Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 141 Unsuitable

Ayako was also surprised that Coach Anxi actually found a "pure rookie" foreign aid?

I don't know if this young man from the Sakuragi Research Institute looks like he has never been in contact with "Pokémon Basket" before!

However, seeing Coach Anxi's invitation, Caizi still chimed in and said: "Many powerful Pokémon trainers also have foreign players as basketball players, such as Mr. Dandi..."

Hearing what Coach Anzai and Caizi said, Eminem also became a little moved.

After all, "Football foreign aid" is one of the most profitable part-time trainer programs, and even the top football foreign aid earns more than a pharmacist!

Of course, the status of a pharmacist is not only measured by income...

In addition, the most important reason why Eminem loosened was that he found that Coffin Coffin had been quietly observing the situation here.

Obviously it is very interested in basketball itself!

For the sake of God's Way, Eminem will definitely move to various places in the future, and he will take in a lot of Pokémon, so it's not bad to find some hobbies for them when you don't need them to compete.

"Okay! I can be a foreign aid for the Kubei school team, but if the football game time and the Pokémon game time collide, then..."

Amu was about to make a condition, Caizi said proactively: "Don't worry! The league's high school basketball games will be staggered with the rookie Pokémon games...Generally, large-scale basketball games are also timed with large-scale Pokémon games. It's staggered."

But it's not just Eminem who has this concern, many foreign players are part-time professional trainers.

As for the membership conditions...

Neither side mentioned it!

After all, Eminem is just a rookie trainer, and he is still "basketball blind". Kubei is not a strong high school football team. It can't even use the standard field for training at any time. It is certain that the school will not allocate funds for foreign aid in the football team. Come on... Otherwise, newcomers like Eminem would not be invited.

That is to reimburse a round-trip air ticket, provide food and lodging during the training camp a few days before the game...

Of course, there is no need for Eminem to train physically. The main purpose of training him is to command the coffin off the court.

Seeing that Eminem agreed to come down, Coach Anxi directly called the other members over and introduced Eminem...mainly the "coffin" to everyone.

Hearing that the school team actually has such a high-end "foreign aid", the members are very excited, but then... their faces are a little tangled—why our "foreign aid" is so pure and new?

But thinking that this "foreign aid" is mostly free, everyone is relieved!

If it is those famous schools and strong teams, it is natural to hire a rookie trainer who is famous in part-time basketball, but the cost will not be small.

Unlike Eminem, just take care of the food...

It seems that Kubei is really suitable for Eminem. Otherwise, it is generally necessary to work part-time as a foreign basketball player. The trainer must train himself to look good before being hired by the team. Eminem really doesn't have this kind of time.

Now directly from the rookie era, growing up with Kubei School is a good choice for Eminem!

"Welcome." Gang Xian, as the captain, took the initiative to shake hands and welcome Ah Mu to join.

It may be because the "trainer's foreign aid" sounded tall, and after Captain Gang Xian gave a few simple words of encouragement, everyone became high for no reason.

A group of people folded their hands together...

Gang Xian stared at Ah Mu directly, but Ah Mu also surrounded him, but... being so close, Ah Mu looked a little short.

Although human players can use both hands and feet to play basketball, the Kubei school team obviously adopts the "high ball style", that is, the main line of hand-based style of play!

"Alliance competition!" Gang Xian shouted with enthusiasm leading everyone.

Eminem just moved his mouth...

"Huh? Ah Mu, aren't you high enough? Don't you have confidence?" Caizi said jokingly.

"This... I'm a little uncomfortable." Eminem said awkwardly.

"Hahaha, everyone is passionate, everyone who likes sports is like this." Caizi hoped that Ah Mu could integrate as soon as possible, although he usually does not need to participate in training.

"It's okay to be hot-blooded or not, mainly because I'm not used to this kind of goal..." Ah Mu said truthfully.

"Have some confidence! Don't look at our poor ranking before, but now..."

Caizi naturally wanted to encourage her, but Ah Mu interrupted at this moment: "No, no, I mean, what the hell is it called 'Alliance Competition'... Shouldn't it be called the champion at this time? Although I don't quite understand Basketball competition, but... being shortlisted in the [Alliance High School Competition], this is equivalent to our eight badges and qualifying for the competition, right?"

Eminem didn't target anyone on purpose, but just based on his own goals, the goal of the trainer rookie competition is to be the champion, and the goal of the pharmacist is to reach the master level within five years...

Emotionally, it is really impossible to bring into such a worthless goal!

Caizi, Gangxian, Afeng and others: ...

"Whahahaha! Sure enough, we are the same kind of people! In fact, I thought so too, I joined in, no matter what, let's use the championship as the goal!" Huadao laughed and echoed.

"Idiots... two." A Feng whispered beside him.

"Hey! Do you want to fight?" Huadao immediately moved forward.

Ah Mu thinks that this year is the most hopeful to win the championship, after all... the "Generation of Miracles" in Diguang Junior High School is already in the third year of junior high school.

I can't get it this year, and I don't have a chance in the next two years.

Eminem felt that since he chose to make his debut as a "foreign football trainer", then no matter what, he would have to win a league high school football championship within three years, right?

At this moment, another girl ran over: "Ah! I'm sorry, I'm on duty today, so I came late...but I finally made it."

At first, Eminem instinctively thought it was "Haruko", but...why does this Haruko have short hair?

"Here we come! This way people..." Caizi originally wanted to say, "This way everyone is here", but she didn't know what came to her mind, so she didn't open her mouth and said, "Let me introduce you, this is our 'deputy' coach'."

"No way! Sister Caizi really compliments me." The girl with short brown hair looked very cheerful.

"But it's okay to watch for Grandpa for a while! Grandpa, I'm here to take over, you should rest early!"

Eminem noticed something not simple, after all... In Eminem's impression, coach Anxi did not have a granddaughter, and Haruko should not be such a character!

"Lizi, let me introduce you first, this will be our Kubei's trainer foreign aid for the next three years." Caizi pulled Lizi back.

"Lizi?" Ah Mu listened carefully to the words.

"Foreign aid?" Lizi said, observing Ah Mu up and down.

"Hello..." While shaking hands, Ah Mu pulled the coffin to the front, emphasizing: "But the foreign aid will be 'coffin', we are all newcomers."

At the same time, Eminem also looked at Reiko...

If that's the case, it seems... isn't it impossible to fight in the next year or the next year?

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