The next morning, after breakfast, everyone was pulled to the Green Ridge Gym by the enthusiastic Xiaozhi.

After arriving at the Green Ridge Gym, Xiaozhi rushed in excitedly, but was told that the Green Ridge Gym Master was not in the gym at the moment, so he walked out with a depressed look on his face.

"Since we can't fight the gym, how about we go to the center of the universe today?"

Xiaosheng asked everyone, he had wanted to go to the center of the universe for a long time.

"Okay, then let's relax for a day today."

Although Xiaozhi was very depressed that he couldn't challenge the gym, it was also force majeure, so Xiaozhi agreed with Xiaosheng's opinion, and everyone walked towards the center of the universe together.

"This is the center of the universe!"

Coming to a huge platform, Xiaoyao exclaimed in surprise. In front of them, there was a huge launch platform, and a rocket waiting to fly was parked here.

Many staff members were constantly checking near the rocket, obviously preparing for the next entry into the universe.

"Let me see, there are instructions here. Astronaut Keane will fly to the universe again in a few days, and pre-flight inspection is being carried out now."

Xiaogang took out the latest Green Ridge City Guide to guide everyone.

"Enter the universe..."

Xiaosheng's eyes were full of brilliance, and he obviously wanted to go into the universe to take a look.

"Let's go to the center to observe and observe. It is said that there is a space anti-gravity space."

Yun Xiao pointed to the huge building in front, and the facilities inside were available for tourists to observe and experience.

"Let's go, let's go..."

Xiaoyao pushed everyone forward, full of expectations for the things inside.


Inside the center of the universe, Yun Xiao stood alone in front of a huge moon model, his face full of helplessness.

After entering the center, because of the large terrain, Yun Xiao was attracted by the rocket model during the observation process. When he came to his senses, Xiaozhi and others had already disappeared.

“What the hell, how did they get lost?”

Yun Xiao looked helpless. It’s okay if one person got lost, but you four actually got lost together. It’s too hard for me!


Longtailed Strange Hand ran out of the Poké Ball, curiously looking at the surrounding scenery, and then jumped onto Yun Xiao’s shoulder.

“There’s really no way, Longtailed Strange Hand, let’s find those lost idiots together.”

Yun Xiao touched Longtailed Strange Hand’s head and walked towards the front.


Longtailed Strange Hand nodded, stood on Yun Xiao’s shoulder obediently, looking for Xiaozhi and others.

Arriving at the corridor, Yun Xiao did not find Xiaozhi and the others, but saw three familiar figures, namely Musashi, Kojiro and Meowth.

"Is it Team Rocket?"

Looking at their sneaky appearance, Yun Xiao and Long Tailed Monster Hand nodded in tacit understanding, wanting to see what they were going to do.


"Why did you close the door so loudly? What if you are discovered!"

Musashi scolded Kojiro.

"But... this door is so heavy."

Kojiro was so aggrieved by Musashi's scolding that he also wanted to close the door quietly. But the door was too heavy, and just as he was about to close it quietly, it suddenly closed automatically.

"Okay, you two, our goal this time is to steal a rocket for Boss Sakaki. Let Boss fulfill his childhood dream of flying into space. As long as Boss Sakaki is satisfied, we can be promoted to cadres and branch heads. Meow."

Meow Meow looked at Musashi and Kojiro with a serious face. In his mind, he had imagined how happy Boss Sakaki was after receiving the rocket given by Meow Meow and others.

"Oh, so you are here to steal the rocket."

Just then, a voice scared the three members of Team Rocket. Looking in the direction of the voice, they found Yun Xiao sitting on the table, looking at them with a playful face, and the long-tailed monster hand on his shoulder was staring at them.

"It's the little beast!"

The three were shocked. They had seen Yun Xiao commanding Rayquaza on Mengs Island. After seeing Yun Xiao, the three retreated in fear. They are no match for Rayquaza.

"Uh... You don't have to react like this, right?"

Yun Xiao looked at them helplessly. Am I so scary?

Yun Xiao didn't know much about the Rocket trio. The only thing he knew was that they seemed to have an inexplicable loyalty to Sakaki and were proud of being villains, but they did things that were not worthy of being villains.

Things that are not suitable for each other.

For example, when they first met, capturing Pikachu actually absorbed Pikachu's excess power and resolved Pikachu's self-explosion crisis.

For example, when they were on Mengs Island, they actually helped Xiaozhi and the others to protect Dai Xiaolin. Yun Xiao saw all these actions.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing the Rocket trio trying to sneak away, Yun Xiao immediately asked, and the long-tailed monster jumped off Yun Xiao's body and stood in front of them with a grin.

Looking at the long-tailed monster in front of them, which exuded an elite aura, Musashi and the other two swallowed their saliva, sat on the floor and looked at Yun Xiao honestly.

"What do you want to do? We haven't had time to do bad things yet!"

Kojiro asked Yun Xiao, but was immediately covered by Meowth and Musashi. What do you mean by not having time yet!

"Don't be nervous, I don't care about these."

Yun Xiao smiled slightly, showing a harmless expression, and then released Ditto, which slowly climbed onto Yun Xiao's shoulder and followed Yun Xiao to the front of the Rocket Team trio.


The trio swallowed their saliva. Although Yun Xiao looked harmless, the more so, the more scared they were.

"We don't have money, meow, we are still on loan now, meow."

Meow Meow thought Yun Xiao wanted to rob them, and quickly told them their financial situation.

"What do I need your money for? Aren't you the Rocket Team? As the Rocket Team, you are still short of money? Doesn't your boss care about you?"

Yun Xiao rolled his eyes at them. Although he was greedy for money, he couldn't do robbery. At the same time, he was very curious why the three of them, as a powerful Rocket Team, actually needed loans to live.

"In order to catch Pikachu, we have already advanced several months' salary. Boss Sakaki hasn't paid us for a long time."

Kojiro sighed and talked about their hardships.

"Boss Sakaki? The boss of Team Rocket is actually that Sakaki of the Earth? No wonder... he is hiding so deeply."

After getting important information from Kojiro, Yun Xiao was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that the champion-level Sakaki of the Earth was actually the man behind Team Rocket.

"What Sakaki? Don't talk nonsense!"

Musashi quickly blocked Kojiro's mouth and quickly denied what Kojiro had just said.


Yun Xiao took out his mobile phone and played the playback function. What Kojiro had just said was played back by Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao turned on the recording since he entered the door, but he didn't expect to get a very important clue.

"Thank you for the information. Tell me why you are so devoted to Sakaki. You can't go back anyway."

Yun Xiao sat in front of them. He was not worried that Musashi and the others would escape. After all, they could not go back to Team Rocket after betraying their boss.

"Why do you treat us like this? Do you know how hard we have worked to be a good member of Team Rocket? We just want to find our own value of survival, but you deprived us of it."

Musashi knelt on the ground and cried. Kojiro and Meow Meow also shed sad tears. They could no longer consider themselves Team Rocket.

The fate of betraying Team Rocket is only one word, death!

"In this case, why don't you just follow me."

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