Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 663 My Friend’s Personal Initiation

Alliance Year 200, December 14th.

Eminem, Sonoko, Tomoyo, Sakura, and Zhulan...

At the same time, he fell down from the stairs on the second and third floors of the [Scorched Tower]!

And what is shocking is that no matter who it is, even the dexterous "Ibrahimovic" or the powerful "Bite Land Shark", they fell to the ground without even reacting!

Anyone who sees it will feel that the thing that hit Eminem is a fake bamboo orchid...


"Be careful...huh?"


After a few exclamations, everyone found that they had arrived at a familiar yet unfamiliar place. Except for Xiao Ai and Xiao Ying, everyone immediately made the same action - touching their Poké Balls!

"Are we... back?" Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay down again without any image.

Zhulan had already stood up and patted Brother Lie on the head as a comfort after the battle.

"That's right! What happened to you all?" Sakura was the first to "resurrect on the spot" and asked enthusiastically.

Sonoko was also pulled up by her and had no choice but to talk to her: "We... went back to 936 years ago and met a super bad guy! It was that Kuro Rido!"

Xiao Ke:......

After listening to Sonoko's story, Sakura finally understood who that "ugly head" was.

And because he was the heir of Kuro Rido, he felt embarrassed when he heard Sonoko's complaint.

Xiao Ke had the same expression on his face. On one hand he wanted to explain to Crowley Rido, but on the other hand he knew his old master very well, so he could only say: "Lord Crowley Rideau...sometimes he has his own ideas...and some Personal hobby...hehehe..."

Zhulan probably also remembered what happened in the past seven days, and at this time she showed the most "helpless" expression.

Compared to Amu, Chise and others, Zhulan was the only one who wanted to do something after confirming the time she traveled through.

Eminem and others do not have this burden, so naturally they will not have the regret after "nothing has changed."

But at the same time, Eminem recalled this time travel...

I won’t talk about what happened more than nine hundred years ago. Now Eminem finally understands how the [Bell Tower] and [Scorched Tower] came about. Many things that have not left traces in history are all in Eminem. "Performed" it in front of me!

Due to the fertility of the northern part of Zhu more than 900 years ago, the "big bell" on the "Bell Tower", why the "Scorched Tower" was scorched, why the "Phoenix King" appeared on the battlefield, and... Thunder God, How did Entei and Suijun appear?

At this moment, Eminem had the answer in his heart...

No wonder they are so vague about the identity of the arsonist of the [Scorched Tower]. No wonder there is a "Phoenix King" or a Pokémon that was burned to death and resurrected into the "Three Holy Beasts". This kind of thing is obviously What happened in front of everyone was so unclear.

I'm afraid even those who witnessed it couldn't explain much of the reasons afterwards, and couldn't even determine which group Eminem and others belonged to...

"Huh...huh..." Little Eevee was still asleep at this time. Its vitality had been restored, but it probably needed a little more sleep to regain its energy.

"'Today' was really fruitful. I learned a lot of secrets all at once..." Zhulan sighed with emotion after listening to everyone's stories.

You can't keep a straight face all the time, so Zhulan also hid her regret just now.

"I've had enough rest, let's go! I don't want to stay in this [Scorched Tower] for a moment longer..." Yuanzi urged.

Thinking about it now, Amu's fire was really burning at that time - although only the third floor collapsed, the fire had already spread to the bottom, so even now, you can still see the charred parts of these rocks. trace!

But just when everyone reached the first floor, Eminem suddenly remembered something...

"Wait! Wait for me, there is a place I want to see." Ammu said, looking towards the secret passage leading to the underground floor.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Zhulan asked confused when she saw this.

"I'll go to the underground level again. There might be something... I can go alone." Eminem's tone was uncertain.

After hearing what Eminem said, Zhulan and others also accompanied him down there.

After identifying the direction, Amu came to the southwest corner of the underground floor. He seemed to be looking for something and moved some gravel away.

"Huh? What are you looking for?" Zhulan also noticed.

"It's hard to say...I don't know if there is...right!" Eminem said vaguely, but then he suddenly remembered, pulled out a wand from the void, and then swept around and said: "Alola Open the hole!"

At this moment, the power of "clearing obstacles" swept across, revealing a corner that was originally hidden.

There wasn't anything big, just a small stone platform with a box on it...

Upon seeing this, Eminem curled his lips in disdain, and then curiously stepped forward to open it - he knew without looking at Eminem that this was left for him by Kuro Rido!

Originally, it was because Eminem and Kuro Rido entered this "tower"... no, it should be said that after entering this "cave", Eminem found that the feeling of [time ripples] could be isolated here, so he was amazed. Shikuro Rido said that he would study it and if he found the reason, he would stay in the southwest corner of the underground floor!

Of course, now Eminem is very sure...

Why can this place isolate the fluctuations of [Time Ripple]?

Crowley Rido is moving his hands and feet!

Now that I think about it, many of Kuro Rido's behaviors during that month can be traced. For example, he often went out mysteriously at the beginning, probably to confirm whether Haierbo was coming, and in the last seven days, under the guise of "teaching" Under the banner of "Eminem's important magic", he stayed in the village for seven days, obviously just to hide it so that Haierbo would not notice him, and so that Eminem would not know about Haierbo in advance.

But now there is still a message from Kuro Rido. It seems that there are other things he wants to say to Eminem...

Eminem decided to take a look first and forgive him 10% if he sincerely apologized to himself.

As soon as the results were opened, Eminem saw first...

[My friend Amu personally speaks, Kuro Ridori: Yes, the reason why this place can isolate the fluctuations of "time ripples" is because I am too powerful...]

Eminem suddenly had a tic-tac-toe popping up above his head...

As if feeling Eminem's emotions, the next words naturally appeared on the letter, and it was not just this nonsense!

[Hahaha, you must be very angry, right? Don't be angry... Although I took advantage of you a little, I helped you find a way to realize "that ritual". 】

When Eminem saw this, he immediately concentrated his attention.

Before, Eminem asked Nazi for advice on the conditions for "acting", and naturally he also asked Kuro Rido for advice. In terms of mysticism, Kuro Rido is more professional!

[The "Dialga Stone" I gave you, after Celebi absorbs the "power of time" in it, the vitality contained in it will be of decisive help in the "ritual" you mentioned. As long as you bring it Just go to the place where you want a "rich harvest"...]

After Eminem saw it, he was excited at first, and then withered again - [Dialga's Stone] ah... after the power inside was exhausted, it turned into powder directly.

As if sensing Eminem's emotions, the hidden content appeared on the letter...

[No way, no way? Have you already used the "Dialga Stone"? That's such a pity... Tsk tsk, was there anyone else who was so moved when I read the previous sentence just now that I gave him the "Stone of Dialga"? 】

slim Shady:! ! !

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