Su Chao saw that his plan was going smoothly.

Both Team Rocket and Hunter J are exhausted.

A smile appeared on his face.

The feeling that everything is under control, Su Chao likes it very much.

Wait for the storm and powder to end.

Neither Hunter J nor cronies suffered particularly large losses.

It's just bitter for Team Rocket.

The full team, with Su Chao's raid and harassment, did not survive five out of ten.

It was noon.

The sun was shining outside the cave.

Bursts of sunlight shone through the cracks above the Tree of the Beginning of the World, into the cavern.

Let the dim, dilapidated interior have a little more life, just a little more.

Because at this time, the interior of the cave is filled with the wails of the rocket team.

Injured, paralyzed, poisoned, and the most comfortable is to be in sleep powder, sleeping.

Such a scene is naturally good for Su Chao.

But for Hunter J, it's bad news.

Hunter J thought twice and made up his mind.

She said coldly to the team Rocket

, "There is still the physical strength to continue to explore, those who are injured and unable to move, let them stand by and wait for Lance's rescue......"

Hunter J abandoned the burden and chose to move on.

Such behavior was exactly what Su Chao wanted, and it was also expected by him.

Just when Su Chao was about to carry out the next wave of consumption as planned, something unexpected came.

Regis, Regis Chiru, and Reginock next to Su Chao suddenly became unable to communicate, and automatically went over to Hunter J.

"What are you going to do?"


No matter how Su Chao called, the three god pillars still ignored it and continued to walk towards the rocket team outside the cave.

This made Su Chao's next plan completely impossible to execute.

"Damn!! what's going on?"

Just when Su Chao didn't know why, he suddenly found that the blue crystals around the cave had turned red.

This situation made Su Chao instantly clear what had happened.

Since today is the last day to heal the Tree of the Beginning of the World, Dream's illness is getting worse and worse, coupled with the invasion of many humans.

The Tree of the Beginning of the World activates the immune system.

The blue crystals inside the cave will turn into red crystals.

The red crystal will take the form of a Pokémon and begin to devour the humans inside the Initial Tree.

And the Three Pillars were created by the Initial Tree, so now the three of them are unconscious.

A human who was controlled by the Initial Tree and began to clean the cave indiscriminately.

Team Rocket and the Hunters, who were still steadily advancing ahead, looked confused.

They weren't like Su Chao, who knew everything about the Initial Tree.

When I saw those Pokémon turned into red crystals, I didn't know what danger these things were.

"This ...... What are these things

?" "Pokémon?" Hunter

J was also unclear, so she could only scan with her glasses with doubt.

But soon, one of her subordinates was wrapped in crystallized Pokémon and disappeared with it.

Seeing that these things were so dangerous, Hunter J immediately shouted

"Everyone, be careful, these things will devour us......"

Unfortunately, they found it too late.

As the first henchman was devoured, so did the next Team Rocket, devoured one after another.

At this time, I don't know who shouted

, "Try it, attack these strange creatures with

Pokémon......" Hearing the suggestion, everyone in Team Rocket, including Hunter J, began to try to attack the Pokémon turned into red crystals.

"Dragon Wave

!", "Wing Attack!", "

Air Blade!",

but the Pokémon's attack didn't have any effect.

All attacks pass through the body of the Pokémon transformed into a Pokémon with red crystals, hitting rocks and the ground behind it.

One by one, Team Rocket and Hunter are devoured.

There are also some red crystal Pokémon coming towards Hunter J.

Hunter J has everything in his sights.

These strange things are beyond her cognition.

Without the slightest hesitation, with the mentality that your own life is the most important.

Hunter J decisively gave up the plan, abandoned everyone, and commanded the Tyrannosaurus Dao:

"Retreat backwards......

At this time, the out-of-control Three Divine Pillars also came to the front.

Start attacking Team Rocket and Hunters.

Hunter J wants to capture the Three Pillars, but this Pokémon turned into a red crystal is too weird.

She didn't dare to think anything more.

You can only choose to retreat first, and then ...... you are making plans

The other side.

Su Chao saw the embarrassed appearance of Team Rocket and the hunter, and did not choose to beat the water dogs.

Now he is rushing back.

Because Su Chao was more worried about Xiao Zhi and them.

Ash and the others did not have the blessing and certification of dreams.

The red crystal will also treat them as intruders and attack Ash and the others.

If Ash and the others were devoured, and Dream was already seriously ill, no one would be able to save them at all.

At that time, the salvation of the dream can really only rely on Su Chao and Lucario.

Lucario would have died in the end.

Thinking of this, Su Chao quickly rushed back while praying in his heart.

I hope Ash and the others are safe and sound, and Lucario can delay.

The scenes on both sides were like slides in front of Su Chao's eyes, quickly switching.

After nearly half an hour of running, Su Chao finally arrived at the core of the World's Initial Tree.

However, his arrival seems to be a little too late.

The Pokémon transformed by the red crystal is attacking Ash and the others.

Xiao Mao, Xiao Gang, Qi Duo, Xiao Yao, and Xiao Sheng are all gone.

There were only Lucario, who was running away with His Royal Highness Irene, and Ash, who was moving wildly with the help of many Pokémon.

With such a scene, Su Chao didn't have the heart to scare about the people who were devoured.

He immediately used teleportation to get next to Ash and Pikachu.

Pikachu looked at Su Chao with pleading eyes and said,

"Pika~~Pika~~ Pikachu ......" (save Ash.....

Su Chao simply stroked Pikachu's head and said

, "No problem, leave it to me......"

When Su Chao approached Ash, the Pokémon transformed into red crystals around him stopped continuing to attack Ash.

Such a sight was seen by Lucario.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Lucario reacted quickly and jumped to Su Chao's side.

Decisively, after arriving next to Su Chao, those red crystal Pokémon no longer attacked and approached Erin.

Lucario looked at Su Chao suspiciously, and asked with telepathy,

"This... What's going on with these things? Did you cause it? Just to destroy Team Rocket? Put your companions in danger?"

Seeing the misunderstanding of Lucario, Su Chao's scalp was numb, if he had this ability, what would he play Sun Tzu's Art of War ......

Su Chao, who was helpless, could only explain with telekinetic induction

, "This is because Dream is seriously ill, a precursor to imminent death, and the Tree of the Beginning of the World triggers the immune system !!."

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