Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 842 The real secret

"Then it seems that we really can't let you and that polygon get out alive!"

Ashin rushed into the archives room at this time, followed by many electric Pokémon...

At this moment, a "trembling salamander" flashed out and stretched out its hands towards where the computer was.

Suddenly the sound of electric current turned into a muffled sound and was transmitted over.

Trilling Salamander, a deep purple humanoid salamander Pokémon, with lightning blooming on its head, spine-like protrusions on its wrists, waist, and back, and six strings on its chest. When using electric abilities, the sound of electricity is like various rock music. instrument, and is born with a strong sense of rhythm.

The "trembling salamander" in front of him is not only in a "low-key form", and the electric light on its body is blue, but its sound is also completely unlike the sound of the ordinary "trembling salamander" when it uses [breaking sound].

Not to mention "rock" and "rhythm", it's just low "noise"!

His eyes looked dull, and he no longer had the demeanor of a "natural rock musician".

However, the power should not be underestimated, and the current spread immediately...

Noah is invincible in software and systems, as long as he does not encounter the level of intelligence of [Noah's Ark]. No amount of ordinary "polygons" can take back control from it.

But unlike "Rotom", Noah is the same as an ordinary "Polygon", only at the software level, without any enhancements to the hardware.

If the computer itself was destroyed, there was nothing Noah could do.

However, just before the current was about to sweep through the computer, I saw...

Eminem directly opened his arms to block the front, and all the attack currents disappeared out of thin air when they spread to Eminem's body!

Eminem continues to fight for time!

At least all the "customer" information must be downloaded - this is not just a "name", but also includes the backup of the contract, including the status of the Pokémon they foster...

Many people tacitly use false identities - just like "Xiaoshuai" just uses the name "Xiaoshuai", and there is no content related to the identity in the contract.

After all, those customers are not rushing to hand over the clues. If they want to prove it, they need a comprehensive combination of information as evidence.

On the one hand, it is related to punishment, on the other hand, it is also related to the rescue of Pokémon...

Seeing that Amu actually blocked the attack with his body, Ashin also showed a confused look, but he still waved and ordered other Pokémon to come quickly!

Among them, an "Electric Dragon" and a "Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard" were "pressed" in place under the effect of [Dragon Ancestor] - in fact, you can tell by looking at their eyes that it is not so much because of " "Bond" has not accepted the order yet. It is better to say that he has been trained for too long, and the fear of Ashin has resisted the order of [Long Ancestor].

As for the other seven electric Pokémon, including "Electric Monster", "Electric Spider", "Thunder Beast" and "Thrilling Salamander", Eminem can't restrict it, but...

At this time, Eminem was equivalent to an invincible, level 40 or 50 Fighting-type Pokémon with no skills. He directly faced off against the Pokémon without showing any fear - of course, he was not an opponent at all. The power is still too weak for Ashin's Pokémon, but... Ashin's Pokémon's attack is also too weak for the "shield" of the old card set!

The effects of an ordinary person with invincible power and a very weak combat power are completely different...

After all, after Eminem "activated invincibility" before, he could only protect himself without any damage ability, so he could just leave it alone. But now... although in front of these powerful Pokémon, Eminem's power is still very weak. , but at least with the ability to output, it cannot be completely ignored.

"Surrender! You have already lost. My polygon has downloaded enough information for you to spend the rest of your life in prison! Now you continue to destroy evidence, but it will not have any effect!" Eminem tried his best to absorb the damage. , while outputting from his mouth.

But Ashin ignored him at this time...

"That's it...Noah! Give up the current database and look for the hidden data in the system!"

"Actually, you have someone more important to protect, right?"

"Do you even think that as long as you keep those information, maybe those 'important people' will help you exonerate yourself?"

"Stop dreaming! Everything here doesn't need to be explained by Junsha. I will tell it. Even if Sakaki comes, I won't be able to cover it up! Who else will dare to take advantage of you then?"

"Or do you try to silence me? I'll just stand here and let you beat me!"

Eminem also guessed something at this time and continued to mock Ashin.

This time Ashin finally "breaks the defense"!

A ferocious look gradually appeared on the originally calm and pale face...

"Damn it! How dare you... It's all you bastards... If it weren't for those bullshit regulations you made... you would be an obstacle to the evolution of human society!"

Ashin muttered, obviously "breaking the defense" was not easy.

However, Eminem was naturally unmoved by his curses.

At this moment, Noah’s priority changed from “mass downloading” to “deep digging”...

A more secret database was indeed discovered!

In this world, Pokémon are the primary productive force.

Generally speaking, if the mentality is too "utilitarian", it will be more difficult to establish a bond with Pokémon. This, to a certain extent, acts as a safety valve for human society.

However, in fields other than "Pokémon", it is true that a "utilitarian" mentality will make it easier for people to control money and power... Originally, if there were flaws in the "Pokémon Bond", it would be restrictive. Their development can be regarded as self-correction of human society.

But now it has been two hundred years since the alliances were established, and it has been a hundred years since Taiping...

Although there is a cultural basis for downplaying surnames and inheritance systems, it is still inevitable that there will be second-generation ancestors who "hold power" - for example... even the Omu family, which Eminem is familiar with and has many talented people, also has "Omu Iwamatsu" (Quartz) City Twin Towers incident) that kind of trash became a council member.

This is where the "squid breeding house" industry can survive...

Among these secret information, there is more than one "Damu Yansong".

After hearing Noah's message, Eminem immediately asked him to download this part of the information with all his strength!


At this moment, Eminem suddenly had a thought in his mind and added telepathically: [Wait a minute! Use two-thirds of the threads to download the copy...and leave another third to continue digging for more hidden databases! 】

Eminem suddenly remembered the "Squid King" totem that had impressed him so deeply before...

But so far, Eminem has not found out what the relationship between this breeding house and the "Squid King" is, so... Eminem instinctively feels that there may be some more important secret hidden!

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