Pokemon Trainer Aaron

: ! Fighting lessons?

"Okay, now it's a decisive battle, Player Aaron vs. Player Robert." Vivian announced. Just now Aaron’s second game was easily solved. After all, his opponent was a coordinating trainer, and it was not a large-scale festival. The Pokémon levels were really not high, and it was one of Aaron’s strongest Pokémon. Shanaido was completely powerless in front of him.

   The game started, Aaron surrendered Xanadu, and the other side called Menus.

   "Go on, Menus, use the water cannon!" Robert on the other side directly ordered a big skill. I also watched Aaron's two games within 15 seconds, knowing that Aaron is definitely not an ordinary person, and he must attack with all his strength.

   "Shockwave, split it!" Aaron ordered.

   Menus shot a water cannon. It should be said that the power is very good, it has surpassed the standard of ordinary trainers, and it also made Aaron feel that this person also understands that Pokémon gorgeous battle also requires Pokémon battle. It's a pity that this time I met a stronger Aaron.

   The water cannon hit Xanaduo, and Xanaduo slowly raised his right hand, and then suddenly worked, and the water cannon exploded out of thin air in front of Xanaduo! Then it splashed to both sides, but a drop did not touch Xanadu. It was also because the attack was resolved and the opponent's score was reduced.

   "Most Super Power Pokémon have low physical strength and cannot withstand a few attacks, so there are many ways to defend against attacks." Aaron said, and began to teach the opposing trainer.

   "Menus, use a tornado!" The other side changed his moves.

   "Sanaduo, control the airflow!" Aaron ordered.

   Menus raised his tail, so that the whirlwind does not appear from the tail as everyone expected? Then Menus gritted his teeth, and after a while, a small whirlwind finally appeared, but this seemed to be the limit of Menus.

   "Sanaduo, mind power, mental attack version."

   Shanaido's eyes glowed purple, and then Menus screamed in pain, and the tornado stopped as expected.

   "A mental attack is useless even if it is a mysterious guardian." Aaron said, and Robert gritted his teeth. This was the first time he appeared anxious in this gorgeous contest.

   "Well, let's end it, Shanaido, double shock wave!" Aaron finally ordered.

   Shanaido raised his hands. The so-called double is nothing more than using both hands together and making two lines at the same time. Xanadu’s eyes still kept purple, and Menus kept screaming in pain. In fact, Menus wouldn’t be able to sustain it for long, but Aaron felt that it would give others a cruel feeling, so he chose Hurry up.

   Two shock waves were launched at once. Of course, everyone couldn't see it. Then Menus was blown into the air. Then he flew out of the field and hit the wall behind. Lost the ability to fight!

"Mei... Minas has lost the ability to fight, so the winner is Aaron!" Although Vivian had watched two games and ended quickly, she didn't seem to expect that the final would still be the same. She was surprised and muttered. Announced.

   Immediately, Mr. Conkenstein came over to present Aaron with the medal of Kay. Aaron also took it very solemnly.

   "I feel like you were too humble when you were in Kanaz City, and your gorgeous performance just now was really good." Mr. Konkenstein said, and Aaron smiled.

   "It should be said that I never expected that I would pass the first round, because my Pokémon's performance is not beautiful or gorgeous." Aaron replied.

"This is the difference between the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest in our Fengyuan area and Shenao and other areas. What we pay most attention to is not gorgeous, but to reflect the charm of Pokémon. For example, your Pokémon is a vicious-looking Pokémon. You shocked the audience through the performance very well, and the performance really made the audience fearful, then we will not give you a low score. Gorgeous Pokémon naturally shows the gorgeous and beautiful magic The baby is beautiful, the cute Pokémon is cute, and the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest in Fengyuan area is like this. You chose to show your strength, and you did show your strength very well, so I gave you a high score, that's it Simple." Mr. Konkenstein said to Aaron, which can be regarded as misleading Aaron.

   "And this is what you deserve, this Kay with the medal." Mr. Conkenstein said, "I look forward to seeing you in the next Pokémon Gorgeous Contest."

   "No, what? I will not frequently participate in the gorgeous contest next. After all, I am still a Pokémon trainer, and gorgeous performance should be said to be just a hobby." Aaron also said directly.

"That's it, but the battle is indeed more suitable for you, but I still look forward to the opportunity to see you again on the gorgeous stage in the future. Anyway, go on." Mr. Conkenstein finally said with a smile, and Aaron was also a little bit Nodded.

   "But Aaron, you are really amazing. I didn't expect that you and I would win the first time in the same competition." Xiaoyao said, looking really disappointed.

"Although it is the same for the first time in the competition, but my Xanadu has been training for two years, but it has a very good basic combat power." Aaron said, "And I have better combat than Pokémon I am confident that I will never lose, otherwise I feel sorry for myself as a trainer." Aaron said, Xiaoyao suddenly smiled.

