Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 199 Mother's Classroom

"The youngest expert-level pharmacist", "traveling through time and space, and meeting Rabi", "obtaining the legendary [Indestructible Flame]", "the calm male god who solves the bomb crisis with magnetic sound"...

All kinds of topics finally "detonated" together at this time, making "Eminem" famous.

Taking advantage of the trend, Eminem also spent two days accepting various interviews.

One is because of the current situation, unless Eminem leaves Rainbow City, there is no way to hide; second, Eminem also took this opportunity to promote "Mom's Classroom".

This is not the name of the research institute, but refers to the new medicines developed by Eminem's pharmaceutical research institute in the future, which will all have the signboard of "Mom's Classroom"!

As a new pharmacy expert, he actually got the investment from the Suzuki Group, which is another news in itself...

Now that the announcement is made while Eminem's popularity is rising, it has naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"[Mom's Classroom]? It's not a bad name. Sonoko definitely didn't pick it up." In Suzuki's mansion, Tomoko asserted when she saw the report.

"Indeed, when you mention 'mother' and 'classroom', people will instinctively feel that this potion is for 'people' or 'Pokémon' who need to be cared for and taught by themselves. A deep sense of caring." Shiro also echoed at this time.

"Tolerance, bearing... Is this what he wants to express?" Tomoko wanted to use this name to know Amu better - after all, the person who took this name should undoubtedly be Amu.

If it's a garden...

Based on Tomoko's understanding of her daughter, it must be some embarrassingly vulgar names!

Of course, no matter how much other people analyze it, they will never know that the reason why Eminem chose this name is not only "visible to the naked eye", but also... is to play in advance.

Well, even though Sequence 8 only considers the matter of Sequence 1, it seems a little unrealistic, but since there is an opportunity, Eminem also took the name on it by the way.

In this way, he is indirectly playing the role of [mother], right?

After all, [Mother] is not only "mother", but also images of the earth, origin, spiritual source..., but the name is "mother".

At this time, Tomoko also dialed Yuanzi's illustration book, and Yuanzi complained as soon as he picked it up: "Mom, when will the money arrive?"

Originally, Sonoko wanted an "assistant" more than "funds", but Tomoko rejected her before!

Want an assistant? Then hire yourself...

As for whether they will be cheated or not, Tomoko and Shiro have already prepared "tuition fees".

"Ah? Has no one told Ms. Yuanzi? If you want investors to invest, you must at least have a project presentation first?" Tomoko said to her daughter deliberately.

"Eh? A presentation? Is this what the pharmacist has to do, or..." Sonoko suddenly felt uncomfortable, hoping to leave it to Eminem.

"It's all right, but if the pharmacist already has an idea about the drug to be developed, and properly informed the manager, then the manager should do the presentation." Tomoko said not to Sonoko.

"That's what he said..." Yuanzi said with a headache.

"Huh? Is it a new medicine?" Tomoko was just talking casually, but unexpectedly, [Mom's Classroom] is really going to open?

"Em said that he has a big plan. If he succeeds, he might be able to become a master of pharmacy. It's just a long-term plan, and there are a few small plans that will bear fruit soon." Something seemed to be turning around in the garden.

"Big plan... and small plan? Hmm..." Tomoko is quite satisfied with this.

Although it is a bit of hidden "arrogance", at least it is not blindly high-minded, and knows to make some short-term effective things to "fool" investors.

"Can it hit a master pharmacist? I'm afraid it's not an ordinary new drug?" Tomoko wanted to know first how Eminem and Sonoko were "whimsical".

"Mom, listen to me! Don't be intimidated... Eminem said that he wants to develop a [Battle Potion] that can be added to the competition!" Sonoko said enthusiastically at this time.

Tomoko and Shiro both froze when they heard the words, and then Tomoko said in a strange tone: "Can it be used on the field? Well...he is also a trainer, so he should understand what this means, right?"

According to the battle rules of this world, the restrictions on "medicine" during the game belong to the "ingredient blacklist" system.

That is, if it contains ingredients included in the blacklist, it is a banned drug and will be detected.

All kinds of [Incentive Potions] are listed here...

In addition, during the game, potions cannot be given to Pokémon from outside the arena. corresponding refinery.

The types of [Battle Potions] that can be used today are basically the few ones, but among the [Battle Items], there are often ingenious ones.

And now Eminem said that he wants to develop a brand new [Battle Potion]?

If he succeeds, becoming a master of pharmacy is a sure thing, but... Even Eminem, this is a bit unbelievable.

If it weren't for Eminem and Yuanzi, almost any investor would have the word "dangerous" flashing in his head when he heard a pharmacist who had just obtained the expert qualification say this.

"Hmm! Eminem said it's a vanilla potion, the effect is that when there are other Pokémon around to activate the incentive effect, it will also activate (Note 1)..." Sonoko hopes that by saying this, it can replace some shit" Presentation".

"Sounds very interesting, please do a good job in the presentation, my father and I want to see it!" Tomoko heard Sonoko's hidden expectation, and emphasized it.

Garden: T_T.


On the other hand, Eminem, who has already drawn cakes, is preparing for the challenge of the sixth badge with peace of mind!

When Yuanzi wanted to discuss with Ah Mu about how the institute should "operate", Ah Mu told her like this - she was responsible for the conception, and she was responsible for asking for money...

It's just that Eminem didn't mention the "presentation", so Yuanzi probably thought that it was similar to her usual pocket money.

"You two... are you really okay? Even if you really have the funds, where to choose the site, how to hire a pharmacist, how much experimental equipment to buy... are all problems? After you really open it, you still have time to travel ?" Xiaoxia looked puzzled at Eminem who had become "relaxed" after the interview.

"That's right, I'm not going to choose a location because I'm going to travel as a trainer." Eminem said naturally.

"Huh?" Xiaoxia didn't understand what Eminem meant.

"For ordinary small experiments, just outsource them to other research institutes... Well, I think Ji Suo Pharmacist Research Institute is good, and it is also under Suzuki. Let them provide me with the data, and I will do data analysis. And the most core problems can be overcome, which will save a lot of money!" Eminem has already planned.

Xiaoxia: ...

Of course, this is mainly because there are three pharmaceutical research institutes under Suzuki, and Eminem is not worried about being cheated.

"Have you made an appointment for the gym in Rainbow City?" Seeing that Ah Mu's Pokémon training seems to be very targeted, Xiaoxia asked.

"That's right, you can't let me stay ahead of me for too long, can you?"

During Eminem's assessment, Xiaoxia has already won the sixth badge in the Rainbow Gym...


Note 1: In the trailer of the ninth generation, it shows that among the newly added props, there is a kind of "imitation vanilla", following [white vanilla], [spiritual vanilla], and [powerful vanilla], the fourth "vanilla", The effect is that when the "opponent" activates the ability to improve BUFF, he will also have the same improvement, and it will take effect at once...

In this article, it is set as an item that has not yet appeared, and is not limited to "opponent".

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