

"How about, fire-breathing dragon, do you want to stay here to practice or continue to follow me and let that guy train you?" Aaron stepped forward and asked, although he wanted to do this, he was still a little bit weak. A little sad, Aaron has already tasted this.

   The two fire-breathing dragons looked at each other, but didn't tell them immediately.

   "It's up to you to decide this time. You are not kids anymore. You need to be brave enough to decide what you want to do." Aaron continued, and now I want the fire-breathing dragons to nod and shake their heads...

   The two fire-breathing dragons were taken aback again, and then after a while of silence, the two fire-breathing dragons nodded one after another.

   "Sure enough." Along stood up and sighed. Ji Ke also stood up.

"Then leave these two guys to me first. Don't worry about the injuries. There is also my 6th-level feeder." Ji Ke smiled, "You can go to Sunshine Town after you pass this hill. Sufficient supplies can be made." Ji Ke pointed out the next destination to Aaron and the others.

Aaron Xiaojing did not stay long, and immediately left the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley. Aaron had nothing to say on the way. In fact, Aaron was also very conflicted in his heart. They wanted to make Pokémon stronger, and they decided something by themselves. Aaron did the same. , But after finishing it, I somewhat regretted it.

   "Maybe I am such a person." Aaron sighed helplessly in his heart...

   "This is Sunshine Town that Master Ji Ke said, it's really beautiful." When she came to Sunshine Town, Xiao Jing immediately sighed. Aaron felt very happy to see that Xiaojing was no longer sluggish. Think about that Ji Ke and Xiaojing were alone for a while. Perhaps it was for Xiaojing's ideological work. Aaron had to admire Ji Ke, thinking I want to give Xiaojing all the way of ideological counseling, but it is not as effective as Ji Ke for half an hour. It's just that Aaron didn't know that his coaching direction was wrong...

   "Anyway, let's go to the Pokémon Center to rest first, and by the way, I am going to get back my Pokkigu and Dabi Eagle." Aaron said, ran up immediately, the Pokémon Center was very conspicuous. Xiao Jing also ran after Aaron. Aaron hadn't seen this happy expression for a long time, and couldn't help but admire Ji Ke again in her heart.

  Walking into the Pokémon Center, there are many trainers in it, most of the trainers bring the Sunflower Monsters, and a few use other grasses.

   "Good afternoon, Miss Joey." Aaron stepped forward to say hello.

   "Good afternoon, boys and girls." Miss Joey also replied with a smile, "What can I do for you?"

   "Yes, we want to live here tonight, but there are already so many trainers here, so I want to ask if there are any vacancies." Aaron asked bluntly.

"Hehe, there are still many vacancies. Not all trainers here come to stay. Most of them come here in preparation for tomorrow's Sunflower Monster Festival." Miss Joey smiled. Answer, to be honest, the smile is charming...

  "Sunflower Monster Festival?" Xiaojing has a question.

"Yes, the Xiangrihuakai Festival is held here once a year. Our sunshine town is very well-lit, and the water source is relatively abundant. It is very suitable for the growth of Xiangrihuakai. Almost every family here There is a Sunflower Monster, so the town holds a celebration for the Sunflower Monster in one year." Miss Joey explained patiently.

   "Eh, then we are really a coincidence." Xiao Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"Then I can understand that the trainer of Sunflower Monster came here, but there are also those trainers who are stunned, smelly flowers, and talkative flowers. What are they here for? Although it can be understood as traveling just like us However, it’s a bit of a nuisance to bring all grass elements." Aaron said his own question.

   "Oh, yes, they are also preparing for tomorrow's celebration." Miss Joey smiled.

   "Eh? Isn't the celebration tomorrow organized specifically for the Sunflower Monster?" Xiaojing was strange.

"Yeah, the highlight of tomorrow’s celebration is the Sunflower Monster beauty pageant. However, there is also a grass-based Pokémon competition. We have plenty of sunshine here. Not only Sunflower Monster, but even ordinary grass-based Pokémon grow very well. Okay, so in order to meet the needs of the general public, we will also hold a grass-based Pokémon battle tournament at the same time as the Sunflower Monster beauty pageant. If you win, you will be called this year’s battle star and get a trophy. Choose a prize by yourself. I heard that this year’s prize contains the leaf stone, so those trainers who use Pokémon that need leaf stone evolution are desperate this year. It seems that there will be a fierce battle this year. Travelers too You can come and participate, are you interested?" Miss Joey asked Aaron Xiaojing.

Aaron and Xiaojing glanced at each other and immediately laughed, "If there is a game, I will certainly participate!" Aaron said confidently, "I haven't fought for a long time, and occasionally want to make his Pokémon move. "Xiao Jing is also full of fighting spirit this time.

"Hehe, is that right, then I'll give this to you." Miss Joey bent down, found something underneath, then took out two number plates and gave them to Aaron and Xiaojing, "Tomorrow Sunflower Monster Beauty Pageant After the meeting is over, gather on the battle plain in the rear before 12 o'clock. When you hear someone calling your number, you will go to fight. It is a one-to-one battle. Each game can use different Pokémon, but there is one point. Use grass-based Pokémon."

   "I see, thank you, Miss Joey." After politely ending the conversation, Aaron and Xiaojing invariably moved towards the Pokémon teleporter.

"How about it, Aaron, do you want to call Meihua and other veterans?" Because they call Dr. Oki for Pokémon, even if there are two teleporters here in the Pokémon Center, but Dr. Oki has only One, so the two decided the winner by guessing. Aaron won the right to get a Pokémon first with Rocky Xiaojing's scissors~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Xiaojing stood by Aaron and asked.

"Beautiful flowers, yes, there are not many grass-based Pokémon on my side. If you really meet a master, it is impossible to rely on the current chrysanthemum leaf, just in case of course I still carry it. "Along answered with a smile. The call was connected, and Dr. Oki's face was printed on the screen.

   "Oh, Dr. Oki, good afternoon." Aaron said hello.

   "Oh, it's Aaron, what's the matter?" Dr. Oki asked.

"Of course, I want to send back the big iron armored tyrannosaurus. You give me three Xuanwu turtles, wonderful frog flowers, and beautiful flowers." Aaron said, "I will send Pokémon right away." Aaron was ready to go away.

   "Hey, wait, Aaron." Dr. Oki stopped Aaron.

   "What's the matter?" Aaron was surprised.

   "Your big iron armor tyrannosaurus has done a lot of damage to my courtyard, can you replace it." Dr. Oki was also helpless.

"Well, then you can tell it to stay on the rock mountain and don't leave it. Just say that I said it. I will change it back tomorrow at the latest, and there are also many big rock snakes that can fight with it. Tell him to bear with him." Aaron felt a little bit sad, but he continued to teleport...just as kind as Dr. Omu Aaron...

   "Next is me, Doctor, I will also send a Pokémon back, and give me my Pylast." After Aaron finished the transmission, Xiao Jing sat in front of the computer and said.

   "Palast? Xiaojing, your Paras has evolved?" Aaron was surprised.

   "Yes, it took me a lot of effort to make it evolve. As long as it and my wonderful frog are there, it shouldn't fail miserably." Xiaojing said, laughing.


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