Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 376 Small Games Small Prizes

"Why are you here?" Xiaoxia frowned, remembering that President Mio said last time that the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion did not accept the invitation.

"Come to see an old friend..." the owner of the Pavilion said with a vicissitudes of life.

When Eminem heard this, he couldn't help but say: "Is it Boss Sakaki?" I feel that you two are more compatible in terms of style of painting.

Explosive flames:......

"No, I'm not familiar with him. I'm just a responsible gym owner..." the leader of the Blast Flame Hall began to mutter.

As for his other "dutiful club owner friend", Eminem is actually a little worried, but thinking about the "masters" everywhere now, the Fengshui Pavilion owner, even if he really wants to kill someone, he probably won't have a chance!

It’s just that the disappearance of Representative Iwamatsu is not related to him...

The remaining "victim", that is, the programmer, has been protected by the special operations team because of the "Flash Team", so there should be no problem.

At this time, the ceremony had already begun, and Mio, wearing a black evening dress, came to the starring stage.

Mio must have been preparing this poem for a long time. She started with a long speech, starting with the history of the Tokiwa family...

From her great-grandfather’s awakening of the [Power of Joban], to the care that Master Sakaki took of the Joban family in Joban City.

After making the guests below all show polite smiles, Mio said: "It's still a while before the auspicious ribbon-cutting time, let's play a little game first!"

At this time, everyone was generally not interested in any small games, and continued to smile "awkwardly but politely."

But at this moment, the secretary Chi Nami pushed a small cart over. Although it was covered with red cloth, you could vaguely see two "eggs" underneath!

Now many people are looking forward to it...

This must be a Pokémon egg, right?

Moreover, the Tokiban family has produced many breeders and now has many breeding houses. They should not be stingy when it comes to Pokémon eggs. They must be very rare Pokémon eggs, right?

If the prize is a rare Pokémon Egg, then everyone won’t be sleepy!

Mio lifted up the red cloth, revealing two eggs...

The whole body has a grayish metallic color, and is a structure surrounded by layers of ring-shaped armor plates as if wrapped in bandages;

The second one is overall white, with many scattered and disordered red and blue patterns on it.

"This is..." Many people's eyes lit up.

"That's right, this is the Banguiras egg bred by our Joban Breeding House. This is the Togepi egg that our Joban Group found in the wild. It has been successfully awakened... just as this time The prizes for the mini-game are ready!" Facing everyone's surprise, Mio couldn't help but smile.

The "names" of the two eggs are completely different - "Banjilas" is the final form, and "Poképi" is the initial form.

But it’s not surprising to say this. After all, “Bangiras” is a quasi-divine beast in the Johto area, and everyone is more familiar with “Bangiras”.

In comparison, the evolution of "Togepi" is very difficult, even more difficult than that of quasi-divine beasts. It can be said to be a rare example of evolution...

However, "Togepi" is still a very popular Pokémon, no less than a quasi-mythical beast!

Not only because of its cute appearance, but more importantly...

This kind of Pokémon that can have characteristics such as [Tianfa] and [Super Lucky] generally have the ability to "bring good luck to the trainer", so they are extremely popular.

In addition, although the Togepis are not ancient fossil Pokémon themselves, they are always mixed with fossil Pokémon in the wild, and sometimes they find eggs that have lost their vitality due to the passage of time and cannot be hatched. !

At this time, some manual help is needed...

"Of course, the winner of the mini-game can only take one of the eggs. On behalf of the Tokiwa Group, I will entrust the competition committee of the Kanto Rookie Competition to donate the other egg to the winner!" Mei After Xu had whetted his appetite, he added another sentence.

The dreamers present have already become entangled in advance...

Eminem was just surprised by the Joban Group's generosity, because after seeing this scene, Eminem remembered - in the original work, there seemed to be a similar scene at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the prize... was a Porsche sports car !

In terms of value, rare Pokémon eggs are indeed basically equivalent to luxury cars.

"Kid, do you need a Togepi? Puff, puff, puff..." The owner of the Explosive Flame Hall mocked maliciously from the side.

slim Shady:……

But this is true, but...if Eminem really wins, I guess he will still choose the "Banjiras egg".

Although "Banjilas" does not have the "Ground" attribute, "Rock + Evil" is a good match for Eminem - "Evil" is also Eminem's close attribute, and "Rock" is also a close attribute. The evolution of the "ground system"...

More importantly, before evolving into "Banjilas", "Youngjilas" and "Shajiras" both have the attributes of "rock + ground" - that is to say, Eminem's form in the first two stages , the training speed will be very fast!

For others, training a quasi-divine beast to level 55 and evolving it to its final form within half a year is an almost impossible task. It is also a challenge for so-called "genius newcomers", but... for For Eminem, there is no challenge. If Eminem concentrates on training, three months is enough.

In comparison, although "Pokepi" is not bad, it not only has the ability to "bring luck", but also has the high bond required to evolve into "Pokepi". For Eminem, he can also rely on [Animal Senses] 】 After reaching the final form of "Pokkiss", he is also a fighting expert... However, for Eminem, the attraction is still slightly less than that of "Bangiras".

Well, some dreamers are already wondering what they should choose...

"This little game is very simple! In order to commemorate my great-grandfather, it has been 120 years since the first Joban Nursery was opened. Let us count silently for 120 seconds... The person closest to us will receive a gift! If there is more than one tie, then please use guessing to determine the winner, and the loser will also receive other gifts." Mio said this somewhat childish rule at this time.

At the same time, there were already waiters in the crowd, taking away the watches of those who wanted to participate and also wearing watches, and giving everyone a button, which should be used instead of raising hands...

Although you can tell the time in picture books and mobile phones, I believe no one wants to cheat in public. If it is just a watch...even if you don't look at it, you can inevitably feel its beating.

Eminem noticed that even though Dr. Ohgi was wearing a watch, he waved his hand to the waiter, obviously not planning to participate at all - he was indeed a boss.

"Now let's... start!"

Following Mio's words, the hall switched to dark lights, and the surroundings became silent.

Xiaoxia and Yuanzi, who are next to Eminem, are also counting carefully - Xiaoxia must like Togepi, right? As for Sonoko... Eminem originally thought that even though she was a rock type, she wouldn't be interested in Benjiras who weren't cute enough! Could it be that he also likes Togepi?

"Ahem, it's not like I can't do Togepi or something..." As soon as the leader of the Explosion Hall stepped forward to speak, he was stepped on by Xiaoxia. At the same time, Xiaoxia also covered her ears tightly, as if she didn't want to be Interfering look.

Eminem wanted the prize very much, but at this moment he was very relaxed because...

The old card is very powerful in counting seconds!

This is an absolute view of time honed over countless years!

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