After a night of rest, Yun Xiao brought all the Pokémon to an unmanned beach for training the next morning.

"Long-tailed Strange Hand, adapt to the energy in your body and don't let the power accumulate for too long. I'll teach you how to evolve the Twin-tailed Strange Hand when you reach the elite level."

Yun Xiao said to the Long-tailed Strange Hand, which was emitting red light. When the Long-tailed Strange Hand heard that it could evolve, his eyes lit up and he immediately nodded and stood aside without making trouble, trying to adapt to his body.

Now, after a few days of adaptation, the power brought by the Millennium Litchi Fruit will no longer affect its normal combat.

However, before it breaks through to the elite level, it is still not suitable for high-intensity combat.

"Swamp, Seasaurus, you haven't broken through to the advanced level yet, you must work harder. I still have to rely on you to win the championship for me in the Hoenn League."

Yun Xiao looked at Swamp and Seasaurus. The two little guys were still at the peak of the intermediate stage, but they had not yet broken through.

In order to let his Rainy Day Team show off in the League Competition, Yun Xiao must also speed up his pace.

The two Pokémon also knew that their level was dragging them down, and after nodding heavily, they jumped into the sea. They wanted to find opponents of similar strength in the sea to try to break through.

"Magnemite, you practice with Milotic. Milotic, you have to get familiar with the use of the skill of Freeze Beam and increase your resistance to electricity."

"Magnemite, you practice the electric ball you just mastered, and you also need to get familiar with the spiral ball. When you reach the elite level, I will let you evolve into Magnetron."

The two Pokémon nodded and ran to a corner of the beach to compete with each other.

"Tentacle Lily, you will be in charge of training with Ditto. Ditto, you will become a fast Pokémon. Tentacle Lily, you are relatively slow, you must adapt to fast opponents, otherwise you will not be able to cope with fast opponents like Forest Lizard and Pikachu in the League Competition. Ditto, you will be in charge of training your physical strength, and strive to become Rayquaza in the future so that you can use two skills."

In the last group, Yun Xiao planned to let Tentacle Lily and Ditto practice, after all, Tentacle Lily with water storage characteristics has a lot of room for development.

After all the Pokémon were arranged, Yun Xiao found a beach chair with satisfaction and lay down on it, drinking cold orange juice comfortably.

"Sure enough, being a trainer is comfortable, without hard special training."

Yun Xiao, who was lying leisurely on the beach chair, said easily, life should be like this, fighting and killing is too tiring.

In the sparring field, Tentacle Lily was like a pea shooter, constantly aiming at Ditto with the seed machine gun. Ditto transformed into a Pidgeot and easily dodged the seed machine gun.

He even had time to throw a few air blades at Tentacle Lily. It was too easy for an elite-level Tentacle Lily to fight against a high-level Tentacle Lily.

Tentacle Lily's eyes condensed. It was quite angry to be despised like this. It used the rooting technique to stick to the ground and then increased the power of the seed machine gun.

Tut tut tut~

Tentacle Lily rotated 360 degrees to spray the seed machine gun. Ditto was a little flustered and accidentally swayed in front of Yun Xiao's beach chair.

"Huh? What's wrong with Ditto?"

Yun Xiao took off his sunglasses curiously and asked Ditto, who suddenly appeared in front of him and turned into a Pidgeot. Ditto did not answer Yun Xiao, and it flashed into the air.

The seed machine gun used by Tentacle Lily responded to Yun Xiao, and the seed machine gun quickly attacked in the direction of Yun Xiao.


An explosion sounded, and the beach chair and the table with drinks were smashed to pieces. Yun Xiao crawled out from under the beach chair in a slightly embarrassed manner.

"Is this the retribution for being lazy?"

Yun Xiao was a little embarrassed, and looked at the spilled orange juice Yun Xiao felt a little distressed.

"I'd better hide."

On the battlefield, not only was there a seed machine gun of Tentacle Lily shooting everywhere, but also the electric balls of Magnetron were flying everywhere. In order to avoid being hurt by them, Yun Xiao quickly hid in the distance.

After walking behind a remote rock, Yun Xiao sat down and said to himself: "No one will disturb us this time, right?"

After checking around, it was quite quiet here. Yun Xiao took out the tent from his backpack with satisfaction and was about to set it up when he heard a sound coming from the corner.

"Why did the captain ask us to build a sub-base here? It's better to build a base in such a remote place.

The city is being built, and I can have a nice drink."

"Shh, keep your voice down, we'll all be doomed if we're discovered."

"Oh, I don't know what you're worried about. We're the famous Lava Team. Once we get Groudon, the whole world will be ours."

"You're right about that. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope Groudon can come out sooner. This is the new world that Lord Chiyansong mentioned." "

Yun Xiao looked over furtively, and saw two members of Team Magma lazing behind the stone where they were resting. When Groudon was mentioned, both of them were somewhat yearning.

Team Magma again!

Yun Xiao sighed. Why did he always run into Team Magma when it came to the Xiaoyao Gorgeous Competition?

Yun Xiao retreated furtively, intending to bring his Pokémon over first. When he reached the training ground for his Pokémon, he left Ditto behind, and the rest of the Pokémon were put into the Poké Balls. Swampert and Seasaurus were still training on the seabed. Yun Xiao had to give up temporarily because he couldn't find them, and walked towards the place where the members of Team Magma were originally found.

"Ditto, transform. "

Yun Xiao said to Ditto furtively, and Ditto immediately hugged Yun Xiao's face, and then changed into the appearance of Bannai.

Looking at it in the mirror, although it was a bit ugly, there was no other way. This was the only way to successfully sneak in. After changing into the uniform of the Lava Team, Yun Xiao walked forward.


When he came to the stone, Yun Xiao found that the two members of the Lava Team had fallen asleep, and he coughed loudly, scaring the two to jump up.

"Ahhhhhh, aren't you Lord Bannai? How did you get here?"

Bannai is very famous in the Lava Team. After seeing Yun Xiao's transformation into Bannai, the members of the Lava Team were immediately identified.

It's just that there are rumors that Bannai has been captured by Miss Junsha in an operation, so who is the Bannai who appears here?

"Why am I here? If I'm not here, won't I be able to catch the evidence of your laziness? "

Bannai looked at the two members of the Lava Team with a serious face, and they knelt on the ground in fear.

"Master Bannai, we are not lazy on purpose. We are really too tired during the patrol, so we take a rest here."

The two members of the Lava Team said in a panic, but "Bannai" ignored them and looked at them angrily.

"Forget it, the official is important. Take me to the base quickly. I was caught by Miss Junsha before. I finally got the information from inside and escaped. Carry me to the base!"

"Bannai" sighed and said to the two in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Master Bannai! But have you become shorter? Even your voice is a little different."

One of the members of the Lava Team responded, and then found something wrong and asked.

"Why are you talking so much? Are you saying that I am short? If you are caught and recite the Tao Te Ching every day, will your voice change? "

Yun Xiao pretended to be angry and said this. It was really difficult for a ten-year-old boy to pretend to be an adult.

"Ah, yes... I'm sorry, sir, you've been tired! I'll carry you back to the base now."

The members of the Lava Team immediately apologized to Yun Xiao, then carried Yun Xiao on their backs and walked towards the base.

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