Pokemon Trainer Aaron

Chapter 54: Go to Deng Volcano! VS the third bird! ?

Aaron and the others stayed at Xiabo's hotel for one night. The next day, Aaron and the others were planning to return to Zhenxin Town directly, but suddenly Aaron thought of an important thing that he had not done yet.

   "By the way, Mr. Xiabo, can you tell me where the flame bird might be?" After breakfast, Aaron walked into the kitchen and asked Xiabo.

   Xia Bo was taken aback when he heard this question, "What do you want to do with the Flame Bird?" Xia Bo asked rhetorically.

   "I've long wanted to see the Flame Bird and fight the Flame Bird. I heard that the Flame Bird will appear near Red Lotus Island, so I wanted to see it." Aaron said, "Can you tell me?"

"That's it." Xiabo said, "It is true that some people say that the flame bird sometimes comes to the vicinity of Red Lotus Island, but no one has actually seen the flame bird. I remember someone said that the flame bird will be here at this time of the year. I don’t know if there is a place nearby called Deng Huo." Xia Bo said.

   "Really, can you tell me the location of Deng Volcano?" Aaron said.

   "Do you really want to go? Deng Volcano is an active volcano, which may erupt at any time. It would be too dangerous to go." Xia Bo said.

   "I am a Pokémon trainer. If I have Pokémon with me, I will not lose to the volcano." Aaron said.

   Xiabo looked at Aaron so earnestly, "Well, let me tell you, Deng Huo is on Denghuo Island, not far from Honglian Island, just north of Honglian Island." Xiabo said.

   "Thank you," Aaron said, and then walked out. I talked to Xiaoxia Xiaojing and asked to stay another day. In fact, Xiaoxia Xiaojing still wanted to enjoy the hot spring here, so she agreed.

   Along didn't tell Xiaoxia Xiaojing that he was going to Denghuo Island, but only told them to go out. After all, Denghuo was an active volcano and it was indeed dangerous.

   Aaron went to the Pokémon Center, passed the fire-breathing dragon and Geng Gui back, and told the fire-breathing dragon to practice well, because Aaron didn't want such a good fire-breathing dragon to be stunted; he asked Geng Gui to learn new skills. Aaron is coming to Pikachu and an overweight ball...

Aaron released a small boat, let the Gotha Duck pull it, and soon arrived at an island. After getting on the island, Aaron saw a sign that said "Deng Volcano, this is an active volcano, please hurry Back!" Aaron confirmed that this is Denghuodao.

   Although Deng Volcano is an active volcano, the forest under the volcano is very lush. Aaron was walking and suddenly saw a large green Pokémon.

   is a wonderful frog flower! Aaron thought. Around this wonderful frog flower lay many wonderful frog grass and wonderful frog seeds, all sleeping, and Aaron immediately realized that this wonderful frog flower was the boss.

This is, there was a heavy footsteps, Aaron immediately hid, and saw a water arrow turtle with a group of Kami tortoises, Jenny tortoise came over, Miao frog flower, Miao frog grass, Miao frog The seeds were also awakened. They saw the water arrow turtle, the Kami turtle, and the Jenny turtle, and immediately prepared for battle.

   It seems they are going to fight in groups. Along thought to himself. Along saw at a glance that the water arrow tortoise was also the boss of the group of Kami turtles, Jenny tortoises. Although Aaron really wants to get in, because he knows that the Pokémon level that can be the leader will never be low, he naturally wants to conquer, but look at the number of Pokémon on both sides, there are nearly a hundred! These Pokémon are not like the palm tree army. They will leave as long as they are relieved of hypnotism by K. This kind of army will definitely not win unless Aaron shoots the guy in the overweight ball. Aaron does not. Shot, left there, and continued to walk towards Deng Huo.

   Aaron continued to move forward without seeing a single person. Aaron thought to himself how the people here are so small. Aaron knew that the volcano would not erupt just like it erupted.

   Aaron continued to climb to the top of the mountain. Gradually, the surrounding vegetation disappeared, all of which were bare rocks, and the temperature was getting higher and higher. Aaron took off a piece of clothing, stuffed it into his backpack, and moved on. Finally, Aaron came to the crater. Aaron was sweating profusely. Looking into the crater, there were bare rocks and rolling magma.

   Just when Aaron wanted to come for nothing, a sharp cry came from the air. Aaron looked up and saw that it was a big flamingo.

   "Flame Bird!" Aaron murmured. It doesn't seem to be in vain. Aaron thought.

   The flame bird has very good eyesight, and he immediately spotted Aaron staying in the crater of the volcano. The flame bird immediately yelled, seeming to warn Aaron to leave its territory quickly.

   "Flaming Bird, come to fight, I want to subdue you!" Aaron shouted to the Flame Bird in the sky.

   After hearing this, the flame bird stopped moving, and then slowly flew down, stood opposite Along, and called out a few times, as if to tell Aaron to let his horse come.

   Aaron is very fortunate that Deng Volcano is on the edge of Denghuo Island. Aaron is "next door" to the cliff. Below the cliff is the sea. Aaron took out an overweight ball.

