Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 597 Silencing

Conan was a little downcast, but he didn't expect that he was one step behind Eminem in "solving the case".

And Eminem doesn’t seem to be “cheating” this time?

Of course, what Conan didn't know was that when the small plane evolved into "Pokkiss" a month ago, Eminem used the characteristics of "genes are unstable during evolution and skills can be changed instantly" to replace the small plane with [life] Water Drops], saved the endangered "shaggy pig".

At the same time, Eminem himself has been using potions to inhibit the evolution of Gungun... so it is easy to think of this aspect!

But when it comes to the mouth...

"Actually, it's not that difficult to think about. It's just a little bit of logical thinking."

"With the extra green towel, people will pay more attention to it."

"It's not difficult to solve the case... Ahem, of course I don't mean that detectives are useless."

As Eminem spoke, he was rummaging through Kenzo's room.

After "solving the case", what Eminem had to do was very simple - inform Sonoko and also secretly inform Yumi.

There should not be many "informants" of Team Flare in Junsha, but... as long as there is a large-scale transfer, the informants will definitely be alerted, so Yumi pretended to give up and retreated, leaving only those who maintained the scene. A small part of Junsha.

On the other hand, Sonoko took advantage of her "home field advantage" and trapped Kenzo, who was left to the end by Yumi, in the elevator!

At this time, even if the other party has a slight suspicion, there is no way to verify it. The signal amplification in the elevator has been turned off, and now there is no signal at all.

At this time, Eminem and Xiao Ai took the opportunity to come to Xian San's room. Xiao Ai immediately took aim at his portable computer and started operating it, while Eminem was rummaging around...

Firstly, to see if there are any valuable clues, and secondly... also to be wary of whether the other party might be hiding a bomb!

Normally, it shouldn't be the case. Old man Kensan is not the kind of guy who is ready to die together at any time.

"But there's no evidence yet, right? The green towel handed to Junsha must have been changed. If there is a mistake in the end, you will have committed a burglary now." Conan said with some displeasure.

"As for the evidence, there was originally no evidence, but just after Yumi was released, it has been put online." Eminem said matter-of-factly.

"Online?" Conan was stunned when he heard this, and then immediately searched on his mobile phone.

"Look for gossip." Eminem reminded.

Sure enough, there were reporters present who had taken pictures of the previous memorial service, but the "protagonists" were a man and a woman. After the lights were turned off, they began to kiss passionately, and they were photographed.

Because of the lighting problem, the gossip reporter did not dare to turn on the flash, so the photo was very blurry.


If you look carefully, you can see... old man Kenzo is illuminated in the back corner, and his arm is glowing with green light!

It should be that the "Natural Sparrow" was caught on camera at the moment of evolution, before it had time to take back the Poké Ball!

It must be that when taking back the evolving "natural bird", Kensan dropped the green towel in return in a hurry, and Conan happened to pick it up.

"Found it!" Xiao Ai suddenly said, and after a pause said: "It is indeed the authentication login terminal within the organization!"

Old man Xiansan obviously didn't know as much about computers as Xiao Ai, and he quickly found the login port hidden in a hidden folder.

"Hey... it's really not an automatically memorized password." Xiao Ai complained.

"It's too easy to remember passwords." Amu rolled his eyes - he lived to be seventy-one years old in the organization, how could he be so careless.

But at this moment, I saw that Noah had "flowed" out of Eminem's pocket...

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

After Noah finished speaking, he "drilled" into Kenzo's portable computer again in a mosaic manner. After a while, Kenzo's password was cracked.

"Be careful. If [Noah's Ark] is still on guard, retreat first." Eminem reminded the computer screen.

Noah has already sneaked into the dark organization's network...

With Kenzo's authority, he actually couldn't access APTX4869's information. After all, he was neither one of the previous bosses nor a relevant researcher.

However, all he needs to do is provide a login point for his account, and Noah will find it himself later!

I saw groups of data and the beginning of files flashing on the screen, while Xiao Ai kept saying "No", "Next", "I'll take a look at more of this group"...

"Stop messing around! Maybe you can pretend you didn't notice anything later..." Conan was very dreamy and wanted to continue tracking Pisk and get more clues about the dark organization from him.

"Impossible, this landing will definitely be discovered. After a little checking, they will know that Pisk has been exposed." Eminem didn't want to put a long-term focus on him.

However, while Xiao Ai was busy, Eminem's picture book rang. Seeing that the caller was "Yuanzi", Eminem immediately answered the call!

"Amu! Something happened in the elevator. The surveillance camera can't see the situation inside, and the radio communication can't be contacted!" Yuanzi said quickly.

"Okay, I understand, you don't have to worry here." After saying this, Eminem hung up the phone and became fully alert.

"Xiao Ai, hurry up and let Noah come out within three minutes." Eminem reminded Xiao Ai.

"Found it! Just two and a half minutes more!" Xiao Ai said immediately.

Eminem immediately released Xiaodian to avoid being too late.

[Are they those men in black? hateful! They escaped last time! Don’t even think about escaping this time, don’t even think about escaping! 】Xiao Shan said excitedly as soon as he came out.

Of course Eminem won't remind her - they didn't escape from you last time, it was you who attracted Nazi's attention and were blasted by Nazi, so they escaped!

"Huh? We've made a big discovery! Noah, download these encrypted files first!" Xiao Ai suddenly said.

However, at this moment, before Eminem could ask what he had found, he saw "Duang" on the screen showing red blockade tapes...


"What's wrong?"

Fortunately, before Eminem could get anxious, Noah was transformed into a "mosaic" and flowed out from the computer.

This made Eminem relieved, at least Noah was not trapped...

But what surprised Eminem was that he was already ready to fight, but... five minutes passed, and Kenzo hadn't come back yet.

Finally, there was a "click" and when I heard the sound of opening the door, I saw that Xiaofang was already flashing lightning, ready to fool the face of the incoming...

"Xiao Shen, wait!" Amu stopped her quickly.

The person who came in at this moment was Yumi...

"No need to wait, that guy is already dead in the elevator shaft." Yumi reluctantly informed Eminem, and then asked with some expectation: "Is there a discovery directory or something?"

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