The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Sorry, sorry, I was delayed by something."

Shiny Metagross slowly fell from the sky with Daigo, and Daigo apologized to Yun Xiao as soon as he landed.

"Here, these people are in your care, and these are their Poké Balls."

Yun Xiao handed over the eleven people, including the Fire Village, to Daigo, and signaled Ditto to give their Poké Balls to Daigo.


One by one, Poké Balls fell from Ditto's soft body, and a total of more than twenty Poké Balls were displayed in front of Daigo.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect you to capture Huocun."

Looking at the members of the Lava Team that Yun Xiao handed over to him, Daigo opened his mouth wide. You know, Huocun is much stronger than Yun Xiao. How did he do it?


Winners take all. Huocun didn't want to say anything more and let them deal with him. He knew that once people from an evil organization like them were caught, they would face permanent imprisonment.

"How are you going to take them back?"

Yun Xiao looked at Daigo curiously. He couldn't let Shiny Metagross use its superpowers to take them there like it did to him, right?

"I called a helicopter."

As soon as Daigo finished speaking, a helicopter with the word "Alliance" written on it appeared in front of everyone and then landed on an open space.

Miss Junsha came over and saluted Yun Xiao and Daigo, and took Huocun and the members of the Lava Team onto the plane.

"Thank you Mr. Daigo and Mr. Yunxiao for your assistance. I will take them to the alliance headquarters, where they will spend the rest of their lives and accept legal sanctions."

Miss Junsha saluted Yunxiao and Daigo. As for why she knew Yunxiao's name, it was obvious that she had done her homework when she came.

Daigo and Yunxiao nodded to Miss Junsha, and then under the eyes of the two, the helicopter escorting Humura flew to the far end. At the same time, there was also a flying unit escorting the helicopter all the way. All the elite Pidgeots protected the helicopter.

The leader was the Dragon King Genji of Hoenn. Genji's blood-winged flying dragon slowly took off. He took a deep look at Yunxiao, and then quickly caught up with the helicopter that was flying away.

"Tell me, how did you catch Humura?"

After all the people had left, Daigo looked at Yunxiao curiously. In his opinion, Humura had the strength of the peak of the gym owner level, and Yunxiao was only at the elite level at most.

With elite-level strength, no matter how hard you think, it is impossible to subdue Fire Village.

"Hehe, I just happen to need your help."

Yun Xiao smiled, and he did not intend to hide it from Daigo.

"Come out, Rayquaza."

Yun Xiao released Rayquaza, and Daigo opened his mouth in surprise after Rayquaza appeared.

"This... is the legendary Rayquaza?"

Daigo looked at the Rayquaza that appeared on the field with an incredible look on his face. He couldn't figure out why the legendary Rayquaza was subdued by Yun Xiao.

"Mr. Daigo, for some reasons, Rayquaza has become my Pokémon now. But it is not the one with a divine position, and its strength is at the champion level. This time, we can defeat Fire Village, relying on this Rayquaza."

Yun Xiao told Daigo the whole process of defeating Fire Village, and also told Daigo about subduing Sidoran.

"Hamura will definitely tell the Alliance about these things."

Yun Xiao also expressed his concerns to Daigo. Once Humura confessed everything, Yun Xiao was afraid that the Alliance would come to him and ask him to hand over Rayquaza and Sidolan.

"Do you want me to tell the Alliance about this matter, let them know that you are my man, so that they dare not touch your Rayquaza and Sidolan?"

Daigo immediately understood the meaning of Yun Xiao's words and asked with a smile.

"Yes, that's what I mean."

Yun Xiao nodded and looked at Rayquaza on the side. This is his biggest help in fighting Hunter J in the future, and he doesn't want it to be taken away by the Alliance.

"Don't worry about this. The Alliance is not as dark as you think. Although Rayquaza is a legendary Pokémon, it is just a Pokémon. As long as you are a member of the Alliance, the Alliance will not only not deprive you of your Pokémon, but will even find someone to protect you. Of course, if you are worried, I will go to see Grandpa Damaranch in person."

Dawu explained to Yun Xiao with a smile. He didn't expect Yun Xiao to think that the Alliance was so dark.


Thank you, Mr. Daigo. "

Yun Xiao didn't say much. He thanked Daigo and took back the Rayquaza.

"Don't be so polite. If possible, I hope to fight with your Rayquaza."

Daigo said with a burning look in his eyes. Isn't it their interest as top people to fight against powerful opponents?

"Okay. But I have to wait until after my league competition."

Yun Xiao nodded and did not refuse.

"Okay, then it's settled. By the way, take this."

Daigo smiled and nodded, then threw a colorful round stone into Yun Xiao's hand.

"What is this? "

Looking at the colorful stone in his hand, he asked curiously. He could feel an extremely strong power from the colorful stone, which was constantly compatible with himself.

"This is called the Evolution Keystone. It seems that Unova has discovered that this stone can allow some specific Pokémon to use this stone and another item called Mega Evolution Stone to evolve again for a short time. The Pokémon after evolution will be even stronger. "

Daigo explained to Yun Xiao. This research result was not disclosed, but only known to internal personnel. Daigo told Yun Xiao such important information, obviously not treating Yun Xiao as an outsider.

"Why give me such a valuable thing?"

Yun Xiao felt the power brought by the keystone. He knew the preciousness of this stone. He was very curious why Daigo would give such an important stone to himself.

"It's a reward for you to capture the Fire Village. Besides, as a member of my elite team, you can better assist me if you become stronger. "

Daigo looked at Yun Xiao with admiration. He was very fortunate that his decision to pull Yun Xiao to his side really brought him a surprise. Even the legendary Rayquaza and Sidoran were conquered by him.

"Thank you, Mr. Daigo."

Yun Xiao thanked Daigo and put the evolution key into his backpack.

"Then I should go. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

Daigo stood on the back of Shiny Metagross. He had not finished the excavation work in a cave just now and hurried over.

"Well, I should also return to my partner."

The sky was gradually getting dark. Yun Xiao let Ditto transform into Pidgeot and sat on it.

"On the day of the League Competition, I will come to cheer for you in person, Yun Xiao."

After Daigo left a message, Shiny Metagross quickly disappeared in front of Yun Xiao.

"Let's go too. "

Yun Xiao patted Ditto who had transformed into Pidgeot. Ditto flapped his wings slightly and flew high into the sky, speeding towards the direction of Shuijing City.

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