The old man was very tired.


The former champion of Hoenn, Daigo, came to the center of the elves in a forest and opened the wooden door made of trees. There was a creaking sound.

"Mr. Daigo."

When Miss Joy found Daigo coming, she immediately went to meet him and said to him respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Daigo looked around at the Pokémon lying on the ground for infusion because of insufficient beds. The degree of hardship here can be imagined.

"This degree is not a big deal, but it's a pity for these children and Pokémon."

Miss Joy waved her hand, looking at the trainers here and the Pokémon who fell to the ground and panted violently because of exhaustion with a sad look in her eyes.

"Are they in danger of death?"

"No, they are just in a state of exhaustion, but it will take at least a month to get better."

After hearing Miss Joy's explanation, Daigo nodded and looked around. He found that in addition to the injured Pokémon, there was also a black-skinned boy in casual clothes who was arching his butt and wailing constantly.

"Xiaochun, my butt hurts so much!"

The black-skinned boy cried to the girl with a ponytail beside him, and the surrounding trainers looked at him with some hostility and unkindness.

"Who told you to throw the Poké Ball at that alien Pokémon without knowing the truth? You deserve to be spanked. Xiaohao, stop shouting, everyone is looking at you."

The girl called Xiaochun complained about the boy in front of her, whom she called Xiaohao, and then asked him to stop shouting.

"Who made that guy look like a Mew! Apart from Mew, all other Pokémon are garbage."

Xiaohao vented loudly, and this sentence made the surrounding trainers stare at him. If this was not the Pokémon Center, they would have beaten up the boy named Xiaohao, not to mention that the appearance of the Energy Reaver was exactly the same as the face of the boy named Xiaohao.

The situation here also attracted Daigo's attention. He was very curious why everyone looked at the boy named Xiaohao with hatred.

"Boy, can you tell me what happened?"

Daigo walked up to Xiaohao and asked him. Judging from what he just said, he should have seen an unknown Pokémon.

"Who are you? Uncle!"

Xiaohao glanced at Daigo and asked with a look of disgust.

"Uncle... Uncle?"

Daigo looked at Xiaohao blankly. It's okay that you don't know me, the strongest and most powerful, but you actually call me uncle? Am I that old!

"You are so rude, calling Mr. Daigo like that! Hello, Mr. Daigo, I am Mengze from Larus City. I was one of the first people to see the Energy Grabber. At that time, he used an unknown amethyst to extract my Alakazam power. He used a very powerful Bloodwing Dragon, wearing the uniform of the Magma Team."

Mengze glared at Xiaohao, who didn't know the etiquette, and then respectfully told Daigo what he saw and heard.

"Mr. Daigo, don't believe this person lying on the ground and moving like a dog, because the person who attacked me looks exactly like this person, and the one who absorbed the energy of my Gardevoir and Aledo is a creature with a purple crystal on his chest, which looks like an alien. I think that creature looks a bit like the legendary Pokémon I saw in the book before, the mythical beast from the universe, Deoxys. By the way, I am Shuijing from Inyu City."

Shuijing was the last trainer to come to the Pokémon Center. He remembered the Pokémon and humans who attacked him clearly.

"Mythical beast, Deoxys?"

Listening to Shui Jing's description, Daigo frowned. If it was really the legendary mythical beast Pokémon, it would be difficult to solve.

"Thank you for the clues you provided. I'll go to the forest to have a look."

Daigo thanked everyone politely, then walked out of the door and summoned Shiny Metagross.

"Hey, uncle, you are very strong, right? You must help me beat him! Ouch, my butt."

Xiaohao shouted at Daigo outside the door in the Pokémon Center, and then covered his butt in pain.

Daigo was speechless for a while. How could there be such a vulgar person in the world? Compared with Yun Xiao and Xiaozhi, this Xiaohao is really much worse.

Riding on Shiny Metagross, Daigo let Shiny Metagross fly into the forest.

At this time, Yun Xiao had not left the forest yet. Deoxys had absorbed too much psychic energy and had reached a peak. He was only one or two psychic energy away from returning to his peak.

Psychic Pokémon.

In order to return to the peak as soon as possible, Yun Xiao and Deoxys are searching for targets everywhere. Deoxys changes into a speed form and keeps flying in the forest.

I don’t know if the actions of the Energy Grabber frightened the local Psychic trainers. Deoxys wandered around most of the forest, but didn’t see anyone except some low-level trainers bullying Caterpillar.

Just when he was about to give up, a man appeared in Yun Xiao's direction. He was a middle-aged uncle. He looked at Yun Xiao confidently and asked him, "Are you the famous energy grabber?"

Yun Xiao turned his head and looked at him. His captivating red eyes looked at the middle-aged uncle. His eyes were cold without a trace of warmth. He sneered at the middle-aged uncle and said, "It seems that you have what I need."

The uncle didn't waste any words. He directly released his gym leader-level sun elf and looked at Yun Xiao confidently and said, "I heard that to defeat you, you can choose between the fossil pterosaur and the blood-winged dragon, right?"

Yun Xiao nodded without comment, and then a Deoxys fell from the sky. It was tired of waiting. In order to return to the peak, it decided to do it itself.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Looking at the Deoxys that suddenly appeared in front of him, the middle-aged uncle seemed a little surprised, and then showed a greedy look.

"Can I choose this Pokémon?"

The middle-aged uncle took a fancy to Deoxys in front of him. If he could get this Pokémon, he would definitely be able to advance to the King level.

"Of course, as long as you have the ability."

Yun Xiao put his hands in his pockets, his expression was a little cold.

"Haha, good. Sun Elf uses Illusion Ray."

The middle-aged uncle immediately launched a quick attack. At this time, he just wanted to get this Pokémon as soon as possible.


The Sun Elf made a low cry, and a powerful ray of light emanated from its forehead towards Deoxys. If Yun Xiao's Pokémon was used to resist the attack of this Sun Elf, it might not be able to withstand a single blow, but the opponent now was Deoxys.

Deoxys switched to the speed form, dodged the attack with a flash, and then came behind the Sun Elf and switched to the attack form.

"What a fast speed! And what's the matter with the changing appearance?"

The middle-aged uncle was shocked and was about to defend himself, but Deoxys's attack followed, and a strong mental thought directly beat the sun elf into losing its fighting ability.

Deoxys flew directly towards the sun elf, and the tentacles in his hand were about to reach the sun elf who had lost its fighting ability, but he was unexpectedly controlled by a powerful mental force.

Deoxys forcibly broke free from the mental attack, and then looked up at the sky with a serious expression.

In the sky, a shining giant gold monster was floating in the air, and the person on its back was holding his chest with his hands, looking at Deoxys on the ground with confidence.

"How about fighting with me?"

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