   "Sure enough, it is a comforting way rich in Aaron's style." Xiaoyao said, Aaron also laughed.

   It was already dusk at the end of the game. So I lived in Kaina City first. The next day, I also went shopping in Kaina City to buy something. Ready to leave in the afternoon. In fact, Aaron seemed to remember that there was a story about the Water Fleet or the Fire Rock Team, but he couldn't remember it. It should be said that it was not very eye-catching, and he could only give up in the end. I have no clue at all, I can't manage my own business.

   In the afternoon, the three of them moved on to the next city of gymnasium-Shishi.

   "Along, let's fight!" On the way, as usual, lunch stopped and Aaron's soup was being stewed. Only when it was cooked, Xiaoyao challenged Aaron again. Aaron naturally accepted it very happily, and he was able to help Xiaoyao improve his combat ability as he had promised.

"I said, my uncle sacrificed playing time to help you train Pokémon, but you are so embarrassed to pick a girl by the side. I will have to double my food later." Of course, Geng Gui always will How to complain a few words on the side. At the beginning, Aaron had to remind Geng Gui to change a word, but after a few days, Aaron was too lazy to be annoyed with Geng Gui, just let him.

   "Okay, it's the same as yesterday, I still use to hunt swallows." Aaron said, Xiao Yao nodded.

   "Hunt the swallowtail butterfly, use a silking attack!" Xiaoyao first ordered.


   "It won't let you run away, get it up!"

Xiaoyao’s hunting swallowtails made a spinning attack. The speed can be said to be very good. It should be said that Xiaoyao’s learning ability and receptive ability, as well as the learning ability and receptive ability of hunting swallowtails, are all very good. Aaron was so good that he was a little surprised, and he has made great progress in just a few days. Perhaps this is also the unique talent of a future famous coordination trainer.

   Along’s hunting swallowtails went up, but Xiaoyao’s hunting swallowtails caught up, and then he drew Along’s hunting swallows!

   "Good job, did you practice this secretly last night?" Aaron asked with a smile.

   "How about it, it's amazing." Xiaoyao said confidently.

   "It's very powerful, then try this trick, hunt the phoenix butterfly, use the swallow back!" Aaron ordered.

   Along’s hunting swallowtail butterfly quickly got rid of the entanglement of spinning in the air, and then Yan returned to Xiaoyao's hunting swallowtail butterfly.

   "Go on, Shadow Clone Technique!" Xiaoyao ordered.

   "Well? Can it be used already?" Aaron was surprised. This was the skill that Xiaoyao had just taught Xiaoyao to hunt phoenixes. Aaron's own phoenix hunting could only be separated into two clones.

   I used it for hunting phoenixes, and sure enough, only one was separated, but choosing one of the two, Aaron’s phoenixes hunting was not guessed, it was enough for Xiaoyao.

   "Well, take advantage of this now, use the silver whirlwind!" Xiaoyao ordered.

"Xiaoyao, I can understand your feelings about the silver whirlwind as a nirvana, but my attributes are also insect type plus flying type, and I am resistant to insect type silver whirlwind. By the way, Xiaoyao~www .wuxiaspot.com~ How about trying this trick after finishing the learning of shadow avatar? Use the shadow ball!" Aaron ordered.

"Huh? Aaron, didn't you have a good control of your shadow ball until yesterday, and you will explode yourself during use. Is it okay to fight now?" Xiao Sheng said immediately, very worry.

   "Don't worry, go on!" Aaron shouted.

   Along’s hunting swallowtail butterfly first received the silver whirlwind from the front! I was also afraid that the silver whirlwind would interfere with the shadow ball, and then a black ball appeared in front of Aaron’s hunting swallowtail butterfly, and then the hunting swallowtail butterfly shot out, and Xiaoyao’s hunting swallowtail butterfly exploded, Xiaoyao’s The hunting swallowtail butterfly was beaten to the ground.

   "Ah, hunting phoenixes!" Xiaoyao ran to his hunting phoenixes, and Xiao Sheng immediately shouted out like a referee, "Come here."

"Hey, I lost to Aaron again. I thought I could win this time. How can it be like this. I have not won a game after playing for 5 consecutive days." Xiaoyao said, but Aaron is very It is clear that Xiaoyao is not really angry or feels very puzzled, but just speaks symbolically.

   "There is no way, Xiaoyao, you have to train Pokémon gorgeous performances in addition to the Pokémon battle, unlike me who practice fighting completely." Aaron said, Xiaoyao just sighed, and then smiled.

"But I learned the shadow ball so quickly. Sure enough, in addition to the usual extremely strict training, Aaron is still working hard in places I don't know. There is no reason for Aaron's current strength. The doubtful talent is one point, but there is also the effort that can perfectly display this talent." Aaron left to see if the soup was cooked. Xiaoyao was looking at Along's back, supporting his head with both hands, watching and smiling.


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