The old man was in trouble.

Red Flame Pine was sailing in the sea on a submarine, with a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes. Without Kyogre as a bargaining chip, he also lost the right to negotiate with the Ocean Team.


Just then, a large ship appeared in front of him. Shui Wutong was holding a red gem in his hand and looking at the submarine with Red Flame Pine floating on the water in front of him with a sinister smile on his face.


Chi Yansong immediately opened the hatch of the submarine and looked at Shui Wutong in front of him with anger on his face: "You dishonest guy, you actually have the nerve to appear in front of me? Now that you have gained the power to control Kyogre, are you showing off to me now?"

"Oh, I am really angry."

Shui Wutong did not answer Chi Yansong, but looked at Chi Yansong with a smile on his face. Seeing that Chi Yansong was about to lose his temper, Shui Wutong hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I am here to cooperate with you. As long as you agree to me, it is not impossible to hand over Groudon to you."


Chi Yansong heard that the other party was willing to hand over Groudon to him, and his eyes lit up and he immediately asked what kind of cooperation it was.

"You should know Du, right?"

Shui Wutong did not say the content of the cooperation, but asked Chi Yansong.

"Du, the champion of Chengdu, what happened to him?"

Chi Yansong was a little impatient, but he still calmed down and asked, after all, it was about Groudon.

"When my subordinate Quan Mei infiltrated your group, a mysterious master appeared. Quan Mei didn't recognize who the other person was at first. Later, when reporting, she remembered that the guy was Chengdu Champion Du."

Shui Wutong called out his subordinate Quan Mei. After receiving Quan Mei's affirmative answer, Chi Yansong looked at the members of the Lava Team around him in surprise. After all, the other party's goal had been achieved, and there was obviously no reason to deceive himself.

"Don't look for him. He had already left when Kyogre left. I came here to join forces with you. We will use the power of Kyogre and Groudon to solve the opponents who are in the way first, and then compete with each other. What do you think?"

"In addition, I also received intelligence. The former champion Daigo is heading towards Mengs Island with his elite team. Why don't we eliminate them all in one fell swoop to eliminate future troubles!"

Shui Wutong glanced at the distance with a cold look in his eyes, full of murderous intent.

"As long as you are willing to hand over Groudon to me, I agree to your cooperation."

Chi Yansong touched his chin and decided to agree to Shui Wutong's request. After all, Daigo and Watari are indeed a big trouble. It is afraid that relying on the power of himself and Groudon alone will be a little unstable. It is better to cooperate with his mortal enemy once.

"Hahaha, good. Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Shui Wutong laughed loudly. Because Groudon's weight is too terrible, he naturally will not carry Groudon with him, so Shui Wutong brought Chi Yansong to his secret base.

Shui Wutong took Chi Yansong to the huge container where Groudon was imprisoned. When the members of the Ocean Team saw that the person coming was Shui Wutong, they saluted respectfully.

Shui Wutong waved his hand, indicating that the members of the Ocean Team should open the container, so the members of the Ocean Team opened the huge container door under Chi Yansong's urgent eyes.

What caught Chi Yansong's eyes was a huge red figure, which was surrounded by magma, and it was sleeping quietly in the container.

"This... is my Groudon."

Chi Yansong's excited hands slowly touched the direction of Groudon, and a stream of magma slowly slid down, scaring Chi Yansong to immediately come to his senses and retract his hands.

"Come on, wake up Groudon. Get its powerful power, believe me, you will be addicted!"

Shui Wutong laughed almost crazily, and the red orb in his hand glowed with strong light.

(It's a bit strange, why in the anime, the red orb controls Kyogre and the blue orb controls Groudon.)

"Wake up, Groudon. Let's expand our territory together."

Chi Yansong took out the blue orb, and the blue orb glowed with blue light. Groudon gradually opened his eyes under this strong light, and then quietly looked at the Chi Yansong who woke him up.


Just then, Groudon's mortal enemy Gaioka appeared in the sky, and heavy rain poured down instantly.

"Woo wow~"

Grawod was not to be outdone, and the sun shone glaringly on the land on its side, and a strange

The phenomenon occurred. It was pouring rain in the direction of Water Wutong and Kyogre, while it was sunny in the direction of Groudon and Crimson.

But it was only a moment, and the two Pokémon withdrew the rain and sunshine, restored to their original appearance, and stood quietly behind Crimson and Water Wutong.

"How is it? The feeling of controlling this powerful force?"

Water Wutong looked at Crimson with a sinister smile.

"It's really cool!"

Crimson's expression also changed. Now he has become the same as Water Wutong, and the crazy look is reflected on their faces.


Water Wutong narrowed his eyes slightly, fearing that Crimson would change his face immediately after getting Groudon.

"Of course it will go on. I can't wait to see Daigo and Watari bowing down, hahahaha~"

The two laughed, and then walked away with a serious face. Water Wutong summoned all the members of his Ocean Team, and Crimson summoned the members of his Lava Team.

The two mortal enemies were about to fight when they met, but they were stopped by Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong on the spot.

"Everyone on the Ocean Team, listen to my order. Put aside all the grudges with the Magma Team for the time being. This time, our goal is the same, to eliminate the Chengdu champion Du and the former champion Daigo!"

Shui Wutong announced his order loudly, and Kyogre was floating quietly above him.


Seeing their belief Kyogre and their leader Shui Wutong on the same stage, everyone including Izumi, Di, and Ah Chao responded loudly and excitedly.

"Members of the Magma Team, listen to my order, cooperate with the Ocean Team with all your strength, clear the obstacles and divide the world again!"

Behind Chi Yansong, Groudon's huge body gave the Magma Team members a great sense of security.


Members of the Magma Team, Huoyan and Naruto all echoed.

"I really didn't expect that we would have a day to cooperate."

Izumi walked in front of Huoyan and Naruto and stretched out her hands.

"Hmph, it's just temporary."

Huoyan snorted coldly, but still held Izumi's right hand.

"After defeating Watari and Daigo, it will be our showdown."

Hokage also held Izumi's left hand and answered with a fighting look on his face.

"Of course."

Izumi smiled slightly and returned to her team.

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