The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.


The long-tailed monster looked at Yun Xiao with his teeth bared, holding the thousand-year-old lychee fruit in front of his chest.

"How about a deal? You also want to break through the elite level, right? Breaking through the elite level only requires half of the lychee fruit. How about we split it in half?"

Although the effect of half is average, it is more than enough for the high-level peak Gyarados, and the long-tailed monster on the opposite side is obviously the same.


The long-tailed monster looked at Yun Xiao suspiciously, then nodded and walked towards Yun Xiao.

"That's right, good boy."

Yun Xiao nodded with satisfaction, saving the trouble of fighting, really good!

The long-tailed monster slowly came to Yun Xiao. Just as Yun Xiao was about to reach out, the long-tailed monster sneered and then threw sand at Yun Xiao and Ditto.

Yun Xiao and Ditto were instantly invaded by the sand and hurriedly cleaned up. When the man and the pet regained their vision, the long-tailed monster had already disappeared.

The man and the pet looked at each other and saw a hint of embarrassment in each other's eyes. They didn't expect to be fooled by the monkey.

Yun Xiao opened the observation eye and saw the long-tailed monster running fast, but in front of it was the king-level parasitic mushroom that was desperately running back.

"No, that little monkey is in danger!"

Although the long-tailed monster pitted him, if he just let it go, the long-tailed monster would most likely be killed by the furious king-level parasitic mushroom, which was obviously something Yun Xiao didn't want to see.

So he quickly let Ditto turn into a flaming horse and quickly chased in the direction of the long-tailed monster.


The long-tailed monster held the lychee fruit in both hands, with a smile on his face, looking back from time to time. When he found that Yun Xiao did not catch up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When it was about to look back and look forward, the long-tailed monster bumped into a hard figure and fell to the ground.


The long-tailed monster rubbed his buttocks in pain, looked up, and found that it was the king-level parasitic mushroom that he had played tricks on before. At this moment, it was looking at the long-tailed monster with anger on its face.


The long-tailed monster looked at the furious parasitic mushroom, and a high-level pressure emanated from the parasitic mushroom. The long-tailed monster's legs shook unconsciously, trying to escape, but it couldn't do it at all.


The parasitic mushroom sneered and walked slowly towards the long-tailed monster. At this moment, the long-tailed monster was already unable to escape, and at this moment, it wished to break the long-tailed monster's tendons and bones.


The powerful claws flashed a white light, and they attacked the trembling Longtailed Hand fiercely on the ground.

"Rayquaza, go and save that Longtailed Hand."

The distance was too far, and it was obviously too late for Yun Xiao to go over. Only Rayquaza, a legendary Pokémon, could do it.

Rayquaza also saw Yun Xiao's anxiety, and no longer got angry with Yun Xiao. He flew out of the Master Ball and started at super speed.

Rayquaza's super speed directly hit Parasaurolophus, and Parasaurolophus was knocked into a tree before it could react. It kept breaking five or six trees before stopping.


Looking at Yun Xiao who was rushing over quickly, and the green caterpillar that suddenly appeared in front of him to protect him, Longtailed Hand's eyes were full of emotion, and he flew into Yun Xiao's arms.

Ditto, who had turned into Flame Horse, also changed back to his original appearance and stood on Yun Xiao's shoulder.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, dear."

Yun Xiao helplessly hugged this naughty long-tailed monster hand. He was in danger, but he dared to run around.


The parasaurolophus stood up from the ground angrily, glaring at Rayquaza.


Rayquaza was originally a hot-tempered person. Seeing that the other party dared to look at him like this, he directly exuded his champion-level pressure, and the parasaurolophus did not dare to move instantly.

It was only a king-level, and it was undoubtedly a death sentence to provoke a champion-level guy!

The parasaurolophus looked at the thousand-year-old lychee fruit unwillingly. It knew that it would probably not get the lychee fruit this time, and then ran into the forest without looking back.

"Now we can each have half, right? Naughty little guy."

After touching the head of the long-tailed monster hand, Yun Xiao asked the long-tailed monster hand for his opinion. After all, the lychee fruit was still in the hand of the long-tailed monster hand.


The long-tailed monster nodded, split the lychee fruit in half with its palm-like tail, and handed half to

He handed it to Yun Xiao, and then ate the other half into his mouth, showing a happy expression.

Yun Xiao put the long-tailed monster hand on the ground. The long-tailed monster hand, which was still lively and fluttering just now, suddenly broke out in cold sweat and trembled constantly.

"Are you okay?"

Yun Xiao looked at the appearance of the long-tailed monster hand and asked anxiously. The long-tailed monster hand was emitting heat all over his body, and it seemed that he was going to use the power of the fruit to break through.

"Let's go back to the camp first."

Looking at the appearance of the long-tailed monster hand, it was obviously not possible to break through in a short time. In order to better protect the long-tailed monster hand, Yun Xiao planned to return to his tent first.

After taking back Rayquaza, he ordered Ditto to hand the lychee fruit to Gyarados, and then teleported Ditto back.

When everything was explained, Yun Xiao picked up the trembling long-tailed monster hand and ran to his tent.



The roars of Pokémon continued to be heard from all around the forest. Apparently, they also noticed that the Zhili fruit had been lost, and they all began to vent their anger.

The sky gradually brightened. When Yun Xiao returned to the camp, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng had already been awakened by the roar of the beast. They saw Yun Xiao coming back with a long-tailed monster hand, and they all gathered together.

After Yun Xiao told the two the whole story, everyone quickly packed their luggage. It was obviously not suitable to stay here, otherwise it would be bad to encounter these crazy wild Pokémon.

After a morning of travel, Yun Xiao and others arrived in Shuijing City. The long-tailed monster hand still showed no signs of waking up. Worried Yun Xiao decided to take it to the Pokémon Center.


At the Pokémon Center.

"This long-tailed monster is fine. It should just be gathering the energy in its body to break through the elite level."

After getting Miss Joy's explanation, Yun Xiao and others were relieved. After handing this wild long-tailed monster to Miss Joy for care, the three wanted to take a boat to Green Ridge City, but they saw that a gorgeous competition was going to be held here in a week.

So everyone decided to stay in Shuijing City for another week. Xiaoyao's eyes were full of fighting spirit when he learned that there was a gorgeous competition. He was determined to get the fourth ribbon badge.

Yun Xiao also took this opportunity to change the Pokémon in his hand. Now his lineup is Swampert, Sea Thorn, Tentacle Lily, 3-in-1 Magnetron, Milotic, Ditto, Snorlax, and Rayquaza.

In order to wait for the gorgeous competition in a week, the bored Yun Xiao began to visit Shuijing City.

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