The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

"For the home behind, let's go with me!"

Miss Junsha gathered a large number of trainers who stayed in Dream Island. These trainers were of different levels, ranging from intermediate to advanced. They fought desperately with the members of the Magma Team and the Ocean Team under the command of Miss Junsha.

The appearance of these trainers made Kalum and his team feel a lot more relaxed. The people in Daigo's team looked at each other and got the same answer from their eyes.

Must go to Yun Xiao's side!

At this time, Yun Xiao was alone in resisting the attacks of Kyogre and Groudon and was exhausted. If those cadres were allowed to come out to harass him again, Yun Xiao would definitely be defeated.

"Lucario, wave missile!"

Ye Xingchen commanded Lucario to defeat the Charizard that was about to attack from behind, and then followed Ye Xingchen who was riding Charizard and ran forward.

Tian Long also rode Charizard and rushed forward at a high speed. Charizard kept spitting out jets of flames in the sky, harassing the members of the Magma Team and the Ocean Team below.

"Moon Eevee, malicious pursuit."

Cen Chuanci defeated the Pokémon beside him and sent out Sonic Dragon, quickly catching up with his teammates.

"Really, bullying me for not having a flying Pokémon."

Karom silently climbed onto the back of Centipede King, letting Centipede King carry him forward, while letting the Array Soldier and the Gnatosaurus guard him.


The battlefield of Pokémon in legend.

At this time, Rayquaza had no idea how many times it had fought with Kyogre and Groudon. There were already many scars on its body, but Kyogre and Groudon were still intact.

"Hahaha, why bother to insist? How can you be a match for Groudon alone?"

Red Flame Pine laughed crazily. Sure enough, his Groudon was invincible. Even the overlord of the sky was not his opponent.

"Boy, do you want to join forces with us? How about a sea, land and air alliance?"

Shui Wutong threw an olive branch to Yun Xiao. Although Yun Xiao had been dragging him like this, he would be defeated sooner or later, but it was too time-consuming.

"Dream on! Rayquaza uses Dragon Star Group."

Yun Xiao, who was stained with blood, shouted at Red Flame Pine and Shui Wutong. In the battle between the three legendary Pokémon, Yun Xiao was inevitably attacked by the aftermath.

At this time, his face and body were scratched by the attack of skills, and he looked like a standing bloody man.


Rayquaza was also full of anger, and roared to the sky. Then he blasted the Dragon Star Group into the sky, and meteorites fell from the sky and hit Kyogre and Groudon.

Kyogre condensed the root wave again, and the root wave destroyed all the meteorites around him, and then used a powerful freezing ray towards Rayquaza in the sky.

Groudon used the Cliff Sword to block the incoming meteorites, and then used the Sun Beam on Rayquaza.

"Godspeed, and then use the finishing touch on the clumsy guy on the ground who can't fly."

Rayquaza quickly floated up to avoid the two attacks, and then flashed in front of Groudon with a godspeed. A green light instantly appeared on Rayquaza's body, and the finishing touch was activated instantly, hitting Groudon fiercely.


Grawdo, who was hit by the finishing touch, whimpered in a low voice, and condensed a flaming fist in his right hand, which hit Rayquaza directly. Rayquaza was directly knocked to the ground by Groudon.

"Ahem, is Rayquaza okay?"

The attacks were all blocked by Rayquaza, and Yun Xiao was not hurt. After inhaling the smoke, Yun Xiao coughed and asked Rayquaza worriedly.

Rayquaza slowly got up from the ground, repelled the rushing Groudon with an iron tail, and flew into the sky again.

"Now that the outcome is determined, why do you insist? Since you don't want to join us, sink with this island!"

Shui Wutong's eyes were full of mockery. Yun Xiao's ignorance of the current situation made him lose patience. The red gem in his hand burst into a strong light, and Kyogre used the freezing ray on Rayquaza flying high in the sky.

"Bronze Bell, use Protect."

When Kyogre's attack was about to hit Rayquaza, a bronze bell flew into the battlefield, and a green barrier instantly unfolded to block Kyogre's powerful freezing beam.

"Huh, luckily we made it."

Karum wiped the sweat off his forehead and saw

When Kyogre's attack came, Karum immediately asked Bronze Bell to protect Rayquaza. Fortunately, at the last moment, Bronze Bell successfully came to Rayquaza's side.

"Well done."

Cen Chuanci praised Karum. If Rayquaza, a powerful fighter, was lost, then this time would be really over.

The power of the freezing ray dissipated, and the Bronze Bell appeared in front of Rayquaza intact.

"What a strong defense. Thank you, Karum."

Yun Xiao looked at the undamaged Bronze Bell and couldn't help but be surprised. You know, this is a blow from a legendary Pokémon with a downgraded godly position. Although there is protection to resist, the protection of the gym leader level is simply vulnerable in front of it.

"Don't worry, we will do our best to assist you."

Karum raised his thumb to the sky to reassure Yun Xiao.

"I can't let you stop the Red Flame Pine and Master Shui Wutong."

At this time, Quan Mei led the four major cadres of the Magma Team and the Ocean Team to block in front of the four people of Kalum, and they each sent out their own Pokémon.

Judging from the momentum emanating from them, they have all reached the King level! And Quan Mei's Pokémon is even better, having reached the middle stage of the King level.

"Let's do a big fight, Charizard!"

The opponent's strength also aroused Tian Long's interest. The Charizard under him was burning with a strong fighting spirit.

"It's so hot, hot-blooded idiot."

Beside him, Cen Chuanci complained. Around him, Chimaera, Zoroark, Lucario, Greninja, Aledo, Sonic Dragon, and Shining Moon Eevee, a total of seven Pokémon, have already prepared for the battle.

"It's been a long time since I last exercised."

Ye Xingchen shook his neck, his eyes full of desire to fight.



Just then, an explosion sounded from Kyogre and Groudon. Both Pokémon were attacked by the Destruction Ray at the same time.

"How can we be absent from the battle?"

In the sky, a Shiny Metagross and two Dragonites were suspended in the air. The attack just now was launched by them.

"Sorry for the wait."

One of the Dragonites suddenly pounced in front of Kalum and his group, and the Dragonite put down the trainer on it.

"Vice-Captain, Captain Daigo, and Du!"

Kalum was overjoyed. Yes, it was Daigo and his group who arrived late.

"Prepare for battle."

Xuan Yi didn't say much, and looked at Izumi on the opposite side. He chose the strongest player on the other side.


"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts."

In the battlefield of the big melee, Xiaozhi and his group also rushed over, and after joining Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, they wrestled with the members of the Magma Team and the Ocean Team.

Even the three members of Team Rocket joined in to help.

"Sui Wutong, Crimson Flame. It's time to end this farce."

Daigo and Watari came to the front of Sui Wutong and Crimson Flame. The two champion-level Pokémon were ready for battle.

(What about Calum? Why don't you have a Pokémon that can mega? Do you want to add one? The battle is about to begin. Five more chapters are expected tomorrow)

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