   "Come out, stinger jellyfish!" Aaron shouted, still playing the overweight ball, and then a huge blue figure appeared next to the volcano, the huge stinger jellyfish that Aaron conquered! The giant stinger jellyfish had never seen Aaron after he was subdued by Aaron, but he still recognized his master, his eyes turned into two crescent moons, and he seemed very happy to see Aaron.

   "Long time no see, stinger jellyfish." Aaron looked at the stinger jellyfish and said, "this time I found you a very strong opponent, play hard, let me see your real strength."

   The stinger jellyfish nodded. Aaron ran down the mountain and came to the coastal area. Looking closer at the sting jellyfish, Aaron felt the huge sting jellyfish more truly. The Flaming Bird seemed to respect this battle, and flew down from the volcano and stood on the ground.

   "Then I will attack." Aaron said to the flame bird, "stinger jellyfish, use a poisonous needle to attack!" Aaron ordered.

   The flame bird flew up, and the huge sting jellyfish attacked with poison needles. Each of the poison needles was as thick as a javelin and shot at the flame bird, but the flame bird was very agile and avoided it at once.

The flame bird used a jet of flame. The power was not as powerful as that of the flame chicken. The flame power of Shabo’s duck-billed fire dragon was much greater. The stinger jellyfish hit by the flame was carried down, but it was sprayed. There was a burn mark where the flame hit.

   Although Aaron knew that the flame bird was a divine bird and had an extraordinary level, he did not expect that the stinger jellyfish could barely withstand the flame attack of the flame bird. Aaron felt that the battle could not be dragged on for too long, as the damage accumulated, even the huge sting jellyfish would definitely lose.

   "Stinger jellyfish, make a noise attack!" Aaron put on his high-quality earplugs and ordered.

   The effect of Aaron's earplugs has reached the point where almost no sound can be heard.

   The stinger jellyfish made a noise attack, and Aaron still heard the sharp cry of the stinger jellyfish. Aaron could hardly imagine the consequences of being at such a close distance without earplugs. The flame bird seemed to be in pain, closed his eyes and stopped moving in the air.

   "It's now, the sting jellyfish, use the water cannon!" Aaron shouted.

   Aaron didn't know why the stinger jellyfish made such a loud noise but he could still hear Aaron's command. The stinger jellyfish used the water cannon, and a huge water column sprayed towards the flame bird. Aron looked at it and found that the water cannon was about ten meters in diameter. I don’t know how many times the cross-sectional area of ​​the water cannon is that of the Flaming Bird, and now that the Flaming Bird is closing its eyes, it naturally failed to avoid it. The water cannon hits perfectly, emitting a lot of water vapor, causing huge damage to the flame bird.

   The water cannon is over, and the Flame Bird is standing tenaciously, panting violently. Although it is a divine bird, there is no level of water skill, because the spray is all water, and the power is only the difference in speed and impact. The speed is for hits, and this water cannon has already hit, the speed can be ignored, and the impact of such a huge water cannon is naturally very large. After such calculation, the power of this water cannon is extraordinary. Long believes that the water system skills are probably only the water system skills used by Rogia that can be stronger than the sting jelly.

   The flame bird flew again, and Aaron thought he was indeed a **** bird. With such a strong water system skill in the fire system, he would still be able to fight.

   The flame bird yelled, and a yellow energy ball was accumulated in its mouth, and then a powerful beam of light was launched out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a destruction death light! The flame bird has realized that the fire skill is not great for the sting jellyfish.

   "Hurry up, sting jellyfish, use protection!" Aaron hurriedly ordered.

   At the moment of the moment, the stinger jellyfish used protection, blocking the destruction death light, and the destruction death light exploded in protection. The resulting air wave almost knocked Aaron down, showing its power.

   "Stinger jellyfish, do it again, make a noise attack!" Aaron shouted, hurriedly taking earplugs.

   Flame Bird also seemed to realize that it was wrong, and then a big fireball gathered in its mouth, and it flew towards the stinger jellyfish quickly. Both Flame Bird and Aaron knew that this round would determine the outcome of the battle.

   The flame bird spit out flames, that trick is the strongest fire skill of the flame bird-burning out! Burning out was used before the noise. It hit the stinger jellyfish and exploded. Aaron knew that even the stinger jellyfish could not hold the trick, let alone the flame bird in that trick. Desperately.

   "Stinger jellyfish, use the water cannon!" Aaron gave the final order in his heart, because it was really hard for Aaron to imagine the power of the flame bird burning out.

Seeing a jet of water shot out of the smoke, Aaron was relieved immediately. The smoke was blown away, and the flame bird was being caught by the stinger jellyfish with its tentacles and swept it with a water cannon. Then the stinger jellyfish was almost there. He threw the flame bird out, and the flame bird fell on the rock.

"Go, heat-resistant ball!" Aaron threw out the heat-resistant ball he got from Dr. Oki. The heat-resistant ball is really resistant to high temperature and is not affected by the high temperature flame on the flame bird's body at all. Let the flame bird take it successfully. Into the Pokémon Ball, the Pokémon Ball swayed twice and stopped moving.


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